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1、硕士研究生学位论文 武平供电公司工会管理信息系统的设计与实现密级:密级: 保密期限:保密期限:*大学大学硕士研究生学位论文硕士研究生学位论文论文题目:论文题目: 武平供电公司工会管理信息系统的设计与实现武平供电公司工会管理信息系统的设计与实现学位类别:学位类别: *硕士学位作作 者:者: 导导 师:师: *教授 系系 别:别: 学学 号:号: 学科领域:学科领域: 完成日期:完成日期: *大学硕士学位论文原创性(创新性)声明大学硕士学位论文原创性(创新性)声明本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人

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3、遵守此规定)保密论文注释:本学位论文属于保密在 年解密后适用本授权书。非保密论文注释:本学位论文不属于保密范围,适用本授权书。学位论文全文电子版同意提交后:一年 二年在校园网上发布,供校内师生浏览。本人签名: 日期: 导师签名: 日期: 硕士研究生学位论文 武平供电公司工会管理信息系统的设计与实现武平供电公司工会管理信息系统的设计与实现武平供电公司工会管理信息系统的设计与实现DesignDesign andand implementationimplementation ofof WupingWuping powerpower supplysupply companycompany trade

4、trade unionunion managementmanagement informationinformation systemsystem摘要摘要随着世界经济的平稳快速的增长,各国电力体制的改革日益加快,这种改革体制逐渐的深入、电力体系发展的日趋完善,电力市场逐渐呈现了平稳的态势。但是为了适应目前电力市场的发展需要,供电公司工会管理信息系统的设计与实现逐渐成为了供电企业的在面对市场发展发展和竞争中所必须面临的问题。然而市场具有复杂多变的特性,对于传统的供电公司工会管理信息系统的管理方式和操作的手段而言,当前的供电企业在经营和管理上存在明显的缺陷,与当前社会的发展呈现很多不适应的现象。那


6、供电公司在实际操作中存在的种种问题,并在此基础上对工会管理信息系统进行全新的设计和开发,最终实现武平供电公司工会管理信息系统的全面运作,达到经济利益双收的目的。在全面协调经济发展的基础之上,本课题对于武平供电公司工会管理信息系统的设计分以下四个部分来实现。首先,总体阐述供电公司工会管理信息系统运用到实际中的社会背景和发展现状;其次,全面分析供电公司工会管理信息系统的各个功能结构的设计和操作要求;第三,深层次的分析供电公司工会管理信息系统操作的业务流程;最后,在此基础上,提出合理的设计方案,全面实现工会管理信息系统在供电公司的应用。关键词:关键词:供电公司 工会管理 信息系统设计 实现硕士研究生

7、学位论文 武平供电公司工会管理信息系统的设计与实现AbstractWith the steady and rapid growth of the world economy, the reform of national electricity system is accelerating, this gradual deepening of the reform of the system, the power system development maturing electricity market gradually showing a steady trend. But in ord

8、er to adapt to the current needs of the electricity market development, design and implementation of the power company union management information system is becoming a problem in the face of power supply enterprise development and competitiveness in the market must face. However, the market has com

9、plex characteristics, for management of the traditional power company union management information systems and tools operation, the current supply enterprise obvious defects in the operation and management, and the current development of the society presents many do not adaptation phenomenon. Then t

10、his requirement while implementing the power supply enterprise information management, and strive to build a sound and reasonable union management information system, breaking hinder traditional information management, and gradually realize the purpose of sharing information resources management, ad

11、equate and reasonable to the limited resource utilization to supply enterprise ICBC will manage up efforts to build and improve the power company union management information system, and gradually strengthen internal management of the system, thus improving the efficiency of all aspects of power sup

12、ply enterprise union management, comprehensive realization of Chinas power enterprises steady and rapid development of the situation, so to maximize the economic and social benefits. This paper focuses on the design and implementation issues of the power company union management information system -

13、 now with Ping Wu power companies, for example. Fully integrated process design and implementation of Wu Ping power company union management information systems operations, focusing on the design and implementation of Wu Ping power company union management information system to perform technical ana

14、lysis, problems understanding and discovery Ping Wu, the power company in practice exist and, based on this new union management information system design and development, and ultimately fully operational Wu Ping power company union management information systems, to achieve the purpose of the 硕士研究生

15、学位论文 武平供电公司工会管理信息系统的设计与实现economic interests of double income. In the overall coordination of economic development based on the subject for the design of the power company union WUPING management information system divided into the following four parts to achieve. First, the overall power company union elaborate management information systems applied to the


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