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1、辽宁科技大学本科生毕业设计第 I 页卷扬机电动机无触点开关设计摘 要无触点开关是近几十年发展起来的一种高科技电子元器件,它的特点是开关速度快、无电弧产生、理论寿命长等,并且由于电力电子技术和元器件制造技术的提高,其成本不断降低,因此无触点开关已被广泛应用于电力拖动控制系统中。另外,由于无触点开关采用了处理器和通讯技术,再配合 BCQ 操作显示模块使用,在控制卷扬机的正转、反转、以及零位能耗制动的同时对卷扬机传递电机的过载、断相、三相不平衡、接地/漏电、欠电流等起到保护作用,实现了对电动机的保护功能。本次毕业设计,我研制的是卷扬机电动机无触点开关控制系统,整个系统由三相异步电动机主回路,无触点开

2、关控制电路,和检测电路组成。针对卷扬机电动机的实际工作状况,再根据所需实现的功能,完成了主回路的设计。然后通过对输入电路、输出电路、CPU 周边的参数计算完成了对无触点开关控制电路的设计。最后通过电路故障分析和性能分析完成检测电路 的设计。从而完成了整个无触点开关控制系统的设计。关键词:卷扬机;无触点开关;主回路;控制电路;检测电路;控制系统辽宁科技大学本科生毕业设计第 II 页The Dedign of the Non-contact Switchfor Hoist MotorAbstractNon-contact suitch developed in recent years is a

3、high-tech electronic components, its characteristic is switching speed, no arc and long service life etc, and the theory of power electronic technology and components due to improve manufacturing technology, the lower costs, thus non-contact switch has been widely used in electric drive control syst

4、em. In addition, because non-contact suitch adopted processor and communication technology, combined with BCQ with operation in control, display module USES the hoist is zero, inversion, and at the same time to hoist braking energy transfer overload, motor, phase unbalanced three-phase, grounding/le

5、akage, current protection, the protection of motor function. The graduation design, I developed is hoist motor control system, and non-contact suitch whole system from the main circuit, three-phase asynchronous electric circuit, and non-contact switch control circuit testing. According to the actual

6、 working condition hoist motor, according to the needs, complete the functions of the circuit design. Then based on input circuit, the output circuit, the CPU surrounding parameters are calculated to non-contact switch control circuit design. Through the analysis on fault circuit performance analysi

7、s and design of complete detection circuit. To complete the whole non-contact switch control system design.Keywords: Hoist;Non-contact switch;The main circuit;Control circuit;Detection circuit;The control system辽宁科技大学本科生毕业设计第 III 页目 录1 绪论.11.1 卷扬机简介.11.1.1 卷扬机的发展及其概念.11.1.2 卷扬机安全操作规程.21.1.3 卷扬机主要技术参

8、数.31.2 无触点开关的简介.41.2.1 无触点开关的发展及应用.41.2.2 无触点开关控制系统的特点.41.3 卷扬机使用无触点开关的原因.52 无触点开关的组成及其原理.72.1 无触点开关的工作原理.72.2 无触点开关的组成.83 无触点开关主回路设计.93.1 主回路的工作原理及过零点触发.93.1.1 主回路的工作原理.93.1.2 过零点触发.103.2 元件选择及参数计算.103.3 晶闸管的保护.123.3.1 过电压保护.123.3.2 过电流保护.134 控制电路的设计.144.1 输入电路设计.144.1.1 X1 输入端子设计.144.1.2 电源抗干扰设计.144.1.3 光隔输入部分设计.174.2 继电器输出电路设计.214.2.1 继电器输出电路原理.21辽宁科技大学本科生毕业设计第 IV 页4.2.2 继电器输出电路的



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