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1、1班级_ 姓名_ 座号_ 分数_Module6 Unit1 抽测题抽测题 一、 单项填空。( )1. A panda is one of _ in the world.A. the most famous animal B. most famous animalC. the most famous animals D. most famous animals( ) 2. Dont make me _ this or that. Im too busy.A. to do B. do C. doing D. did ( ) 3. The trash bin is full. Could you _

2、?A. take away it B. take it away C. take away them D. take them away ( ) 4.Did he know anything about the situation?Yes. He knew it _.A. good enough B. enough good C. well enough D. enough well ( ) 5. He was very _ at the _ news.A. surprised; surprised B. surprising; surprisedC. surprised; surprisin

3、g D. surprising; surprised二、 用适当的介词或副词填空。1. It is said that many kinds of animals are _ danger.2. The zoo allows people to get closer _ the pandas.3. The robbers (抢劫者) took his wallet _.4. My parents bought a cat for me. I look _ it every day.5. After a12-hour operation (手术), we brought the tiger to

4、 life _ last.2课外练习课外练习一、完型填空一、完型填空(通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案)。 Jane was a nice girl and she liked small animals. On her way back from school 1._ afternoon , she always 2._ to look at the animals in the pet shop. She liked to see the dogs. One of them was a little white dog , and Jane lik

5、ed it 3._. She 4. _ the dog 5. _ in the pet shop. She often forgot the time, so she came home very 6._. One day her parents asked 7._ she was late. Jane told them about the dog in the pet shop. The next day Jane stopped to look 8._ the window of the pet shop, but she could not 9._ the dog. She was v

6、ery sad and went home early. When she 10._ home, her mother showed her a big cake and her father gave her the little white dog from the pet shop. It was her birthday. Jane was very glad. From that day, she did not come home late. She ran home early to play with the little white dog every day.( ) 1.

7、A. each one B. every C. this D. /( ) 2. A. turned B. looked C. stopped D. found( ) 3. A. very many B. very much C. very D. little( ) 4. A. watched B. read C. listened D. saw( ) 5. A. play B. eat C. think D. walk( ) 6. A. late B. early C. fast D. first( ) 7. A. what B. why C. when D. where( ) 8. A. a

8、t B. to C. into D. onto( ) 9. A. look B. live C. help D. see( ) 10 A. got B. got to C. arrived in D. arrived at 二、完成句子,每空一词。二、完成句子,每空一词。1、爸爸从不允许我撒谎。 My father never _ _ _ tell a lie. 2、我们有足够一个星期吃的食物。We have _ _ for one week. 3、这个小女孩因为那场车祸而生命垂危。目前还没脱离危险。The little girl was _ _ because of the car acci

9、dent. She isnt _ _ _ at present.3答案答案抽测题一、 单项填空。1、C 2、B 3、B 4、C 5、C二、介词填空。1、in 2、to 3、away 4、after 5、at课外练习一、 完型填空。1、B 2、C 3、B 4、A 5、A6、A 7、B 8、C 9、D 10、A二、完成句子,每空一词。1、allows us to 2、enough food 3、in danger out of danger班级_ 姓名_ 座号_ 分数_Module6 Unit2 抽测题抽测题 三、 单项填空。( )1. Lets try our best _ the plants

10、 in danger.A. save B. saving C. to save D. to saving( ) 2. Pandas _ bamboo. A. feed B. feed on C. live D. live with( ) 3. _ save the red-crowned crane (丹顶鹤),she lost 4her life.A. Because B. So as to C. In order D. In order to ( ) 4.Hi, Peter. Why are you in such a hurry?_ the 7:30 train.A. Catch B.

11、To catch C. catching D. Caught ( ) 5. John is _ the army.A. enough old to join B. old enough to joinC. enough old joining D. old enough joining四、 完成句子,每空一词。6. 动物园的工作人员照顾这些动物。The workers in the zoo _ _ the animals.7. 为了保护野生大熊猫,政府正在设立自然公园。_ _ _ _ pandas in the wild, the government is _ _ nature parks.

12、课外练习课外练习一、短文填空一、短文填空(请用适当的词完成这篇短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确 的意义相符的单词)。When people think of tigers, they say theyre strong and dangerous. 1._now, the big animal is calling for our help.2._were once eight kinds of tigers in the world, but three died out during last century. In the last 70 years, 3._ number of Sib

13、erian tigers(东北虎)has gone from as 4._ as 300 to somewhere between 18 and 22.5The world Wildlife Fund (WWF) started a program recently. It is 5._ to put an end to tiger poaching(非法狩猎)and save wild tigers. China, together with 12 other 6._, has 7._in. The aim is to double(使倍增)the number of wild tigers in the next ten years.According 8._ research by Chinese officers and the WWF, the Siberian tiger is already 9._of the worlds most endangered animals,“If the government doesnt 10._any action, its quite possible that there will be no more Siberian tigers in China in 10 to 20 years,” said


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