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1、新视野英语一新视野英语一 unit7unit7cautious a. 十分小心的,谨慎的 unusual a. 异乎寻常的,不平常的 exception n. 除外,例外,除外的人或事 shave v. 剃去.上的毛发,剃.的胡须 unshaven a. 未剃须的,未修面的,有短髭的 stocking n. 1.长(统)袜,袜子 2.圆锥形绒线帽,针织帽 nylon a. 耐纶制的,尼龙的 n. 耐纶织品,尼龙织品 shrub n. 灌木 pad n. 1.(停车的)地方, (简易机场的)飞机起落段 2.垫,衬垫 pistol n. 手枪 contrive v. 设法做到 toss vt. 扔

2、,抛,掷 bark v. 1.厉声地说,咆哮 2.(狗)吠,叫 instinct n. 本能,天性 instinctively ad. (出于)本能地, (出于)天性地 wallet n. 皮夹子 trousers n. (尤指男子穿的)长裤,西(装)裤 sideways ad. (斜)向一边(或一侧) ,向旁边 slight a. 1.瘦小的 2.少量的;轻微的;不严重的 enlarge vt. 扩大,扩展,使增大 polish v. 1.擦,擦光,擦亮 2.使完美,改进 unexpected a. 没有料到的,突如其来的 unexpectedly ad. 没有料到地,突如其来地 attac

3、h vt. 系,贴,连接 criminal a. 犯罪的,犯法的,刑事的 n. 罪犯 victim n. 受害者,牺牲者 offend v. 1.违法,违犯 2.冒犯,触怒 offender n. 犯法的人,犯规的人 user n. 使用者,用户 detail n. 细节,详情 rip vt. 猛力扯掉,猛力移去,猛力去除 wrist n. 腕,腕关节 lawn n. 草坪,草地 dirt n. 污物,烂泥,灰尘 forehead n. 额,前额 temple n. 太阳穴 Lord n. 上帝,耶稣基督 mercy n. 慈悲,怜悯,仁慈 sin n. (违背道德规范的)罪;罪恶;(违犯宗教

4、戒律的)罪孽 vi. 违反教规,违犯戒律,犯罪 sinner n. (宗教、道德上的)罪人 footstep n. 脚步(声) span n. 一段时间,持续时间 fry vt. 油煎,油炒 eternal a. 永恒的,永久的,不断的 eternity n. 1.不朽,来世 2.永恒,无穷 operator n. 1.电话接线员,机务员,话务员 2.操作员,技工 rob vt. 抢劫 robber n. 抢劫者,强盗,盗贼 robbery n. 抢劫罪,抢劫(案) stiff a. 1.(酒)浓的,烈性的 2.僵硬的,挺的,不易弯曲的 additional a. 额外的,另外的 curren

5、t n. (水、空气等的)流,潮流 a. 现时的,当前的 woe n. 哀愁 foundation n. 1.基础,基本原理,根据 2.基金会 3.建立,设立 presently ad. 1.现在,目前 2.不久,一会儿 dam n. 坝,堤 Phrases and Expressionsface to face (with) 面对面的地 必须面对的,无法回避的 pull into (车)停靠;驶向(一旁等) as if 好象 attach to 系在.上;连接到.上 rather than 而不 have mercy on someone 可怜某人 get to ones feet 站起来

6、look through 仔细检查,浏览 be out of control 失去控制 eat (away) at 逐渐毁掉,侵蚀 handle v. 柄,把手 vt. 处理,处置,操纵 bullet n. 枪弹,子弹 advocate vt. 主张,拥护,提倡 n. 拥护者,提倡者 odd a. 奇怪的;奇特的 ignorance n. 无知,不知 crime n. 罪,罪行 statistics n. 1.统计资料;统计 2.统计学 previous a. 以前的,先前的 previously ad. 以前,先前(地) violence n. 暴力(行为) ,强暴(行为) ,猛烈 viol

7、ent a. 暴力的,强暴的,猛烈的 affect vt. 1.影响 2.(在感情方面)打动,震动 transport vt. 运送,搬运 residence n. 住处,住宅,大宅 capable a. 1.能. 的,有. 能力的 2.有能力的;有才能的 intend v. 1.(为.而)准备,打算使. (成为) 2.想要,打算,计划 injure vt. 伤害,损害(健康等) confront vt. 1.与 .相对,面临,遭遇 2.使面对,使面临,使当面作证 imagination n. 想象力, 想象的事物 reality n. 现实,实际 apartment n. 1.房间 2.一套

8、公寓房间 intention n. 意图,打算,目的 intentionally ad. 故意地,有意地 omit vt. 排除,省略 dominate vt. 支配,统治,在.中占首要地位 female n. 女性(的); 雌性动物 Negro n. (含歧视意味)黑人,具有黑人血统的人 male n.a. 男性(的); 雄性动物 gas n. 1.汽油 2.气,气体 cashier n. 出纳员,收银员 reveal vt. 揭示,展现,使显露 anxiety n. 焦虑,担忧 neighborhood (英 neighbourhood) n. 地段,地区,居民点 possibility

9、n. 可能(性) ,可能的事,可能的情况 endanger vt. 使遭受危险 automobile (缩 auto) n. 汽车 automatic a. 1.自动的,以自动装置完成的 2.不经思索的,机械的 automatically ad. 1.不加思索地,无意识地 2.自动地 guilty a. 1.有罪的;证明(或判决)有罪的 2.自知有过失的,内疚的 guilt n. 1.内疚 2.罪,犯罪 bet v. 1.以(钱、物等)打赌 2.确信,敢说 gasoline n. 汽油 Phrases and Expressionsbe immune to 不受.影响的,对.有免疫力的 bel

10、ieve in 相信.可行,相信.的真实性,信任,信仰 be capable of 有.能力做,能做 hear of 听说 in front of 在.前面;在.面前 at the sight of 一看见 Face to Face with Guns(Face to Face with Guns)Like most city folks, Im cautious. I scan the street and pathways for anything or anyone unusual before pulling into the garage. That night was no exc

11、eption. But, as I walked out of the garage, KFC chicken in hand, a portly, unshaven young man in a stocking cap and dark nylon jacket emerged from the shrub by the parking pad and put his pistol between my eyes. “Give it up, mother ,“ he threatened. “Give it up.“ “Hey,“ I said, “just take it.“ As I

12、spoke, I set the KFC box on the planter beside the pathway, contriving as I did so to toss my house keys into a bush. “Wheres your money? Wheres your money?“ he barked. Everything he said during our encounter was repeated; instinctively, I did the same. “Its in my wallet. Its in my wallet,“ I said.

13、He moved behind me, put his gun on my neck and began to search my trousers pockets. “Wheres your wallet?“ he asked. “Its in my back pocket.“ “Wheres the rest of your money?“ “I dont have any more money.“ “Wheres your watch?“ “Here,“ I replied, extending my left arm sideways. Just then, his partner a

14、ppeared. Slight and shorter, he held an enlarged blue steel pistol. His dark eyes shone like polished glass; his arms and legs moved unexpectedly, as if attached to unseen wires. His voice snapped, “Stop looking at us. Stop looking at us.“ He wasnt stupid. Ive seen enough criminal trials to know vic

15、tims of armed attacks are seldom able to identify their offenders because their attention focuses on the guns, rather than on their users. I consciously noted details of their faces. “Im not looking at you,“ I lied as the big one ripped the watch from my wrist. “Get down. Get down,“ the thin one ordered. He grabbed my glasses and tossed them onto the lawn. By then, I was flat on my face on the pathway, its dirt against my forehead. The big ones gun dug into the back of my head


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