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1、12008 年高考英语冲刺题年高考英语冲刺题一、技巧篇一、技巧篇在学生最后冲刺阶段,如何有效地指导学生准确做题和技巧答题?笔者认为,目前最关键而最有效 的方法是:训练学生思维训练学生思维。让学生分析试卷考点,分析命题及答题思路。学生答题思维能力提高将会一 变应万变。 (一)学生思维训练(一)学生思维训练 1、训练学生思维能力 2、理顺学生答题思维 3、学生分析试卷考点 4、学生评判试卷考点 (二)专项训练思维(二)专项训练思维 1、完形填空:要注意前后文的联系,不仅仅是填空处所在的上下文句的关系。“动词”大多也考因果关系,要注意上下文的意思。中间“名词”主要考衔接关系意义,逻辑性; 形容词通常

2、考因果关系。 (重视夹叙夹议文章或说明文) 2、语法填空:先分析词性,后分析意义或结构。 3、阅读理解:(1)考核心词;(2)考因果关系;(3)篇章的核心是什么?(4)关联是什么? (学生往往缺乏这种意识,往往因熟悉而掉进陷阱) 所以,应在文章中确定 1-2 个名词为中心词,分析题目考什么(推理、主旨、细节还 是猜词) ,然后在题干中划出关键词,带着关键词在原文中快速找原信息句,用排除 法确定准确答案。 4、基础写作:先“动词”,后主语,再宾语,然后用连接词,至少用一个,which 或 doing 表伴随的状语。 5、任务写作:要先有整体思维,要特别注意上下句与句之间的因果关系。 确定一个主观

3、点,围绕主观点写透、写真。举真实实例说服主观点,切忌泛泛而谈, 不要走套路,要有个性思维,不要套话太多,要说些真话,要有内容。 学生作文总的问题是“跳”,所以下一步训练学生写的内容要具体点,要有具体内容, 要摆脱汉语思维。建议现在开始专门训练“思维”。看到作文题目,先不要写,而是先练 思维,练结构,练关键词。可以适当背点范文,2、3 句也可以,可以从阅读理解中精选经典的 2、3 句作文可 用上的句子背下来。(三)听力信息填词考点:时间、地点、动词、介词短语等(三)听力信息填词考点:时间、地点、动词、介词短语等时 间金 钱数On January 1st On Sunday morning 50

4、the 14th floor February 2nd Monday afternoon 98 20 square meters March 3rd Tuesday evening ¥65 50% 8.62%April 4th Wednesday morning three-fifths, one-fourthMay 5th Thursday the late 1960s one million:1,000,000June 6th Friday over 2000 years twelfth, ninth, ninetieth July 7th Saturday 50,000 miles aw

5、ay nineteenth, sixtieth August 8th next Monday the late evening show one hundredth 2字 September 9th October 10th at 2:30 a.m at midnight northeast, southeastNovember 11th at 3:25 p.m at 12:15 northwest, southwestDecember 12th from 6 to 8 in spring/summer/autumn/winter 地 点(专有名词大写) Peoples Hospital IT

6、 engineering Singapore Airlines Flight 13 Public Relation Department World 1 Eastern China Airline Gate 8 Bird Island South London Western China Airline X-505 On Church Road 227 Green Street Southern China Airport Platform No.4 The New Asia Hotel Boxing Day Northern China Airport Tokyo Tower Sales D

7、epartment Thanksgiving Day Middle East Sun Park Hong Kong University The Pacific Hotel 二、基础篇二、基础篇(一)词类转换(按考试说明字母顺序)(一)词类转换(按考试说明字母顺序) A 1.able - _ (n.), _ (反)_(反形) 2.absent- _ (n.) 3.absolute- _ (adv.), _ (n.) 4.absorb- _ (adj.) 5.accept- _ (adj.), _ (n.) 6.access- _ (adj.) 7.accident-_ (adj.), _ (a

8、dv.) 8.accomplish- _ (n.) 9.achieve- _ (adj.), _(n.) 10.act- _ (n.) 11.active- _ (n.), _ (v.) 12.actual- _ (adv.) 13.advertise_(n.)(Keys: 1. ability; disable/disability 2. absence 3. absolutely; absoluteness 4. absorbed 5. acceptable; acceptance 6. accessible 7. accidental; accidentally 8. accomplis

9、hment 9. achievable; achievement 10. action 11. activity; activate 12. actually; 13. advertisement) 1.addict- _ (adj.), _ (n.) 2.addition- _ (adj.) 3.adjust- _ (n.) 4. admire- _ (adj.), _ (n.) 5. admit- _ (n.) 6. advance- _ (adj.) 7.advantage- _(adj.) 8. advise- _ (n.) 9.affect(影响)- _ (n.) _(adj) 10

10、.age- _ (adj.) 11.agree- _ (adj.), _ (n.) 12.agriculture- _ (adj.) 13. allow_ (adj.), _(n.) 14.amaze- _, _ (adj.); _ (n.)Keys: 1. addicted; addiction 2. additional 3. adjustment 4. admirable; admiration 5. admission 6. advanced 7. advantageous 8. advice 9. effect, affective 10. aged 11. agreeable; a

11、greement 12. agricultural 13. allowable; allowance 14. amazing / amazed; amazement1.ambition- _ (adj.) 2.amuse- _, _ (adj.); _ (n.) 3.analyze- _ (n.); _ (adj.) 4.ancient- _ (adv.) 5.angry- _ (n.) 6.announce- _ (n.) 7.annoy- _ (adj.); _ (n.) 8.annual- _ (adv.) 9.anxious- _ (n.)_(adj) 10.apologize- _

12、(adj.); _ (n.) 11.appear- _ (n.) 12.apply- _, _ (n.) 13.appoint- _ (adj.); _ (n.) 14.appreciate- _ (n.)315.approve- _ (n.) 16.argue- _ (n.) 17.arrange- _ (n.)Keys: 1. ambitious 2. amusing / amused; amusement 3. analysis; analytic 4. anciently 5.anger 6.announcement 7.annoying; annoyance 8.annually 9.anxiety,anxiously 10.apologetic; apology 11.appearance 12.applicant/application 13.appointed; appointment 14. appreciation 15. approval 16. arg


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