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1、第二届“芙蓉杯”国际工业设计创新大赛 The 2nd “Lotus Prize“ International Industrial Design and Innovation Competition第二届“芙蓉杯”国际工业设计创新大赛 The 2nd “Lotus Prize“ International Industrial Design and Innovation Competition2008年,为促进湖南省工业设计的创新与发展,提高企业自主创新能力,湖南省人民政 府成功的举办了首届主题为“创新、和谐、价值”的“芙蓉杯”国际工业设计创新大奖赛。在大赛组委会的努力工作下,“芙蓉杯”得到了

2、国内外设计界的特别关注和湖南省企业界的广泛支持,共收到了来自全球 8 个国家和地区的公开组作品 2802 件、企业组产品 66 件,国际工业设计联合会主席卡洛斯先生等 8 位国内外的权威专家亲临湖南对参赛作品进行了现场评奖,公开组产生了 18 件获奖作品,企业组产生了 5 件企业创新奖,大赛颁奖典礼期间,省长周强、省委副书记梅克保、副省长郭开朗等领导会见了大赛评委及嘉宾,并参加了同期举办的展览、论坛和颁奖典礼等活动。 大赛作品集出版后呈送给了温家宝总理,获奖优秀作品在国际工业设计协会网站被专题推介。大赛的成功举办,促进了我省企业与国内外设计组织的交流和合作,受到了国际工业设计界的广泛好评和高度

3、关注。 2010年,是创建国家创新体系的关键的一年, 中央政府、各部委及地方政府加快了对有 关文化创意产业、旅游产业、信息产业等新兴产业的资金投入和政策引导。 温家宝总理在政府工作报告中说:“将加快发展服务业,进一步提高服务业发展水平和在国民经济中的比重;大力发展金融、物流、信息、研发、工业设计、商务、节能环保服务等面向生产的服务业,促进服务业与现代制造业有机融合。”工信部又将联合 11 个部委发布关于促进工业设计发展的指导意见,充分体现了各级政府对于促进工业设计的高度重视并将大力纵深发展,加强其在新型工业化进程中的创新能力以及与文化旅游产业、信息出版业、娱乐传播业等创意产业结合与应用, 将科

4、技、 人文和艺术融合创造新的商业模式、 市场和生活方式。 作为 “两型社会” 、 “三网合一”的实验区,湖南省的新型工业化、信息化、文化创意与旅游产业和低碳经济的发展将迎来新的发展机遇,根据周强省委书记的指示,“芙蓉杯”国际工业设计创新大赛每两年举办一次,今年举办第二届大赛。为认真组织举办好本届大赛,湖南省科技厅就大赛的筹备工作进行了深入的研究, 在总结首届大赛的成功经验的基础上, 广泛征求了相关政府部门和企业的意见,并与相关国际设计组织和专家进行了深入的沟通,制定了大赛方案和推广计划 。与首届大赛相比,今年的大赛将更强调企业的参与性、设计与产业的融合度以及设计作品的国际化推广。大赛背景 20

5、08 In order to accelerate the development of industrial design in Hunan and improve the innovation ability of enterprises, the “Lotus Prize“ International Industrial Design and Innovation Competition whose theme is “innovation, harmony, value“ was held successfully by the Hunan Provincial Government

6、. With the effort of the organizing committee, the competition attracted special attention from native and foreign designers, and powerful support from corporations in Hunan province, accepting 2802 works for Group A (students and individual designers) and 66 works for Group B (enterprises ) from 8

7、countries. The chairman of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, Mr. Carlos, and 7 other experts came in person to choose the award winners. There were 18 prize-winning works in group A and 5 Corporation Innovation Prizes in group B. During the awards ceremony, the governor of

8、 Hunan province, Mr Zhou Qiang, the deputy secretary of CPC Mr Mei Kebao the vice-governor Mr Guo Kailang and other government leaders met with the jury members and guests, and attended the exhibition and forum activities. The LotusPrize Portfolio was handed to Premier Wen Jiabao. The winning works

9、were promoted on the website of the International Council of Industrial Design. The competition accelerated the cooperation and exchange between our enterprises and design organizations from home and abroad.2010 This year should be a key point for the national innovation system, central government,

10、ministries and commissions and local government to speed up investment and policy-mandated cultural creative industry, tourism industry, information industry and other emerging industries. Premier Wen Jiabao said in a governments work report:“The service industry should be accelerated, the proportio

11、n of the service industry in the national economy should be increased; the service industries such as finance, logistics, information, research, energy-saving and environmentally-friendly industrial design, business, must develop rapidly, and we should accelerate the merging of the service industry

12、and modern manufacturing. The Ministry of Industry and Information and 11 other ministries and commissions will issue “the guiding opinion for promoting industrial designs development“; it shows that government at all levels attaches importance to promoting industrial designs development, and wants

13、to enhance the innovation ability of new industrialized process and the binding abilities of culture and tourism industry, information industry, entertainment and communication industry and other creative industries. The merging of technology, humanities and art will create new business models, mark

14、ets and lifestyle. As the experimental area of “Two-oriented (energy-saving and environment-friendly) society“, “3G integration”, the development of new industrialization, informationization, cultural creativity and tourism industries and low carbon-economy in Hunan province will have new opportunit

15、ies. According to the request of Hunan provincial party secretary Zhou Qiang, the “LotusPrize“ will be held every 2 years, this year will be the second time. In order to better organize this competition, the Hunan Science and Technology Bureau has prepared the competition very seriously, and studied

16、 opinions and ideas from related governments and companies on the basis of the successful experiences of the first competition. It also communicated with related international organizations and experts to plan and promote the competition. Compared with the first edition, this years “LotusPrize“ will emphasize the participation of companies, the merging of design and industry, and the international promotion of design works presented in the competition.The First “Lotus Prize“


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