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1、Abrasive 研磨剂A course material used in blast cleaning, such as sand, steel shot, glass beads or plastics. 用于喷抛清理一种流动材料,例如砂子、钢丸、玻璃珠或塑胶制品。Absorption 吸收Process of soaking up or assimilation of one substance by another. 一种介质向另一种介质渗透和同化的过程。AC (Current)交流电Current Alternating electrical current. 电流交互变得的电流。A

2、ccelerator 促进剂Material that accelerates the curing or crosslinking, a mixture of crosslinkers or resins. Catalyst. 加速固化或交联的一种材料,可以混合在交联剂或树脂中,起催化作用。Acicular Pigments 针状颜料Pigments whose particles are needle shaped. 粒径形状似针状的一种颜料。Acrylic 丙烯酸型A coating powder with a significant content of a polymer conta

3、ining short chain esters of various acrylic monomers. 一种粉末涂料类型,该类型中有效的树脂体系为短链的不同丙烯酸单体的酯类聚合物。Acrylic Resin 丙烯酸树脂A clear resin derived from polymerised esters of various acrylic monomers. Acrylics are used for automotive topcoats and in other applications where resistance to chalking with exposure to

4、sunlight is important 一种由不同丙烯酸单体聚合的透明的酯类树脂,丙烯酸树脂同在汽车顶涂或其他的场合在阳光曝晒下具有非常高的耐粉化性能。Additive Chemicals 化学助剂Added to a powder coating to improve some properties, such as flow, gloss and texture control. 添加在粉末涂料中的能够改善如流动性、光泽和纹理控制的一些材料。Adhesion 附着力Bonding strength. Molecular attraction to the substrate surfa

5、ce to which a powder coating is applied. A condition where one material is attached to another by means of surface attraction.Adhesion is affected by the condition of the surface to be coated, by the closeness of contact and molecular forces. The surface being coated should allow a certain amount of

6、 penetration, be chemically clean, be hard, not too smooth and non-porous, to achieve good adhesion. 粉末涂层与基材之间的分子引力。也就是一种材料的表面与另一种材料表面之间的吸引,附着力受涂装的表面的影响,如结合的紧密程度和分子间力,被涂的表面允许通过化学处理、硬化处理而形成的大量的渗透存在,从而获得好的附着力。Adsorption 吸附Process of attraction to a surface. 吸引到表面上的过程。Aerosol 雾化Dispersing of a liquid i

7、nto a gas, for spraying, often used for touch-up paints.液体到气体的分散 ,如喷雾。Agglomeration 凝聚A clump of powder particles bound loosely together into clusters containing trapped air. 粉末涂料由松散的形式变成块状的过程。Air Classification 空气分级Device used in powder coating manufacture to aid in particle size management. 粉末涂料生产

8、时读粒度进行处理的一种装置。Air, Compressed 压缩空气Air at any pressure greater than atmospheric pressure. 一种压力比正常气压高好多的空气。 Air Hose 空气软管A section of non-metallic tubing used to deliver compressed air for paint or powder application. 为油漆或粉末涂装释放压缩空气的非金属管部分。Air Receivers 空气接收器Tanks into which compressed air is stored f

9、rom the air compressor. Receivers help eliminate pulsing in the discharge lines and also act as storage capacity during intervals when demand exceeds the capacity of the compressor. 存储压缩空气的罐,能够消除空气系统的脉冲现象并具有储存功能。Air Valve 空气阀Control valve in an air system for setting volume and pressure. 为了保持流量和压力的空

10、气系统的控制阀门。Air Velocity 空气速率Measurement of air speed, typically in feet or meters per minute. 空气速度的测量,典型的单位为每分钟英尺或米。Air Volume 空气流量Measurement of air volume, in cubic feet or meters per minute. 空气体积的测量,单位为每分钟立方英尺或立方米。Alkali 强碱Caustic, inorganic substances that share the characteristic of being strongl

11、y basic (high pH)(examples are Sodium Hydroxide or Caustic Soda). 具有腐蚀性的无机的物质,具有非常强的碱性(高 PH)(例如氢氧化钠或苛性钠)。Ambient 环境条件Surrounding environmental conditions. 周围的环境条件。Amides 氨基化合物Organic compounds. A structure sometimes used in curing agents in Epoxy powder coatings. 有机化合物,一种应用在环氧粉末涂料作为固化剂使用的一种化学结构。Amp

12、(Ampere) 安培A unit of electrical current flow. The current produced by one volt applied across a resistance of one ohm. 电流的单位,在电阻上施加一定的电压,形成电流。Anti Foam agent 防泡剂Material used in pre-treatment systems to reduce the tendency of the chemicals to foam. 在前处理体系中减少化学泡沫的材料。Anti oxidant 抗氧剂An organic compoun

13、d added to coatings to retard oxidation and deterioration. 添加在涂料中的用以减缓氧化和老化的一种有机化合物。Application 涂装Process of applying a coating to a substrate. 把涂料应用到基材上的过程。Aqueous 含水的A water based material. 材料中的水分。Arcing 电弧A discharge of built up electrical charge, often forming a spark to a point of lower charge

14、or earth. 充电电荷的放电现象,经常在电荷较低的部位或接地处形成火花。ASTM The American Society for Testing Materials 美国试验材料协会Attachment 结合Retaining foreign molecules on the surface of a substance. 一个物体表面保持的外部分子。Atom 原子The smallest unit of an element that still possesses the properties of that element. 决定着元素性能的元素最小的单位。Atomisation

15、 雾化The distribution of powder particles with air to form a fine pattern during the spraying application process. 在喷涂应用过程中,粉末粒子以空气为介质的喷射出的雾团。Atomising Air 雾化空气Air injected into the powder path to atomise it into a pattern.按照粉末路径到喷涂成型(工件)之间喷射的空气。 Back Ionisation 反电离A condition, which may occur during

16、electrostatic application of powder coating where excessive build up of charged powder particles limits further powder to be deposited onto the substrate. A pockmarking pattern usually occurs on the powder surface. 一种情形,出现在静电粉末涂装过程中,沉积在基材上的粉末超出了充电粉末粒子的极限,在粉末的表面会出现一些麻坑现象。Bell 钟罩Electrostatic spray device whose applicator is bell shaped. Centrifugal force throws the powder off its edge into a fine pattern. The charged particles are then attracted to the work surface.静电喷涂装置,呈钟罩型,有效地克服了地心引力而形成精细结构,


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