Simple Exercises Busy People Can Do Anywhere, Anytime

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《Simple Exercises Busy People Can Do Anywhere, Anytime》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Simple Exercises Busy People Can Do Anywhere, Anytime(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、7 Simple Exercises Busy People Can Do Anywhere, Anytime大忙人也可以随时随地开始的 7 种简单运动Looking for quick, easy ways to get in shape? Thereare simple exercises to help tone your body withouthaving to go to the gym. Want to know the bestpart? They can be done anywhere, anytime! These exercises only take a few mi

2、nutes to complete, requireno outside equipment, and are easy to master. No matter if youre at work, at home, or on the go,theseeasy-to-follow calisthenic exercises are sure to make you break a sweat.你是否一直在寻找一种既简单又快速的保持苗条身型的方法?现在为你提供几种无需到健身馆,就可以进行健身的简单运动。想知道它们最大的好处是什么吗?那就是你可以随时随地开始健身。这些运动只需几分钟就可以完成,不

3、需要室外设备,容易上手。不管你是在办公室、在家、或者是在路上,这些简单易学的健身操动作都可以让你大汗淋漓。Calf raisesDoing calf raises will help strengthen your gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. In other words, calf raisesstrengthen your lower legs. There are a lot of different ways to do calf raises, but one of the easiestandmost effectiveis doing th

4、e standing raise. This video further details how to do a stationary calf raise:提踵提踵提踵训练可以帮助加强腓肠肌和比目鱼肌。也即是说,提踵动作可以增强小腿力量。提踵动作有很多种方法,但是最简单的方法之一也是最有效的方法就是站立提踵。这段视频将会更加详细讲述怎样站立不动的提踵。Chair dipsWhere theres a chair, theres a way! Chair dips are great for strengthening your triceps and can be donejust abou

5、t anywhere. Like other exercises, there are varying techniquesthat can either increase ordecrease resistance. This video shows the different variations on this tried-and-true classic:手撑椅子上下降法手撑椅子上下降法有凳子就有方法!手撑椅子上下降法有益于加强肱三头肌,且随处可以锻炼。像其他动作一样,在增加或减少阻力时需要不同的技巧。视频可以将这个经得起检验的经典动作的各个阶段的变化详细展示出来。LungesBeca

6、use youre using your own body weight, lunges both strengthen your lower body andincrease overallflexibility. Lunges can be done anywhere: You can lunge when you walkto the kitchen; you can lunge to thedriveway as you get the paper in the morning, and you can even lunge when you walk from your desk t

7、o thewater cooler at work. Heres another video that shows the ins and outs of lunging:弓箭步弓箭步因为你一直运用整个身体的力量弓箭步既可以加强下身的力量也可以增加整个身体的灵活性。弓箭步随地可做:你可以用弓箭步走到厨房去,你还可以拿着早上的报纸,以弓箭步走到车道去等车。甚至工作的时候,你还可以以弓箭步从你的办公桌走到沸水冷却器处接水喝。这个视频将会详细地告诉你弓箭步动作的知识。SquatsThe most important thing to keep in mind when doing squats is

8、 having proper form. Squats are one of themost effective full body exercises around because they simultaneously work to build muscle and burn fat. Try using a chair as a reference point as to how far down you should go:深蹲深蹲深蹲时要记得最重要的是动作要正确。深蹲是最有效锻炼全身的动作之一。因为它能同时锻炼肌肉,燃烧脂肪。可以拿张凳子作为参考来衡量你应该蹲下到什么程度。Plan

9、ksLooking for effective exercises to tighten your core? Planks are great at strengthening both your abs andyour backall you need is a flat surface. Remember to time how long you can hold it, and then try toadd afew more seconds every time thereafter. Heres a guide on how to perform a basicplank:平板支撑

10、法平板支撑法还在寻找一种可以全身绷紧的有效训练吗?平板支撑法有益于加强背部和腹肌,这个方法只需要一块平整的地面。记得记录你能坚持的时间,并尝试每次超越几秒。这里可以告诉你怎么做一个基本平板支撑法。After youve mastered the basics, try adding side planks to your routine.在你掌握了这些基础之后,可以尝试在将侧向平板支撑法加到你锻炼中。Arm circlesWorried about flabby arms? Arm circles are great at toning while simultaneously strengt

11、hening your arms. They can be done with varying intensity, all of which will help you feel “the burn.” Heres a beginners guideto help get you started:手臂旋转法手臂旋转法担心手臂肌肉松弛吗?手臂旋转法可以有效地使手臂肌肉绷紧同时增加手臂力量。你可以可以用不同的力气转动,只要这些动作能让你感到“燃烧”的感觉。这里有初学者指导来帮助你开始。If youre at work, try to grab a book or a binder for som

12、e extra weight.工作的时候,可以试着拿本书或者订书机来增加重量。Bur peesThe most high-intensity exercise on this list, burpees are often referred to as the cornerstone to anyworkout because they are guaranteed to produce results. This aerobic exercise helps strengthen yourentire body by utilizing almost every muscle group.

13、There are many different ways to perform a burpee, butthe easiest one is quite possibly the best. As with every other exercise, proper form is a must.立卧撑立卧撑这是本次介绍的 7 中运动中强度最大的一种运动。立卧撑通常会被作为其他训练的基础,因为这个动作确实有效。这种有氧运动通过运动身体上的每一块肌肉来帮助增强整个身体。可以使用多种不同的方法来练习立卧撑,但是最简单的方法也许就是最好的方法。跟其他的运动一样,动作正确是最重要的。The abov

14、e exercises are proven classics that require very little room and no equipment. While it may nottake you long to master each exercise, the incredible array of different methods to employ is endless. Onceyou feel comfortable with the basics, begin applying the advanced techniques and embrace the burn

15、. Keeptrack of the amount of time or reps you do for each one and continually strive to increase it.上面介绍的运动都是一些不需要大空间和设备就可以锻炼的运动。每一项也不需要话费很长时间来学会,几种方法按不同顺序排列组合来锻炼收获是无穷。一旦在这些基本锻炼中感到舒适,你就可以使用先进的健身仪器来酣畅淋漓的健身了。记住你每一个动作都做了多长时间和几次,然后慢慢地增加次数或时间。In addition to the exercises above, why not make exercising a

16、part of your everyday routine? For example,take the stairs at work instead of the elevator, and instead of wasting the gas going to the grocery store whynot walk or ride your bike instead. Getting in shape doesnt require the use of a Golds Gym membership,all it takes is a little gumption, a bit of creativity, and a lot of willpower.除了以上所提到的运动之外,为何不降将一些其他的运动作为你日常生活的一部分呢?例如:上班的时候可以爬楼梯而不是搭电梯,与其浪费汽油开车去商店,为何不步行或者骑自行车去呢。保持苗条并不要求你一定要一张金色的健身卡,你要做的就是坚持,一点点的创新还有强大的意志力。1、


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