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1、11 Things Youre Doing That Could Shorten Your Life11件日常事正在缩短你的生命Are you sitting down while reading this? Well that could be shortening your lifespan.你正坐着阅读本文吗?请注意:这可能会让你减寿。Lets be honest: From the moment were born, were all dying just as were living. But certain mundane things we do every day may ac

2、tually be helping us get there faster. None of this means we should even try to eliminate these behaviors from our lives entirely, but its proof that overdoing anything, even when seemingly innocuous, can have serious impacts on our health. Below weve rounded up 11 everyday things youre probably doi

3、ng that could potentially shorten your lifespan:让我们实话实说吧:从出生的那一刻起,我们活着的每一分钟都正在迈向死亡。虽说如此,一些日常小事却可能会让这个过程加速。当然,这并不意味着我们应该将这些行为完全摒弃,但是这也证明了一点:做任何事情,即便是看似无害的事情,如果过度的话,都可能对我们的健康造成严重的影响。下文中总结了11条日常生活小事,而这些事情很有可能会让你的寿命缩减:1. Youre having a hard time finding love.1. 寻爱旅程坎坷Having a difficult time finding a ma

4、te can shave off months of your life, while being single for prolonged periods of time could cost you a whole decade. A study by Harvard Medical School found that communities with gender ratios skewing significantly more male or female caused the minority sex to have shorter lifespans. Even when exp

5、osed to short timeframes of competition, such as attending a high school entirely of one gender, participants were found to have generally shorter lives. Lead researcher Nicholas Christakis stressed this ratio had a sexual mating basis, rather than simple social dominance.在寻觅伴侣中受尽煎熬的人可能会少活好几个月,而长时间单

6、身的人可能会少活整整十年。哈佛医学院的一份研究显示:在一个性别比例严重不均的群体中,如果其中多数为男性或女性,这种情况会造成其中的“少数派”群体减寿。即使这种性别不均的情况只维持一小段时间,像是在男校或女校上学的高中生涯,都可能会导致人们因此减寿。主管研究员尼古拉斯克里斯塔基斯强调:这个性别比例是基于人类的性伴侣基础,而并非出于简单的社会优势群体的问题。On top of all this, another study found that never getting married could increase risk of death over a lifetime by 32 perc

7、ent, and led to the previously mentioned loss of a decade. That said, changing attitudes toward the social necessity of getting married over the 60-year research period could have potentially affected the results. In 1950, Census data shows that 78 percent of households were occupied by a married co

8、uple - by 2010, that figure had dropped to 48 percent. In other words? Being single or partnered and unmarried is no longer the minority status.除了上述问题之外,另一份研究发现:一直不婚会将死亡风险提升32%,这还没算前面提到的单身所造成的十年减寿。虽说如此,在研究过程覆盖的60年中,人们的态度也发生了变化,渐渐不再将婚姻看作社会必需品,这一点也会对研究结果造成潜在的影响。1950年的人口普查资料显示:社会的家庭构成中,78%的家庭是由已婚夫妇构成;到

9、了2010年,这个数字下降到了48%。换句话说,无论单身还是同居,甚至不婚的人都不再是“少数派”了。2. Youre sitting down for more than a few hours every day.2. 每天坐上好几个小时Two whole years of your life could be cut just from sitting more than three hours a day. Australian researchers published in the British Medical Journal found that even regular exe

10、rcise couldnt deter the potential negative effects of sitting for long stretches of time.假如你一天保持坐姿的时间超过3个小时的话,可能会因此减寿整整两年。澳洲研究人员在英国医学杂志上发表的文章称:即使日常锻炼也无法降低久坐的潜在负面影响。Another study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine found that sitting for more than 11 hours a day increased the risk of death by 40

11、percent over the next three years, compared to sitting for under four hours a day. Time to get that stand-up desk.另一份刊登在美国医学会杂志内科学上的研究表示:相对于每天坐下来不超过4小时的人来说,那些每天久坐超过11小时的人在未来三年内的死亡可能性会增加四成。3. Youre neglecting your friends.3. 忽略朋友People with weak social connections were found to die at much higher rat

12、es than their counterparts, according to research by Brigham Young University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, which collected data from 148 different studies. The same researchers found that prolonged loneliness could be as bad for your lifespan as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.根据

13、美国杨百翰大学和美国北卡罗来纳大学-教堂山分校的研究结果显示:不经常社交的人与社交频繁的人相比,死亡率会高出许多。研究人员收集了148份不同的研究数据后,最终得出了这个结论。此外他们还发现:长时间处于孤独状态对寿命所造成的危害,相当于每天抽15支烟。On top of all this, elderly people with large circles of friends were found to be 22 percent less likely to die over a tested study period, and those social connections genera

14、lly promote brain health in aging brains.除此之外:研究测试期间还发现,拥有大型社交圈的中老年人与对照组相比,要多出22%的生存率。对于上了年纪的人来说,社交联系通常能够促进大脑的健康。4. Youre vegging out in front of your TV.4. 泡在电视机前面Watching just two hours of television a day can lead to an increased risk of premature death, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes, accordi

15、ng to Harvard researchers. The negative effects of watching television seem to overlap with the potential negative effects of sitting too much, but watching television seems to make the negative effects of sitting even worse. According to the New York Times, “every single hour of television watched

16、after the age of 25 reduces the viewers life expectancy by 21.8 minutes.“根据哈佛的研究人员所述:即使每天只看两个小时的电视,都可能导致早逝、心脏病和二型糖尿病的风险增加。虽然看似看电视的问题与久坐的潜在负面效应有所重叠,但是看电视会比单纯久坐更糟糕。 纽约时报报道:“25岁以后,每多看一小时电视就会减寿约21.8分钟。 ”5. Youre eating too much unhealthy food.5. 食用太多的不健康食品Perhaps this sounds obvious, but the truth is that so many of us continue to do it. The existence of the “Stroke Belt“ - which includes many southeastern states and ranges from parts o


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