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1、苏州大学外国语学院 成教本科毕业论文(20132013 届夜大学)届夜大学)题 目: On the Art and Morality of Wildes Works 探究王尔德作品中的艺术和道德 专 业: 英 语 姓 名: 李玉洁 学 号: YB1104017084 指导教师: 提交日期: 2013 年 10 月 苏州大学成教本科毕业论文IAcknowledgementsThere are a lot of people who help me to contribute to the completion of this thesis. and I would like to avail m

2、yself of this opportunity to extend my deep gratitude to them.Firstly, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Su Xiaojun, who have given lots of intellectual guidance and moving encouragement in my three-year study at Soochow University, in particular whose strong support of my thesis

3、 topic has given me great confidence to continue my writing.Secondly, I would like to thank my classmates for their unfailing support and patience in answering my questions in the interviews during my thesis writing.Finally, I am also much obliged to my family members, without their support and enco

4、uragement, my completion of this thesis would not have been possible.苏州大学成教本科毕业论文IIAbstractOscar Wilde, one of the most important writers of Irish literature, as well as the English literature. He was an advocator of artistic aestheticism, insisting that it was life and nature that imitated art, not

5、 art imitated life and nature; art should not be restrained by morality. Wilde presented multiple images in his only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray and demonstrated himself behind various masks through conflicts among the multiple personalities. In the fairy tales, he created a realm of experience

6、 separate and distinct from the reality. Yet his fairy tales did not abandon reality. Wilde applied the paradox in his dramas. The paradox was used to fully express his thoughts and viewpoints. This paper did a detailed analysis of the art and morality in Wildes works. Firstly, this paper introduced

7、 the study on morality of previous literary works. Then, it elaborated the artistic theories of Oscar Wilde, and explored the concealed morality of his novel for instance of his representative works. Finally, it found that the morality and art were presented throughout his works, which usually were

8、overlooked. And that at the crossroad between ideal and reality, between art and morality, Wildes hate and love and pursuit made him an individual of contradictions who bled upon the thorns of life and in the end a martyred artist.Key words: Oscar Wilde; art and morality; contradictions苏州大学成教本科毕业论文I


10、为例对隐藏在其中的道德感进行探究。最后发现,王尔德的作品一直就是艺术与道德感共同存在着,只是通常被忽略了。在理想与现实的十字路口,在唯美与道德之间,王尔德的爱恨与追求使他自己成为一个充满矛盾的个体。他在人生的荆棘路上流着血,最终成为艺术的殉道者。关键词关键词: 奥斯卡王尔德;艺术与道德;矛盾苏州大学成教本科毕业论文IVContentsIntroduction.1Chapter 1 Morality of Literary Works .3Chapter 2 Art and Morality of Wildes Works.52.1 Wildes Artistic Theories.52.1.1

11、 Theory of “Art for Arts Sake” .52.1.2 Theory of “Life Imitating Art”.62.1.3 Contradictions Revealed in Advocating the Self-Contained Art .82.2 Morality Concealed in the Novel.92.2.1 Unity of “Body and Soul”.92.2.2 Morality in the Aesthetic Art.10Chapter 3 Relationship Between Art and Morality .13Ch

12、apter 4 Contradictions in Wildes Literary Practice.164.1 Contradictions in the Fairy Tales.164.2 Wildes Paradox.16Chapter 5 Conclusion.17苏州大学成教本科毕业论文1IntroductionThe full name of Oscar Wilde is Oscar Fingal OFlahertie Wills Wilde (18541900). He was born in Ireland, well known as a playwright, novelist, essayist and poet. In the early age, he had participated in his mothers Dublin salon, and turned out an excellent literary talk. After being educated in Trinity College, Dublin, he attended Magd


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