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1、摘要I大理州白塔村族际通婚与人口流动研究大理州白塔村族际通婚与人口流动研究摘摘 要要改革开放以来,随着我国由农村向城市、由欠发达地区向发达地区迁移的流动人口的增长,各民族地区之间的族际互动频繁起来,族际通婚现象也明显增加。特别是 90 年代以后,少数民族地区青年外出打工人数的增加,少数民族地区跨县、跨省通婚也开始增加起来,因婚姻迁移成为了少数民族人口流动的重要原因之一。国内外近几年虽然对族际通婚或人口流动问题的研究其得了不少成果,但对二者关系研究的目前还不多。笔者通过对一个白族乡村的流动人口和族际通婚的实证个案研究,从社会地理学角度结合白族婚姻习俗特点及人口流动背景,深入探讨族际通婚与人口流动

2、的关系,剖析族际通婚与人口流动的形成机理,揭示出白族乡村的人口流动对传统乡村的冲击,以及社会变迁中族际通婚对人口流动的影响和作用。笔者采用定性研究与定量研究相结合的方式,通过问卷调查、个别访谈等方法,获得第一手资料进行分析和研究。文中第一部对分历史上白族的人口流动与族际通婚的互动关系做了一个梳理;第二部分根据白塔村村委会婚姻原始登记资料以及人口迁入迁出登记表,得出在 1997 年到 2007 年中,族际通婚和人口流动的情况特点;接着论述了白塔村人口流动与族际通婚的关系,并深入分析了二者的形成机理及其对白塔乡村社会发展的影响。第三部分在以上两部分内容基础上,从白族社会发展视域下探讨了的族际通婚与

3、人口流动的意义和价值及其对当代西部民族发展的启示作用。关键词:关键词:白塔村; 族际通婚; 人口流动;AbstractIIAbstractSince reform and opening-up, more and more people keep moving their residence from rural and less developed areas to urban and developed areas. At the same time, interactions among nationalities in different regions and intermarria

4、ges cross two nationalities happen with increasing frequency. Especially since 1990s , more and more young migrant workers of minority nationalities from regions inhabited by ethnic groups have got career opportunities in other regions, and intermarriages cross different counties and provinces also

5、keep increasing, which is the one of important reasons leading to migration of minority nationalities. In recent years, researchers both at home and abroad have made some progress in cross-race-intermarriage and migration, but there are not many researches about their relations at present. According

6、 to social geography, through empirical research and case study on migration and cross-race-intermarriage in a village of the Bai nationality, combining marriage customs and migrational background of the Bai nationality, some topics have been deeply researched in my paper such as the relations betwe

7、en cross-race-intermarriage and migration, its forming mechanism, the impact of migration on traditional village, as well as the impact of cross-race-intermarriage on migration.In the first portion, the interactions between migration of the Bai nationality and cross-race-intermarriage in history is

8、reviewed. In the second portion, the situation of cross-race-intermarriage and migration from 1997 to 2007 in Baita village is analyzed based on primary matrimonial and migrational datum and questionnaire survey, meanwhile their forming mechanisms and impact on social development in the village are

9、discussed . In the third portion, the particularity of cross-race-intermarriage against a background of social development of the Bai nationality is summed up, and the impact of cross-race-intermarriage on development in the western part of China at present age is discussed.Key words: Baita village;

10、 Cross-race-intermarriage; Migration目 录I目目 录录第一章 绪论 .11.1 研究综述.31.2 研究设计.91.3 研究方法.10第二章 白族的婚姻习俗和人口流动 .112.1 白族的婚姻习俗 .112.2 白族地区人口流动概述.132.3 长时段视野中白族人口流动与族际通婚的互动关系分析.152.4 族际通婚与人口流动对白族社会的发展影响 .18第三章 白塔村的族际通婚和人口流动 .203.1 白塔村简介.203.2 白塔村的族际通婚与人口流动的概况.213.3 白塔村族际通婚与人口流动的关系.303.4 族际通婚与人口流动对白塔村乡村社会发展的影响 .39第四章 白族族际通婚与人口流动的发展启示 .444.1 白族社会发展视域下的族际通婚与人口流动 .444.2 白族族际通婚与人口流动对当代西部民族发展的启示.46参考文献 .48附录 .50致谢 .53目 录2


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