人教版高中英语必修4《unit 3 a taste of english humour》教案

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《人教版高中英语必修4《unit 3 a taste of english humour》教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语必修4《unit 3 a taste of english humour》教案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 6人教版高中英语必修人教版高中英语必修 4Unit4Unit 3 3 A A tastetaste ofof EnglishEnglish humourhumour教案教案教学准备教学准备教学目标教学目标TeachingTeaching ObjectivesObjectives1.1. StudentsStudents areare ableable toto learnlearn moremore aboutabout nonverbalnonverbal humourhumour asas wellwell as

2、as CharlieCharlie ChaplinChaplin throughthrough network-work-based.2.2. StudentsStudents areare ableable toto getget thethe gengen eraleral ideaidea andand detaileddetailed informationinformation ofof thethe passagepassage byby skimming,skimming, scanningscanning asas wellwell asas interpretainterpr

3、eta tiontion andand appreciation.appreciation.3.3. StudentsStudents willwill learnlearn toto faceface difficultiesdifficulties inin lifelife withwith optimismoptimism andand humourhumour asas wellwell asas learnlearn toto cooperatecooperate withwith othersothers inin groups.groups.教学重难点教学重难点Teaching

4、Teaching difficultdifficult pointspoints1.1. HowHow toto guideguide studentsstudents toto searchsearch forfor andand sortsort outout relatedrelated informationinformation accordingaccording toto thethe assignedassigned tasktask throughthrough thethe Internet.Internet.2.2. HowHow toto cucu ltivatelti

5、vate studentsstudents learninglearning abilityability throughthrough teamworkteamwork basedbased onon work.精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 6TeachingTeaching importantimportant pointspoints1.1. HelpHelp studentsstudents toto getget thethe generalgeneral ideaidea andand detaileddetailed informa

6、tioninformation ofof thethe texttext effectivelyeffectively byby skimmingskimming andand scanning.scanning.2.2. HelpHelp studentsstudents toto analyzeanalyze thethe reasonsreasons forfor CharlieCharlie ChaplinsChaplins successsuccess byby interpretinginterpreting thethe keykey sentencessentences and

7、and getget themthem inspired.inspired.教学过程教学过程StepStep 1 1Lead-in(3Lead-in(3 mins)mins) ActivitiesActivities:PurposePurpose ofof ActivitiesActivitiesStudentsStudents areare toto appreciateappreciate a a videovideo clipclip performedperformed byby Mr.Mr. Bean.Bean.StudentsStudents willwill bebe guide

8、dguided toto acquireacquire thethe formform ofof nonverbalnonverbal humourhumour inin a a vividvivid way,way,thusthus eageeage r r toto learnlearn aboutabout thethe mainmain charactercharacter ofof thethe texttext withwith interest.interest.StepStep 2 2Network-basedNetwork-based InteractiveInteracti

9、ve Learning(25Learning(25 mins)mins) ActivitiesActivities(1).Students(1).Students areare divideddivided intointo fivefive groupsgroups toto 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 6searchsearch forfor andand sortedsorted outout thethe relatedrelated informationinformation accordingaccording toto thet

10、he assignedassigned tasktask onlineonline(2)A(2)A representativerepresentative ofof eacheach groupgroup isis toto shareshare thethe informationinformation withwith thethe others.others.PurposePurpose ofof ActivitiesActivitiesStudentsStudents willwill developdevelop theirtheir abilityability toto eff

11、ectivelyeffectively sortsort outout informationinformation onon thethe InternetInternet througthroug h h groupgroup cooperationcooperation asas wellwell asas feelfeel a a sensesense ofof achievementachievement byby theirtheir oraloral presentation.presentation.Step3Step3 Text-basedText-based Reading

12、(17Reading(17 mins)mins)StudentsStudents ActivitiesActivities 1.1. StudentsStudents areare toto readread thethe texttext quickly,quickly, andand thenthen answeranswer thethe questionsquestions accordingaccording toto thethe text.text. 2.2. ReadRead ParagraphParagraph 3 3 carefully,carefully, andand

13、thenthen answeranswer thethe questionquestion -Why-Why diddid “the“the littlelittle tramp”becometramp”become CharlieCharlie ChaplinChaplin famousfamous charactercharacter ?3.?3. ReadRead ParagraphParagraph 4 4 andand fillfill inin thethe blanksblanks。4.4. FindFind outout thethe sentencessentences th

14、atthat cancan accountaccount forfor CharlieCharlie ChaplinsChaplins successsuccess fromfrom thethe text.text.PurposePurpose ofof ActivitiesActivities(1)Students(1)Students willwill getget thethe generalgeneral ideaidea asas wellwell asas thethe structustructu rere ofof thethe texttext byby skimming.skimming.精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 6(2)Students(2)Students willwill getget thethe detaileddetailed informationinformation andand havehave a a deeperdeeper understandingunderstanding ofof th


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