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1、六年级英语语音、语法、单项、完型专项练习(六年级英语语音、语法、单项、完型专项练习(1)一一 语音语音.Same.Same oror different.different.划线部分读音相近的填划线部分读音相近的填 S S,不同填,不同填 D D。 ( ( )1.gr)1.grououndnd t tururn n ( ( )2.g)2.gooood d t toooo ( ( )3.cl)3.cleaean n l leaeaderder ( ( )4.s)4.si igngn n ni icece ( ( )5.p)5.parark k c carard d ( ( )6.m)6.ma a

2、keke h ha aveve ( ( )7.c)7.ca andyndy ststa ampmp ( ( )8.m)8.meaeat t brbreaead d ( ( )9.voll)9.volleyeyballball k keyey ( ( )10.pl)10.playay p pa aperper.Find.Find thethe differentdifferent wordword inin pronunciation.pronunciation.找出划线部分读音不同的单词。找出划线部分读音不同的单词。( ( ) ) 1.A.1.A.a asksk B.B. b ba asket

3、sket C.C. t ta ableble D.D. grgra assss ( ( )2.A.n)2.A.na ameme B.B. grgra adede C.C. ththa at t D.D. l la atete ( ( )3.A.l)3.A.li ikeke B.B. k ki itete C.C. mymy D.D. c ci ityty ( ( )4.A.s)4.A.se econdcond B.B. m me essss C.C. cincine emama D.D. F Fe ebruarybruary ( ( )5.A.s)5.A.seaeasonson B.B. b

4、beaeachch C.C. r reaead d D.D. grgreaeat t ( ( )6.A.mon)6.A.monthth B.B. sixsixthth C.C. wiwithth D.D. birbirththdayday ( ( )7.A.h)7.A.he e B.B. e egggg C.C. drdre essss D.D. b be ed d ( ( )8.A.d)8.A.du uckck B.B. m mu uchch C.C. m mu usicsic D.D. l lu unchnch ( ( )9.A.g)9.A.go o B.B. h ho ot t C.C.

5、 n no ot t D.D. c co offeeffee ( ( )10.A.r)10.A.roooom m B.B. schschooool l C.C. l looook k D.D. g goooosese ( ( )11.A.fl)11.A.flowowerer B.B. h howow C.C. brbrowown n D.D. yellyellowow ( ( )12.A.h)12.A.houousese B.B. y yououngng C.C. ouout t D.D. grgrououndnd ( ( )13.A.)13.A.a anyny B.B. a animalni

6、mal C.C. m ma anyny D.D. frfrieiendnd ( ( )14.A.w)14.A.wa aterter B B .w.wa antnt C.C. whwha at t D.D. w wa atchtch ( ( )15.A.walk)15.A.walkeded B.B. jumpjumpeded C.C. kickkickeded D.D. wantwanteded ( ( )16.A.r)16.A.raiain n B.B. trtraiain n C.C. s saiaid d D.D. p paiaintnt ( ( )17.A.f)17.A.forortyt

7、y B.B. w wororkerker C.C. b bororn n D.D. h hororsese ( ( )18.A.tod)18.A.todayay B.B. plplayay C.C. ststayay D.D. SundSundayay ( ( )19.A.g)19.A.goaoat t B.B. o oldld C.C. d do ontnt D.D. h ho ot t ( ( )20.A.tr)20.A.try y B.B. m my y C.C. whwhy y D.D. happhappy y二二 语法语法.用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Look

8、!1.Look! A A catcat (run)(run) upup thethe tree.tree.2.What2.What aboutabout (play)football?(play)football?3.She3.She (go)home(go)home withwith herher friendsfriends lastlast night.night.4.Im4.Im goinggoing toto (visit)the(visit)the GreatGreat Wall.Wall.WillWill youyou (go)(go) withwith me.me.5.My5.

9、My classmatesclassmates areare veryvery (friend)to(friend)to me.me.6.This6.This isis hishis bikebike andand (she)(she) isis overover there.there.7.My7.My sistersister alwaysalways (read)(read) EnglishEnglish inin thethe morning.morning.8.I8.I waswas gladglad (get)(get) youryour letter.letter.9.I9.I

10、livelive inin oneone ofof thosethose (building)(building)10.Are10.Are therethere anyany (woman(woman doctor)doctor) inin thethe hospital.hospital.11.My11.My grandparentsgrandparents likelike (watch)(watch) PekingPeking opera.opera.12.September12.September isis thethe (nine)(nine) monthmonth ofof the

11、the year.year.13.I13.I wouldwould likelike (go)(go) toto London.London.14.The14.The childrenchildren enjoyenjoy (play)football.(play)football.15.Look15.Look out!out! YouYou (must)(must) crosscross thethe roadroad now.now. YouYou mustmust waitwait forfor thethe greengreen light.light.16.You16.You shouldshould keepkeep youryour roomroom clean.clean. YouYou (should)(should) makemake a a messmess inin youryour room.room.17.There17.There areare twelvetwelve (month)in(month)in a a year.year.18.My18.My sistersister (like)singing(like)singing butbut sheshe doesntdoesnt likelike dancing.dancing.19



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