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1、1 1 1 1ToeflToeflToeflToefl 词汇词汇红红宝书宝书7 7 7 7 天搞定托福单词天搞定托福单词68686868ListListListList4 4 4 4(第四天)(第四天)11111111 evidentevidentevidentevident 5evIdEnt5evIdEnt5evIdEnt5evIdEnt adj.adj.adj.adj. 显然的显然的 【Variation between the brains hemispheres was not evidentinthe skulls of Homo erectus and Homo habilis.】

2、11111111 dragdragdragdrag drAdrAdrAdrA v. v. v. v.拉拉, , , , 拖拖 【There are adaptations that increase the amount of forward thrust as well as those that reduce drag.】11111111 dispersaldispersaldispersaldispersaln.n. n. n. 疏散;散布疏散;散布 【Squirrels may devour many acorns, but by storing and failing to reco

3、ver up to 74 percent of them (as they do when seeds are abundant), these arboreal orodents can also aid regenerationand dispersalof the oaks.】11111111 delicatedelicatedelicatedelicate 5delIkIt5delIkIt5delIkIt5delIkIt adj.adj.adj.adj. 细致优雅的;易碎的细致优雅的;易碎的 【Afresh snowfall isafluffy mass of loosely pack

4、ed snowflakes, small delicate ice constals growninthe atmosphere.】11111111 crisiscrisiscrisiscrisis 5kraIsIs5kraIsIs5kraIsIs5kraIsIs n.n. n. n. 危机危机 【Releasing capillary water and introducing drought-resistant crops are less-promising solutions to the water supply crisis thanbringinginriver water】11

5、111111 conserveconserveconserveconserve kEn5s:vkEn5s:vkEn5s:vkEn5s:v v. v. v. v.保存保存 【Many have been attempting to conserve water by irrigating less frequently or by switching to crops thatrequire less water.】11111111 columbiacolumbiacolumbiacolumbia kE5lQmbIEkE5lQmbIEkE5lQmbIEkE5lQmbIE n.n. n. n. 哥

6、伦比亚哥伦比亚 【The other species, the Columbian white-tailed deer,inearlier times was commonin the open prairie country,itis now restricted to the low, marshy islands and flood plains alongthe lower ColumbiaRiver.】11111111 ceasedceasedceasedceased(ceaseceaseceaseceasesi:ssi:ssi:ssi:s )v. v. v. v.停止停止 【But

7、inthat period, when getting food no longer dependedonhunting large game animals (because they were becoming extinct), the art ceased to focusonportrayals of animals.】11111111 balancebalancebalancebalance 5bAlEns5bAlEns5bAlEns5bAlEns n.n. n. n. 平衡平衡v. v. v. v.使平衡使平衡 【Only rarely do these competing fo

8、rces of heat and cold operateinperfect balance to createaphenomenonsuchas the steam caves at MountRainier NationalPark.】11111111 altitudesaltitudesaltitudesaltitudes(altitudealtitudealtitudealtitude5AltItju:d5AltItju:d5AltItju:d5AltItju:d )n.n. n. n. 高度高度 【In this process, sedimentary rocks thatorig

9、inally formedonthe seabed may be folded upwards to altitudes of more than26,000 feet.】11111111 adultadultadultadult E5dQlt, 5AdQltE5dQlt, 5AdQltE5dQlt, 5AdQltE5dQlt, 5AdQlt n.n. n. n. 成人成人adj.adj.adj.adj. 成年的成年的 【Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by public schools, corporations, unions, ch

10、urches, settlement houses, and other agencies.】11111111 adequateadequateadequateadequate 5AdIkwIt5AdIkwIt5AdIkwIt5AdIkwIt adj.adj.adj.adj.充足的充足的 8 8 8 8 inadequateinadequateinadequateinadequate In5AdIkwItIn5AdIkwItIn5AdIkwItIn5AdIkwIt adj.adj.adj.adj. 不充分的;不适当的不充分的;不适当的 【However, much of this intere

11、st has been sparked by sweeping claims that the food supply is unsafe orinadequateinmeeting nutritionalneeds.】11111111 absorbabsorbabsorbabsorb Eb5sC:bEb5sC:bEb5sC:bEb5sC:b v. v. v. v.吸收吸收 6 6 6 6 absorptionabsorptionabsorptionabsorption Eb5sC:pFEnEb5sC:pFEnEb5sC:pFEnEb5sC:pFEn n.n. n. n. 专心专心 3 3 3

12、 3 reabsorbedreabsorbedreabsorbedreabsorbedadj.adj.adj.adj.再吸收再吸收 【When plants do not absorb sufficient amounts of essential minerals, characteristic abnormalities result.】10101010 wheelwheelwheelwheel wi:l, hw-wi:l, hw-wi:l, hw-wi:l, hw- n.n. n. n. 轮子轮子v. v. v. v.旋转旋转 【Another generationpassed befo

13、re Inventors succeededincombiningthese ingredients69696969by putting the engineonwheels and the wheelsonthe rails, so as to provideamachine to take the place of the horse.】10101010 tabletstabletstabletstablets(tablettablettablettablet5tAblIt5tAblIt5tAblIt5tAblIt )n.n. n. n. 平板平板 【Archacologists work

14、ing at Ninevehinnorthern Mesopotamiainthe mid-nineteenth century found many inscribed clay tablets.】10101010 symptomssymptomssymptomssymptoms(symptomsymptomsymptomsymptom5sImptEm5sImptEm5sImptEm5sImptEm )n.n. n. n. 征兆征兆 【Nitrogen which composes 80 percent of the air we breathe usually causesabalmy f

15、eeling of well-being at this pressure. Atadepth of 5 atmospheres nitrogen causes symptoms resembling alcoholintoxicationknownas nitrogennarcosis.】10101010 sustainsustainsustainsustain sEs5teInsEs5teInsEs5teInsEs5teIn v. v. v. v.支撑;维持支撑;维持 【Population growthinturn createdaneven greater relianceonsettled farming, as only systematic agriculture could sustainthe increased numbers of people.】10101010 stripsstripsstripsstrips(stripstripstripstripstrIpstrIpstrIpstrIp ) n.n. n. n. 条条, , , , 带;简易机场带;简易机场 【It is often dramatically marked asanunmistakable landing


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