托福口语练习题5-3 参考答案

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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福口语练习题5-3 参考答案摘要: 托福口语练习题5-3 参考答案,接上文,我们之前发了一系列托福口语练习题,今天小编将这些练习题的Sample Response发布给大家,供同学们参照学习。与此同时,聪明的同学们可以总结出一些托福口语答题模板,并加以优化,也会帮助同学们提高备考效率的。托福 口语备考中,一定少不了练习,而练习的素材,同学们可以找一些经典想学习资料,比如真题回忆就是非常不错的练习素材,本文是摘录张涵老师的托福看这本就够了系列丛书里面的内容,希望能给同学们提供帮助。Q1 Sample Response:Im a typical Virgo, so I o

2、ften feel pretty melancholy. In order to feel better, I do a lot of things, one of them being going for a getaway. The current society is sort of like an arena where lots of cutthroat competitions are going on every day. Its inevitable to feel frustrated sometimes, so its important to take a break f

3、rom time to time. I used to screw up a very important task assigned to me by my boss, and found it so hard for me to recover. Then I took my friends advice of going for a trip to Europe. I traveled there for a whole week, experiencing many interesting things, and totally forgot about those unhappy t

4、hings that haunted me for so long. When I came back from the trip, to my great surprise, I was able to focus on my work again.Q2 Sample Response:To be frank, I do not think this statement is 100% right, though under some specific circumstances, watching television could be bad for kids. I think whet

5、her parents should encourage or discourage their kids from watching TV to a great extent depends on what exactly the programs they watch are. If they are watching those meaningless, and time-consuming shows, of course parents should discourage, if not forbid them. However, there are TV programs that

6、 are actually pretty beneficial to the kids growth, like those shows that teach kids to sing and draw. I cant see the point why parents dont let their kids watch.Q3 Sample Response:The college computer lab decided to charge students for printing fee when they print ten or more than ten copies at one

7、 time. The reason is that the college believes that charges can raise the students awareness of saving paper. Also, the printing fee can be used to purchase a new printer, the paper and the ink. The woman thinks this is a pretty good idea. Because first, people tend to print as many things as they w

8、ant if its free. For example, some students often print out the whole article before they really read it, causing a lot of waste. Also, the printer sometimes needs to be checked or even replaced by a new one. The copy fee can cover this part and the money can be spent on new equipment.Q4 Sample Resp

9、onse:Information overload refers to the difficulty a person has in understanding an issue or making decisions when there is too much information present. The professor gives us two example of it. In the first example, a company was hiring secretaries. After the recruitment advertisements were put on

10、 the Internet, nearly 300 applicants came to the interviews, which had to be shortened to 5 minutes. The result is that the applicants did not have enough time to present themselves. Also, the HR people were overwhelmed since too many resumes were sent in. They had no choice but to randomly choose s

11、ome of them to read, resulting in the fact that they missed some excellent candidates. In the second example, a famous chemistry professor used to read references sent by a journal on a weekly basis. But later, they sent the references every day. Therefore, the articles became too many to read. In b

12、oth examples, information overload brings negative influence to peoples work.Q5 Sample Response:The woman got a summer job in the town and rented a house nearby, so she wont live in her dorm for two months. She doesnt know what to do about it. The man thinks that she can rent the dorm to someone els

13、e who might need to work near the campus, but the woman cannot stand it if others do not put her things in the right places and make the room a mess. The man thinks she can also simply rent both places, but the woman wants to buy a new computer with the salary, if she needs to rent both places, the

14、money wont be enough. I actually think the woman should just rent her dorm to someone else. If she can tell the tenant to keep it clean in advance, Im sure it wont be so bad as she thinks it will be. Also, if she really wants the new computer, she just has to make sacrifices, right?Q6 Sample Respons

15、e:The professor is discussing two important adaptation abilities Alpine plants have that help them survive extreme climates. The first adaptation is Alpines low- growing feature, which help them resist strong wind and repetitive snowfalls. Most alpine plants are shorter than 10 centimeters and most

16、of their biomass is concentrated in the roots, which can help prevent themselves from being destroyed by the wind. Water and available nutrients often lie far below the surface. Plants with deep root systems are more capable to exploit available nutrients resources. The second adaptation is that Alpines have thick, waxy succulent leaves that help them prevent water loss. A waxy coating can be found on some plants leaves and stems. The wax prevents moisture from evaporating and


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