外研版九年级(下)Module 3—Module 4点拨

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《外研版九年级(下)Module 3—Module 4点拨》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版九年级(下)Module 3—Module 4点拨(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 第 - 1 - 页 共 5 页 第二十二讲第二十二讲 九年级(下)九年级(下)Module3Module 4I. 考点过关考点过关 考点详解考点详解一、重点词汇重点词汇 1. prevent v.防止; 预防 We should do something to prevent war. 我们应该做些事情去防止战争。 相关链接:相关链接:preventable adj. 可防止的; 可预防 的 用法拓展:用法拓展:prevent from doing sth 意思是“阻止 某人做某事”,相当于 keep/ stop from doing sth 2.medicine n. 医学 My sist

2、er is studying medicine in a university. 我姐姐在大学里学医。 相关链接:相关链接: medical adj. 医学的; 医术的;医 疗的 用法拓展:用法拓展:take medicine 吃药 特别提醒特别提醒考题考题 2-1 medicine 是不可数名词3.suppose v. 猜想; 假设 I suppose you want to borrow money from me again. 我猜想你又要向我借钱吧。 相关链接:相关链接:supposed adj. 想象上的;假定的 用法拓展:用法拓展:be supposed to do 被期望/应该做

3、某事 特别提醒特别提醒考题考题 3-2 含有 suppose 的主从复合句, 遵照“英否前汉否后” 的原则4.relaxed adj. 放松的; 松弛的 I feel relaxed when I listen to the light music. 当我听轻音乐的时候, 我感到很放松. 相关链接:相关链接:relax v. 放松; 松懈 relaxing adj. 使人放松的, 一般修饰物。 用法拓展:用法拓展:feel relaxed about sth 对某事感到很轻松5. fit v. (形状和尺寸)适合; 合身 This coat fits you well. 你穿这件上衣很合身。

4、相关链接:相关链接:fit adj. 健康的,同义词是 healthy unfit ,不健康的, 同义词是 unhealthy fit adj. 合适 be fit for 适合于 fit v. 适合于;使适合6.cool adj. 时髦的; 酷的 案例练习案例练习 考题考题 1-1 -One of the forests was fired the day before yesterday. -We must be careful. Everyone should prevent the fire from _ them. A. warning B. burning C. beating D

5、. hitting考题考题 2-1 More and more people prefer to take Chinese _(药).考题考题 3-1In the United States , youre not supposed _ with your hands. A. to eat B. eating C. eats D. ate 考题考题 3-2I suppose he can come tomorrow.(改 为否定句) I _ suppose he _ come tomorrow. 考题考题 4-1The rules at my house are _. I m allowed

6、to choose my own clothes. A. relaxed B. strict C. rude D. successful 考题考题 5-1 这条裤子他穿不合身,太短了。 The trousers _him. They are too short. 考题考题 5-2 He runs half an hour every day to keep fit. A. in good healthy B. healthy C. health D. good 考题考题 6-1 Look at the photo of Beckham. Wom! How _(酷) he is ! 考题考题 7

7、-1 Im sorry to hear that Bill failed the exam again. -Dont worry about him. Im sure that he will never give up until he _. A. succeed B. succeeds C. succeeded第 - 2 - 页 共 5 页 His brother looks very cool.他的哥哥看起来很酷。 相关链接:相关链接:cool adj. 凉的;凉快的 cool v.变凉; 冷却下来 cooler n. 冷却器7.succeed v. 成功; 做到 If you work

8、 hard , youll succeed. 如果你努力, 你会成功的。 相关链接:相关链接:success n. 成功 successful adj. 成功的 successfully adv. 成功地 用法拓展用法拓展: succeed in sth / doing sth 做成某事 8.glove n. 手套 Its cold outside. Please put on your gloves when you go out. 外面很冷。 出去时请戴上手套 。 用法拓展:用法拓展:a pair of gloves 一幅手套 glove fight 拳击 glove money 贿赂 t

9、ake up the glove 应战 throw down the glove 挑战9.size n. 尺码; 号 What size do you want? 你要多大尺码的? 相关链接:相关链接:size v. 按尺寸排列 sizeable adj. 相当大的 特别提醒特别提醒考题考题 9-1 提问“多大尺寸”, 要用特殊疑问词 what 二、 重点短语 10.fall off 从掉下来 He fell off the tree and hurt himself. 他从树上掉下来摔伤了。 相关链接:相关链接:fall down from 意思也是“从掉下” fall over 向前摔倒

10、fall down 摔倒11. be interested in 对感兴趣 Are you interested in English? 你对英语感兴趣吗? 相关链接:相关链接: have interest in 在某方面有兴趣三、 重点交际用语 考题考题 8-1People in the north have to wear _(手套) in winter when they go out. 考题考题 9-1 -_shoes do you wear? _35. A. How long B. What size C. How wide D. What colour 考题考题 10-1 Carl

11、 _ his bike and hurt his leg yesterday. A. set off B. took off C. fell off D. turned off 考题考题 11-1Most of the students are i_ in the film Harry Poter. 考题考题 12-1 No one knows _ in fifty years. A. what will our life be like B. what is our life like C. what our life will be like D. what our life is lik

12、e 考题考题 13-1 I dont like rock music. It often _ me crazy. A. lets B. makes C. asks D. orders 考题考题 13-2 My aunt played the light music to make the baby _ crying. A. stopped B. stops C. to stop D. stop 考题考题 14-1-Must I wait for you here now? -No, you_. You may be back in half an hour. A. dont have to B

13、. mustnt C. cant D. shouldnt 第 - 3 - 页 共 5 页 12.What was life like at home ?家里的生活怎样? What be + sth like ?本句是对事物的情况提问, 意思是“怎么样?” 如 : Do you know what the life in the future will be like? 你知道将来的生活是什么样子吗?相关链接:相关链接:What be + sb like? 对人的性格提问。 如 : -What is your brother like? 你的弟弟性格怎样? -He is very friendl

14、y.她很友好。四、 重点句型和重难点句子分析 13. And that makes life more dangerous and lesshealthy.那使生活更危险更不健康。 make + 宾语+ adj. 是固定结构相关链接:相关链接:make sb. do 意思是“使某人做某事” 用法拓展:用法拓展:be made to do 被使做某事14.People dont have to work as hard as they worked 50 years ago. 人们不必像 50 年以前那样工作那么努力。 dont have to 意思是“不必”, 相当于 neednt , 后面跟

15、动词原形, 也可以回答以 must 引导 的一般疑问句的否定回答。 15.Looking after us was a full-time job, so she stayed at home. 照顾我们是全职的工作,因此她呆在家里。 本句是动名词做主语,其谓语动词用单数形式。相关链接:相关链接:动词不定式也可做主语,其谓语动词 用单数形式。 特别提醒特别提醒考题考题 15-1 动名词做主语要区别于祈使句16. I suppose thats because public transport ismuch better today. 我猜想那是因为公共运输现在好多了。much 在此修饰比较级, 表示比较的程度, 意思是“的多”。相关链接:相关链接:much adj. 许多, 修饰不可数名词 much adv. 许多 , 修饰动词 用法拓展:用法拓展:very muc


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