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1、第四课时 ,Seetiont B(Ia一1le)工. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。.It ll be (方便的) for me to see you thisafternoon.The new (购物中心) is on Huanghe Road. Allthe things in it are very_cheap. There is a new sofa in the (有攻落) of the livingTOom. Dont worry. This is a (安全的) place. There are too many people here. Lets find an(人少的) pla

2、ce to have a rest,下. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。expensive,crowded,quiet,fascinate,clerk 6. The city is Many people come here every day.7. Oranges here-are always expensive in summer, butin the winter months they are 8. The bus is . There are few people on it.9. Davids parents are both bank10. Mrs. Li was Sitti

3、ng when I came in.E亚. 按要求完成下列句子 ,每空一词。11.“Where will you wait for me?”she asked me. (合并成一个句子)She asked me wait for her. 12. When will theiconcert start? Would you please tellme? (合并成一个句子)Would you please tell me ? 13. Are there any places of interest in Canada? Couldyou please tell me? (合并成一个句子)Coul

4、d you please tell meplaces of interest in Canada? 14. What is his name? Do you know? (合并成一个句子)Do you know 1S. He wants to_ know where he_ can have fun with hisclassmates.改为简单何)He wants to know with hisclassmates.和. 阅读理解。Bissell is a_ village in West Sahara. Before KenLevin discovered it, people here

5、 tried many times towalk out of the desert,,but they didnt He askedeveryone,but got the same answer: no _ matter whichdirection you walk towards,youJ return to the start-ing point, However,, Ken Levin walked northwardsfrom Bissell,and went out the desert three days and ahalf later.Ken Levin wanted t

6、o know why, so he asked avillager to be his guide. He didnt take his compass(指南针) and followed with only a stick. They walkedabout 800 miles during ten days. On the morning ofthe 11th day,they returned to Bissell.Ken Levin finally understoods theipeople of Bis-sell could not walk out because they di

7、dnt know thePole Star(北极星). In the desert,if a man goes only byhis feeling,he will walk in circles of all sizes and thefinal footprint will probably be a shape of tape. Thevillage of Bissell was in the middle of the desert with-out a reference. So it was impossible to walk out with- out knowing the

8、Pole Star or taking a compass. When Ken Levin left Bissell,he took a young mannamed Guterl. He told him he could walk out of thedesert as long as he walked in the direction of the PoleStar in the night.Guterl followed Ken Levin s advice and succeeded. )16. It took Ken Levin towalk out ofthe desert.A

9、. half a day B. three and a half daysC. ten days D. eleven days( )17. Ken Levin took with him on hisSecond try.A.atape B. a map (EscE D. a compass)18. The underlined word“reference”in the passagemeans“ ”in Chinese.和A. 参照物 B. 指示牌C. 说明书 D. 目的地)19. What_ can we learn from the last sentence?A. Guterl wa

10、lked out of the desert.B. Guterl left Bissell with Ken Levin.。C. Guterl knew how to use a compass。D. Guterl became very rich.( )20. What is the passage mainly about?A. How to find the Pole Star at night.B: Howito tell direction without a compass.C. How Ken Levin discovered Bissell,D. How the Pole Star helped Bissell villagerswalk onut,


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