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1、 分类号:H131 学校单位代码:10446 硕 士 学 位 论 文 论文题目:论文题目: 春秋繁露训释札记 研 究 生 姓 名 : 孔 超 学 科 、 专 业 : 汉语言文字学 研究方向: 古代汉语 导师姓名、职称 : 张诒三 教授 论文完成时间: 2013 年 4 月 曲阜师范大学研究生学位论文原创性说明 (根据学位论文类型相应地在“”划“”) 本人郑重声明: 此处所提交的博士/硕士论文 训释札记 ,是本人在导师指导下,在曲阜师范大学攻读博士/硕士学位期间独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文中除注明部分外不包含他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果。对本文的研究工作做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中

2、以明确的方式注明。本声明的法律结果将完全由本人承担。 作者签名:孔超 日期:2013 年 4 月 曲阜师范大学研究生学位论文使用授权书 (根据学位论文类型相应地在“”划“”) 训释札记系本人在曲阜师范大学攻读博士/硕士学位期间,在导师指导下完成的博士/硕士学位论文。本论文的研究成果归曲阜师范大学所有,本论文的研究内容不得以其他单位的名义发表。本人完全了解曲阜师范大学关于保存、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向有关部门送交论文的复印件和电子版本,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权曲阜师范大学,可以采用影印或其他复制手段保存论文,可以公开发表论文的全部或部分内容。 作者签名:孔超 日期:2013 年

3、 4 月 导师签名: 日期: 摘 要 春秋繁露由西汉董仲舒撰写。全书共十七卷,八十二篇,实存七十九篇。本文以春秋繁露 章节顺序为正文的编排体例, 以钟兆鹏先生编写 春秋繁露校释 为底本 (河北人民出版社,2005 年 5 月第 1 版,2005 年 5 月第 1 次印刷) 。 由于文本距今年代久远,在摘抄流传过程中出现衍、脱、讹、误等现象,这给后人研读春秋繁露带来了很大的不便。虽然很多学者对春秋繁露进行大量的校勘整理工作,但是仍然存在一些有待商榷的地方。本文以前人的研究成果为基础,对书中校勘、注释和句读有异议的地方进行进一步探索。正文部分共包括 44 条。其中楚庄王第一7 条,如: “取同姓”

4、中“取”通“娶” ,为“迎娶”义; “痛其祸也”后标点“, ”改为“。 ” ; “射貍首之乐者”中“射”当为“古时社交的一种礼仪” ; “必反天下之所始,乐于己以为本”当读为“必反天下之所始乐,于己以为本” 。 玉杯第二共 6 条,如: “右志而左物”中“右”当为“尊尚”义; “简六艺”中“简”为“选择”义; “屠其赘”中“屠”当为“剖析”义。 竹林第三共 10 处,如: “郑文轻众”中“众”当释为“军士” ; “会同之事,大者主小;战伐之事,后者主先”中前“主”当为“统领”义,后“主”为“排列”义;“溴梁之盟”中“溴”当为“湨” ,音“j” ; “获者绝之”中“绝”当解为“以死明志” 。玉英

5、第四共 3 处,如: “螽坠谓之雨”当译为“已死的蝗虫从天上坠落到地上,如下雨一般” 。 精华第五1 处,如: “九国”当为“许多国家”义。 王道第六共 6 处,如:“六鹢退飞”当为“六只水鸟退着飞” ; “王师败于贸戎”中“贸戎”当为“地名” ; “君亲无将”中“将”解为“弑杀” ; “一夫之士”中“士”当为“军士”义。 灭国上第七1 处。服制象第十四1 处。 立元神第十九1 处。 必仁且智第三十1 条,如: “憯”当注音为“cn” 。 对膠西王越大夫不得为仁第三十二1 条。 深察名号第三十五1 条,如:“王者皇也”中“皇”为“正”义。 王道通三第四十四1 条,如: “踔而至精”中“踔”注音

6、存疑。 暖燠常多第五十二1 条,如: “熏与凓孰多者”中“熏”是“温暖”义, “凓”为“寒冷”义。 五行顺逆第六十1 条, “呴”当为“抚慰”义。 求雨第七十四1 条,“田嗇夫”当为“掌管田赋等事物的小吏” 。 天地阴阳第八十一各 1 条, “澹澹” ,当为“水静止”义。 关键词:春秋繁露 校勘 训诂 句读 Abstract Chun Qiu Fan Lu was written by Dong Zhongshu in the Western Han Dynasty, which consists of 17 volumes, 82 articles (79 handed-down). The

7、 main body of this dissertation is presented in accordance with the sequencing of chapters of Chun Qiu Fan Lu, based on Zhong Zhaopengs Chun Qiu Fan Lu Jiao Shi (Hebei Peoples Press, 2005). Written in thousands of years ago, errors and omissions appeared in the excerpting and spreading process of th

8、e text of Chun Qiu Fan Lu, which gave rise to the inconvenience of subsequent studies. Though a great deal of emending work has been done, there are still a lot of controversial points. What is important is that there are only few dissertations whose research area is concerned about emending. Theref

9、ore, it left us much more research space. Based on former research findings, this dissertation aims to do further study, focusing on the imperfect and controversial points. The dissertation mainly consists of the discussion of emending words and expressions, explaining the sentences and labeling pun

10、ctuations. The main body of the dissertation comprises 45 items. In Chu Zhuang Wang the First, there are 7 items, for instance, “取”in “取同姓” means “to be married with”; the comma after “痛其祸也”should be changed into full stop. “射” in “射貍首之乐者” means “a kind of decorum in social activities in that time”;

11、 “必反天下之所始,乐于己以为本”should be read in this way: ” 必反天下之所始乐, 于己以为本”. In Yu Bei the Second, there are 6 items, for example,”右”in ” 右志而左物” means “to revere”; the meaning of “简” in “简六艺” is “to choose”; the meaning of “屠” in“屠其赘”means “to analyse”. There are 10 items in Zhu Lin the Third, for instances, “众

12、” in “郑文轻众” means “soldiers”; the former “主” in “会同之事,大者主小;战伐之事,后者主先” means “to command”, the latter one means “to put in order”; “溴” in “溴梁之盟” should be pronounced in “ju”; “绝” in “获者绝之” means “in death the reason”. In Yu Ying the Fourth, there are 3 items, for example, “螽坠谓之雨”should be comprehende

13、d in this way: “已死的蝗虫从天上坠落到地上,如下雨一般”. In Jing Hua the Fifth, there is 1 item, that is, “九国” means “a great number of countries”. In Wang Dao the Sixth, there are 6 items, for instance, “六鹢退飞”should be “六只水鸟退着飞”; “贸戎” in “王师败于贸戎” should be the name of a place; “将” in “君亲无将” should be “to kill”; “士” i

14、n “一夫之士” should be “soldiers”. There is 1 item in Mie Guo Shang the Seventh, Fu Zhi Xiang the Fourteenth and Li Yuan Shen the Nineteenth respectively. In Bi Ren Qie Zhi the Thirtieth, there is 1 item, that is, “憯” should be pronounced in “can”. There is 1 item in Dui Jiao Xi Wang Yue Da Fu Bu De Wei

15、 Ren the Thirty-second, Shen Cha Ming Hao the Forty-fourth (the “踔”in “踔而至精” is read controversially ). There is 1 item in Nuan Ao Chang Duo the Fifty-second, that is, in “熏与凓孰多者”, “熏” means “warmness” while “凓” means “coldness”. There is 1 item in Wu Xing Shun Ni the Sixtieth, that is, “呴” means “appeasement”. In Si Ji the Sixty-eighth, there is 1 item, that is, “田嗇夫” should be “掌管田赋等事物的小吏”. In Qiu Yu the Seventy-fourth, there is 1 item, that is, “澹澹”should be “the still water”. Key words: Chun Qiu Fan Lu, emending; explaining, punctuation 目 录 一、一、 前前言言1 (一)春秋繁露及其作者1


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