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1、http:/ Choosethe best answer.30 1. Themother is waiting _ the bus stop. A. forB. onC. atD.in 2. I _ go to school _ 7:30 every day. A. will , untilB. dont , untilC. wont , beforeD. will , before 3. Can you hear Lucy _ aloudinthenext room? A. readB. to readC. readingD. reads 4. I hear Mr. Smith is com

2、ing to give us a talk _. A.inthe afternoonB. on tomorrow C. at this eveningD. tomorrow afternoon 5. I_ her carefully, but I _ nothing. A. listen , hearB. listen to , hearC. hear , listenD. hear , listen to 6. Each of thechildren _ a new book. A. haveB.hasC. likeD. has to 7. They useanimals _ farm wo

3、rk. A. doB. doesC. doingD. to do 8. Lesson 1 is not difficult. Thereare _ new wordsinit. A. a fewB. a littleC. littleD. few 9. I dont like winter becauseits _ cold. A. too muchB.much tooC. many tooD. too many 10. When winter comes, the days get _. A. short and shortB. shorter and shorter C. long and

4、 longD. longer and longer 11. Mrs.Liuteaches _ English. We like _ class very much. A. my , hisB. me , herC. us , hisD. us , her 12. Please_ something about the picture. A. tellB. sayC. speakD. talk 13. Its a little room _a _ window. A. with , bright bigB. with , big bright C. of , bright bigD. of ,

5、big bright 14. _ me , working is _thanallthe other things. A. For , the most importantB. To , important C. For , much importantD. To , more important 15. Miss Gao with Mary _ going into the classroom. A. areB. isC. willD. were 16. Thepoor boy trips_ a stoneand _ cry. A. at , startsB. over , startC.

6、on , starts toD. over , startsto 17. Thepears here arecheap and the _ there aredear. A. pearB. oneC. onesD. thepears 18. Tom is _ better than him at _.http:/ more, swimB. much , swimming C. many , swimmingD. most , to swim 19. Bettys mother is ill. She_ stay at home and look after her. A. have toB.

7、couldC. mustD. has to 20. September comes _ October. A. afterB. beforeC. besideD. behind 21. Thetwo girls are shopping. And theres _ girl. Shes reading under atree. A. threeB. the threeC. a thirdD. third 22. My job is to feed pigs, but I thinkits _ than others. A. an interesting workB. a very intere

8、sting work C. a much moreinteresting workD. a moreinteresting job 23. Do you often have fun _ English storiesinclass? A. to speakB. to sayC. listeningD. listening to 24. Tom and his brother like _inthat river. Which of thefollowing is wrong? A. going swimmingB.going for swimming C. going for aswimD.

9、 to go fora swim 25. It _ him half an hour to drive homeevery day. A. costsB. spendsC. takesD. uses 26. Would you like _ my house formy birthday party? A. cometoB. to comeoverC. coming overD. to comeover to 27. Of my parents,my father looks _. A. oldB. olderC. the olderD. theoldest 28. They walk hom

10、e after _ corns for thefarmers. A. to chooseB. chooseC. to pickD. picking 29. Its cold outside. Pleasekeep the windows_. A. openB. openedC. closedD. close 30. Youd better _. Thepolice station is not far from here. A. not catch a busB. not catching abus C. to catch abusD. catches abusII.Reading 25 (A

11、)New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also buy things fromallover the world. But there are serious problemsinbig cities, too. It is expensive

12、 to live there. Every year too many people move to the cities to find jobs, to study at good schools and receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or good places to live in. Alsoitis hard to keep thecities safe and clean. Some people enjoy livinginbig cities. Others do n

13、ot. Before people move to a big city, they should think about theproblems of living there. 31. In big cities, people can _ . A. go to different kinds of museums B. seeallkinds of plays and filmshttp:/ buy things fromallover the world D. A, B and C 32. Which of the following is true? A. Big cities ar

14、enot clean and safe enough. B. In big cities people can easily find good places to live in. C. People can easily have chances to find work to do. D. All people like to liveinbig cities. 33. In this passage, the writer thinksitis right for people_. A. to move to big cities B. not to move to big citie

15、s C. to moveto big cities without thinking of any problems D. not to moveto big cities before they think over theproblems of living there. 34. This passagedoesnt tell us that_. A. Paris is an exciting place for people to livein B. big cities have alotof serious problems C. big cities areallvery dirty D. usually people can get better medical carethere 35. Which is thebest title forthis passage? A. Interesting ThingsinBig CitiesB.Big Cities. C. Good Sc



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