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1、 单 位 代 码单 位 代 码 1047510475 学号学号 104753100854104753100854 分类号分类号 J292J292 硕 士 学 位 论 文硕 士 学 位 论 文 王福庵书法篆刻艺术研究王福庵书法篆刻艺术研究 学 科 、 专 业 : 美术学 研 究 方 向 : 书法篆刻 申请学位类别 : 艺术学硕士 申请人 : 刘文勇 指 导 教 师 : 赵振乾 教授 二一三年四月 Research on Wang Fuans calligraphy and seal cutting A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate School o

2、f Henan University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts By Liu Wenyong Supervisor: Prof.Zhao Zhenqian May, 2013 关于学位论文独创声明和学术诚信承诺 本人向河南大学提出硕士学位申请。本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导 师的指导下独立完成的, 对所研究的课题有新的见解。 据我所知, 除文中特别加以说明、 标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包括其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包括其 他人为获得任何教育、科研

3、机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同事对 本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 在此本人郑重承诺:所呈交的学位论文不存在舞弊作伪行为,文责自负。 学位申请人(学位论文作者)签名: 201 年 月 日 关于学位论文著作权使用授权书 本人经河南大学审核批准授予硕士学位。作为学位论文的作者,本人完全了解并同 意河南大学有关保留、使用学位论文的要求,即河南大学有权向国家图书馆、科研信息机构、数据收集机构和本校图书馆等提供学位论文(纸质文本和电子文本)以供公众检 索、查阅。本人授权河南大学出于宣扬、展览学校学术发展和进行学术交流等目的,可 以采取影印、 缩印、 扫描和

4、拷贝等复制手段保存、 汇编学位论文 (纸质文本和电子文本) 。 (涉及保密内容的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书) 学位获得者(学位论文作者)签名: 201 年 月 日 学位论文指导教师签名: 201 年 月 日 I 摘 要 王福庵少年家境优裕,他自幼秉庭训治小学(文字学) ,作篆书并篆刻。青年时与丁辅之、叶铭、吴隐共同创建西泠印社。无论篆刻还是书法创作,他都在创社四君子中独占魁首。他不仅是书法篆刻家,而且还是理论家、教育家与事业家。曾出版多部著作,如说文部首拾遗 、 麋研斋作篆通假等均贻益印林。另外,他还是主持修撰西泠印社志稿 ,组织汇刻西泠印社胜迹印谱 (韩登安刻) 、 西泠印社同人印传 (高

5、士熊刻)的倡导者。他的门下弟子都各有印学造诣与功绩,如吴朴堂、顿立夫、徐家植、江成之、韩登安等。至于他本人精算术,工二篆、八分,精刻印,深得浙派神髓,独领一代风骚。他的书法以篆隶为主。篆书面目甚多,擅长以小篆的体例写大篆金文,为此前书坛所未见。至于铁线篆,可以数百字一气呵成,浑然一体,当时堪称并世无俦。诚如其学人所言“福师金石篆刻书艺之堂芜甚广,举凡甲骨、金文、猎碣、玉箸、秦权、诏版、汉碑额、汉石武梁祠画像题字等诸体无所不能” 。其书艺内涵丰沛,篆书得力于石鼓文良多,小篆继承“二李” ,尤其以玉箸篆称誉于时。他的隶书综诸碑之体势,并吸收一些篆书的结构,自成一路谨严、端凝而又流动、妩媚的书风,使

6、识者一望即知为其书。他的篆刻属精细、工整、秀丽、典雅一路,整体感很强,有茂密繁复、劲力内含、绵里藏针、潇洒飘逸、明快流动的特点。 王福庵篆刻创作风格的形成与发展大致可以分为四个阶段:一、奠基时期;二、广撷兼资期;三、篆风形成期;四、篆风成熟期。他的的印作和他的书法一样,时刻洋溢着静谧的气息,不管是白文印还是朱文印,都布局均匀,结构合理,无狂怪之态,线条流畅中有古拙,精细中寓儒雅,整饬中见凝重,茂密中显灵动,流畅飘逸,劲健苍浑,刀中见笔,典雅浑厚,与吴昌硕、赵叔孺鼎足而立当不为过。时人沈禹钟印人杂咏有诗咏之: “法度精严老福庵,古文奇字最能谙。并时吴赵能相下,鼎足会分天下三。 ”将他与吴昌硕、赵

7、叔孺誉为印坛三足鼎立者。还由于其篆刻与书法相互融汇和影响,使其不但在篆刻上取得了细朱文印的宗师地位, 而且在玉箸篆和铁线篆上也达到了超越古人的骄人成绩。 陈振濂曾评论说:“王褆在西泠印社四君子中,是以地道的篆刻创作家享誉于时。若论创作而能进入近代印学史篆刻史,四君子中唯有王褆有开宗立派之功。 ”由此可以II 看出,王福庵不但在创社四君子中独占魁首,即使在整个近代百年书法篆刻史上,也是当之无愧的一代宗师。其开宗立派的气度与影响,至今仍为史家们所啧啧称赞。 关键词:王福庵,书法,篆刻,影响 III ABSTRACT When Wangfuan was young, his family was g

8、racious; he had done training in primary school (text), treatment for seal and seal cutting. In his youth, Wangfuan and Ding Fuzhi, Ye Ming, Wu Yin founded xilingyinshe together. No matter the seal or creation of calligraphy, he has exclusive club leader in four gentlemen. He is not only a calligrap

9、hy and carving, but also a theorist, educator and entrepreneur. He published several books, such as “Shuowenbushou shiyi radicals scavenging“, “moose“ as research Zhai Zhuan interchangeability are Yi Yi Lin. In addition, he presided over the compilation “Xilingyinshe history“, organize exchange mome

10、nt “Xilingyinshe Shengji yinpu“ (Han Dengan moment), “Xiling Seal society printed biography“ (high Shixiong moment) advocates. His disciples of all Indian science attainments and achievements, such as Wu Putang, a leaf, Xu Jiazhi, Jiang Chengzhi, Han Dengan. As for his actuarial technique, two chara

11、cters, eight, fine engraving, won the Zhe school spirit, alone collar generation of coquettish. His calligraphy in zhuanli. Seal face is very well, good at writing inscriptions were to small seal script style, not seen for calligraphy. As for the wire seal, he can make smooth reading hundreds of wor

12、ds, all blend into one harmonious whole. That is, and the world without a rival. As one said “Fu Shi stone carving art of Tang Wu is very wide, such as bones, inscriptions on stone tablet, hunting, jade chopsticks, Qin, Zhao, Han version of it, Han stone portraits Wuliang Temple inscription as the b

13、ody be equal to anything.“ The calligraphic art connotation is abundant, seal character in “stone“ a lot, it inherits the “two Li“, especially in the jade chopsticks seal praise for. His official script in the body of monuments, and absorb some seal structure, a road before, elegant and charming boo

14、k flow, wind, make the understanding to look is the knowledge for the book. His seal is fine, neat, beautiful, elegant way, the overall sense of a strong, has the characteristics of dense complex, containing a ruthless character behind a gentle appearance, strength, chic and elegant, lively flow. Th

15、e formation and development of the Wang Fuan seal writing style can be divided into four stages: first, foundation period; in two, wide and capital; three, the seal air formation stage; four, the seal air maturity. His seals and his calligraphy, is a land of quiet atmosphere, whether it is Bai Wenyi

16、n or Zhu Wenyin, all layout uniform, reasonable structure, no crazy strange state, IV has simple lines smooth, fine combination of elegance, tidy in see dignified, explicit smart, dense in smooth elegant, vigorous strong, knife in sum, elegant and vigorous, with Wu Changshuo, Zhao Shuru Lord when not excessive. When Shen Yuzhong “Indians zayong“ there is Poetry: “testimonies st


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