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1、1廊坊东方职业技术学院廊坊东方职业技术学院授授课课教教案案课程名称课程名称大学英语实用教程 2总学时96授课授课班级班级14 护理 3 班授课时间授课时间第 1 教学周,第 1 次课教学内容教学内容Unit5 How to Protect the EarthSection IPart One and Two教学目标教学目标1. Knowledge Objective : Students should master the new important words and phrases and finish the listening parts. 2.AbilityObjective : T

2、ocultivatethestudents self-learning ability and their motivation to use English. 3. Emotion Objective:To stimulate the students enthusiasm to learn and use English in daily life.教学重点教学重点The useful words and expressions. The important sentences.教学难点教学难点The listening skills and role-play the dialogue.

3、授课方法授课方法Heuristicmethod,interactiveteaching,multi-level teaching, presentation and drill, role-play.复习提问复习提问Have you realized the environment pollution? Talk about different kinds of environment pollution.作作业业1. Review words and expressions. 2. Recite the useful sentences. 3. Role-play the second pa

4、rt.课后小结课后小结1. Enlarge students vocabulary 2. Broaden students visions. 3. Encourage students to make bigger progress.2课堂教学方案课堂教学方案 1板书设计板书设计讲述要点讲述要点Unit 1Part One Task IVocabulary:Key:StepStep I.I. Warm-up.Warm-up.Have you realized the environment pollution?Talk about different kinds of environment

5、pollution.With the development of industry, water pollution is becoming more serious now. The polluted water not only kills fish, it is also harmful to our health. Many people get sick because they drink the polluted water. In some rivers the water is so dirty that they can even kill plants. 0 0We s

6、hould fight against the pollution. We should stop using harmful things. I wish it is not a dream that in the near future we can have clean rivers again.StepStep II.II. WordsWords andand expressionsexpressions ofof TaskTask I,III,II pureI take wheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood.我每天服用小麦

7、酵母片来净化血液。4.recycleThe objective would be to recycle 98 percent of domestic waste.该目标是循环使用 98%的生活垃圾。35. promoteYou dont have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.你们没有必要牺牲环保来促进经济增长。6.take a tollToll: n. 通行费;代价;钟声;伤亡人数vt. 征收;敲钟7.destructiondestruct:vi. 自毁n. 自毁8.attach import

8、ance toPolitically,bothsidesattachimportancetodeepeningthebilateralall-roundstrategicpartnership.政治上,双方都重视深化中欧全面战略伙伴关系。9.sustainableThe creation of an efficient and sustainable transport system iscritical.一个高效而可持续发展的交通系统的创建是非常重要的。10.adhere toWe adhere to the contract.我们遵守契约。11.an array ofWereadanarr

9、ayofrecordsandthenwritethearray.跟读我们读取一个记录数组,然后写入该数组。prehensive4comprehensive knowledge全面的知识 ; 广博的知识This oneisdesigned to bethe mostcomprehensive.跟读这次调查是所有调查中最全面的一次13.conspicuousMost people dont want to be too conspicuous.大多数人不愿过于显眼。14.undertakingThis is an undertaking encompassing 14,500 offices an

10、d facilitiesaround the world.跟读这项行动将在花旗集团设在全球的 14500 个办公场所和其他设施展开StepStep III.III. AfterAfter listeninglistening studentsstudents shouldshould trytry toto knowknowthethe mainmainideaidea ,finish,finish TaskTask I,III,II 垮掉一代 ; 垮了的一代 ; 跨掉的一代It a new generation of Apple computers.新一代苹果电脑.the younger g

11、eneration of party members.较年轻一代的党员。16, futileWedonotfightglobalwarmingbecauseitisfutiletodoso.跟读我们不对付全球变暖的斗争,因为以这样做是徒劳的。Futile Odds希望渺茫futile effort徒劳 ; 白费心力17, ignorantPeople dont like to ask questions for fear of appearingignorant.人们不喜欢问问题,生怕显得自己无知。ignorant of 不知道;不懂1018, subjectsubject to以 ; 受制于

12、 ; 使服从 ; 使受到Prices may be subject to alteration.价格可能会受变更影响。It was I who first raised the subject of plastic surgery.是我首先提起了整形手术这个话题。19, consentIoughtfirst tohave askedyourconsent.跟读我本应该首先征得你的同意。informed consent 知情同意,知会同意;知后同意20, to. extentTo some extent.从某种程度上说.To such an extent. 到这种程度StepStep III.I

13、II. DealDeal withwith texttext A ALet students listen to the CD ,and read the passage. Thenanalyze and translate the difficult sentences.StepStep IV.IV. CheckCheck thethe keyskeys ofof thethe exerciseexercise I.I.StepStep V.V. Homework.Homework.1. Review words and expressions.2. Finish the exercises

14、 and preview next part.11廊坊东方职业技术学院廊坊东方职业技术学院授授课课教教案案课程课程 名称名称大学英语实用教程 1总学时96授课授课 班级班级14 护理 3 班授课授课 时间时间第 1 教学周,第 3 次课教学教学 课题课题Unit5 How to Protect the EarthCheck up the exercises of Text A and Learn Text B教学教学 目标目标1.Knowledge Objective:Students can get the main idea and some special information fro

15、m the passage and master the new words and phrases in the text. Finish the exercises. 2.AbilityObjective : Tocultivatethestudents self-learningabilityandtheirmotivationtouse English.教学教学 重点重点The useful words and expressions. The important sentences.教学教学 难点难点Get the main idea and grammatical phenomen

16、a in the text授课授课 方法方法Heuristicmethod,interactiveteaching,multi-level teaching.复习复习 提问提问Ask questions to review.作作业业1. Review words and expressions. 2. Recite the useful sentences. 3. Finish the exercises12课后小结课后小结1. Enlarge students vocabulary 2. Broaden students visions. 3. Encourage students to make bigger progress.课堂教学方案课堂教学方案板书设计板书设计讲述要点讲述要点Key:StepStep I.I. ReviewReview whatwhat wewe havehave learnedlearned lastlast timetimeStepStep II.II.FinishFinish theth


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