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1、精品资料网(http:/) 25 万份精华管理资料,2 万多集管理视频讲座精品资料网(http:/) 专业提供企管培训资料北京诺富特海润酒店员工手册北京诺富特海润酒店员工手册Employee Handbook of Novotel Beijing West目录Foreword 前言Mission Satement 企业宗旨Welcome Message from the General Manager 总经理欢迎辞CHAPTER 1. Accor/AAPC Presentation第一章 雅高集团简介/雅高亚太集团简介NOVOTEL WORLDWIDE诺富特简介NOVOTEL BEIJING

2、WEST北京诺富特海润酒店简介CHAPTER 2.Professionalism at all levels and the Accor values第二章雅高集团饭店管理的全方位职业化表现及雅高品质CHAPTER 3.General terms and conditions of employment第三章北京诺富特海润酒店员工聘用条例WB3.1Recruitment guideline 员工聘用指南3.2Probation period 员工试用期3.3Working hours,rest days do not stouch.不要粗鲁打断在讲话的客人。相反,要等到客人停下来再说话。当与客

3、人交流时,应站直身体,不要显得无精打彩。Respect must be given to all guests, superiors and fellow colleagues. Observe all forms of decorum, especially in the presence of guests.精品资料网(http:/) 25 万份精华管理资料,2 万多集管理视频讲座精品资料网(http:/) 专业提供企管培训资料必须尊重所有的客人,上司和同事,还应遵守各种社会礼节,特别是有客人在场时。6.6CLEANLINESS 员工工作环境规范Maintain cleanliness i

4、n your work place,staff dining room,toilets,locker rooms,etc.保持工作场所、员工餐厅、员工盥洗室、员工更衣室等地点的整洁。6.7PUNCTUALITY 员工守时准则You are expected to report for work at your work area at least 10 minutes before the start of your shift to facilitate taking over of duty. You are not to leave your work area until reliev

5、ed. Continuous unpunctuality will result in disciplinary action.员工最好应在班前 10 分钟到达工作地点,以便于工作的交接。未到工作结束时间,不能离开工作区域。连续迟到将受到纪律处分。6.8EFFICIENT AND PROMPT SERVICE员工工作效率和服务效率的要求This can be achieved by being alert and by cultivating the habit of anticipating the needs of the guests.Cheerful cooperation on th

6、e part of every employee is a necessity in rendering friendly and attentive service.要达到高效的服务质量,需要时刻保持注意力集中并培养预测客人需求的习惯。每位员工的热情合作对提供友好和细致的服务是非常必要的。精品资料网(http:/) 25 万份精华管理资料,2 万多集管理视频讲座精品资料网(http:/) 专业提供企管培训资料CHAPTER 7第七章EMPLOYEE FACILITIES员工设施介绍The following employee facilities are provided to ensure

7、 your comfort and converience whilst at work in the Hotel.酒店提供以下员工设施,以保证员工在酒店工作时的舒适和便利。7.1STAFF DINING ROOM 员工餐厅The Staff Dining Room is for the use of Hotel employee only.餐厅仅供酒店员工使用。Food and beverages are to be consumed only in the Staff Dining Room and only during the operating hours.食物和饮料仅可在员工餐厅并

8、在用餐时间内食用。No employee is allowed to bring food from outside for consumption in the Staff Dining Room or any part of the Hotel premises.不允许将食物带进员工餐厅和酒店内食用。No employee is allowed to bring food and beverages out of the Staff Dining Room.不允许将食物和饮料带出员工餐厅外食用。精品资料网(http:/) 25 万份精华管理资料,2 万多集管理视频讲座精品资料网(http:

9、/) 专业提供企管培训资料After consuming your meal, you must return the tray,crockery and cutlery to the designated dishwashing area. You will be charged for any deliberate wastage of food and beverages.用餐完毕,必须将餐具放回食堂盥洗处。故意浪费食物和饮料将被罚款。Littering and spitting are not permitted in the Staff Dining Room.员工餐厅内禁止乱丢杂物

10、和随地吐痰。Smoking is permitted only in the smoking section. Disciplinary action will be taken against those caught smoking in the non smoking section.员工只允许在吸烟区内吸烟,在禁烟区内吸烟将受到纪律处分。7.2STAFF LOCKER not to protrude.鼻毛应修剪整齐,无外露。No growing moustache.不允许蓄胡须。精品资料网(http:/) 25 万份精华管理资料,2 万多集管理视频讲座精品资料网(http:/) 专业提

11、供企管培训资料No Beard不允许留络腮胡。Mouth 嘴No food remains stuck in between teeth and is kept odour free.口腔清洁,无异味,齿缝无食物残渣。No bad breath.无口臭。Hands,Fingernails 手/指甲Hands are to be kept clean.双手保持清洁。Fingernails must be kept short and clean,well manicured.指甲须要剪短及保持清洁。Uniform 制服Uniform must be clean and well ironed.制

12、服要整洁,熨烫平整。No rips, stains or dirt.无破损、灰尘或污迹。No loose or missing buttons.钮扣整齐无脱落。Trousers of appropriate length.精品资料网(http:/) 25 万份精华管理资料,2 万多集管理视频讲座精品资料网(http:/) 专业提供企管培训资料裤长适中。Uniform must be full and proper.制服应完整,穿戴得体。No visible T shirt under the hotel uniform.内穿 T 恤不能露出酒店工服。Shirt 衬衫Collar and end

13、s of sleeves must be clean.保持衣领及袖口整洁。Top of collar and ends of sleeve must not be frayed.衣领及袖口无磨损。All buttons must be properly attached.钮扣齐全。Well ironed.熨烫平整。Necktie 领带Must match with the uniform colour and design,or as directed.必须与公司制服在颜色及风格上相搭配或者与指定款式相同。Not soiled or dirty.干净无污点。Must be properly t

14、ied with the knot in proper position.领带必须打结得体,领结位置适中。精品资料网(http:/) 25 万份精华管理资料,2 万多集管理视频讲座精品资料网(http:/) 专业提供企管培训资料Socks 袜子Not loose and falling.不松弛、脱落。Visible holes are not permitted.无破损。Plain black colour.单黑色袜子。Change everyday and must not be smelly.每日更换、以便不发出异味。Shoes 鞋Clean and wellpolished.干净并擦拭光

15、亮。Standard shoes approved by the Hotel.员工须穿着经酒店批准的标准样式的鞋。Accessories 饰物Heavy, glaring or noisy accessories must not be worn except wedding ring.除结婚戒指外,不许佩戴笨重、耀眼或能发出噪音的饰物。For safety & hygiene reasons, Kitchen and Stewarding staff are not allowed to wear ring.鉴于安全和卫生的关系,厨房和管事部的员工不准戴戒指。精品资料网(http:/) 25 万份精华管理资料,2 万多集管理视频讲座精品资料网(http:/) 专业提供企管培训资料Necklace must be displayed ostentatiously.项链不可显耀地佩戴


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