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1、北北京京石石景景山山区区2014 届届高高三三一一模模英英语语试试卷卷2014.32014.3 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45 分) 第一节 单项填空(共15 小题:每小题1 分,共15 分)从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. _your compositions carefully and some spelling mistakes can be avoided.A. Having checkedB. CheckC. CheckedD. To check22. John returned with two worker

2、s, with _ help we finally got the car out of the mud.A. whoseB. theirC. whichD. that23. -Whos the man talking to our teacher?-A professor _ a visit our school.A. paysB. to payC. paidD. paying24. Henry goes to a free class every Sunday afternoon which _ at 4 pm.A. startsB. will startC. is to startD.

3、started25. He did what he could _ her out of trouble.A. helpB. to helpC. helpedD. helping26. -Thank you for inviting us. Tell your wife that she gave us a perfect party.-I _. See you later.A. mustB. shouldC. willD. can27. -When choosing furniture, you focus on function while I think more about the d

4、esign.-Thats _ we differ.A. howB. whatC. whichD. where28. I _ toward the door to go outside when suddenly Jim opened it.A. was walkingB. walkedC. had walkedD. walk29. -When will the expert come and give the lecture on economic development?-Not until our program_.A. is approvingB. is to approveC. has

5、 been approvedD. will be approved30. The train _ at the present speed until it reaches Chicago at eleven oclock tonight.A. has goneB. will be goingC. wentD. goes31. Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time _ Tom gets back.A. whenB. beforeC. afterD. since32. Our previous schoo

6、l building, _like an “E”, was built in 1961.A. being shapedB. to be shapedC. shapingD. shaped33. _entering the classroom, remember to take your seat and turn off your cell phone.A. AtB. FromC. UponD. As34. Our parents always tell us to believe in _ we do if we want to succeed.A. whyB. howC. whatD. w

7、hich35. Had he studied harder, he _ the final exams.A. would passB. could passC. had passedD. would have passed第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 15 分,共 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题上将该项涂黑。 Run freely A lesson about Courage One afternoon, many years ago,I went to pick up my mother from work. I

8、 got there a little early so I_36_ the car by the roadside and waited for her. As I looked _37_ the car window, there was a small park where I saw a little boy, around one and a half to two years old, _38_freely on the grass as his mother watched from a short_39_. The boy had a big smile on his face

9、_40_ he had just been set free from a _41_. The boy would then fall to the grass, get up, and without_42_ or without looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could, again ,still with a _43_ on his face, as if nothing had happened. Kids, when they fall down, they dont consider their falling down

10、 as a failure, but _44_, they treat it as a learning experience. They feel compelled to try and try again until they_45_. Not only was I impressed by the boys courage, but I was _46_ touched by the manner in which he ran. With each attempt, he looked so_47_, so natural, without signs of fear, nervou

11、sness, or of being disappointed. His only _48_ was to run freely and to do it effectively as he could. He was just being a _49_, just being himself. He was not looking for_50_ or worrying about whether _51_ was watching. He wasnt concerned about being judged. He didnt seem to be bothered by the fact

12、 that maybe someone would see him _52_and that it would be _53_ if he did fall. No, all that_54_ to him was to accomplish the task of activity at hand to the best of his ability, feeling the experience of running fully and freely. I learned a lot from that observation and _55_, and have successfully

13、 brought that lesson with me in life. 36. A. leftB. startedC. stoppedD. drove37. A. outsideB. downC. towardD. over38. A. playingB. smilingC. rollingD. running39. A. sightB. lengthC. timeD. distance40. A. even ifB. so long asC. as thoughD. now that41. A. prisonB. houseC. parkD. castle42. A. attention

14、B. hesitationC. questionD. application43. A. puzzleB. smileC. pleasureD. surprise44. A. thereforeB. insteadC. stillD. anyhow45. A. stopB. winC. achieveD. succeed46. A. luckilyB. apparentlyC. actuallyD. equally47. A. confidentB. joyfulC. quietD. proud48. A. worryB. talentC. concernD. conclusion49. A.

15、 studentB. childC. playerD. winner50. A. chanceB. fortuneC. approvalD. trouble51. A. someoneB. no oneC. everyoneD. one52. A. tryB. runC. cryD. fall53. A. embarrassingB. disappointingC. frighteningD. exciting54. A. happenedB. caredC. matteredD. related55. A. experimentB. experienceC. expressingD. expectation第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,共 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Fathers Garden My father was always a good (酷爱的) gardener. One of my earliest memories is standing without shoes in the freshly tilled(翻耕的) soil, my hands blackened from digging in the g


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