
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:37889304 上传时间:2018-04-24 格式:PDF 页数:2 大小:46.60KB
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1、Input data: daily weather data Requirement :weather station information: location/ climate class/ latitude/ longitude/ elevation/ instrument height/ anemometer height(风速计高度)Daily values of incoming solar radiation (MJ/m2-day), 太阳辐射Maximum and minimum daily air temperature (oC), and 每日最低最高气温Daily tot

2、al rainfall (mm). 日降雨量Optional data:dry and wet bulb temperatures wind speed Length of weather data :At minimum:cover the duration of the experiment Preferably:from a few weeks before planting to a few weeks after harvest soil surface and profile information soil classification(SCS) surface slope co

3、lor permeability drainage class soil profile data by soil horizons: upper and lower horizon depths (cm), percentage sand, silt(泥沙) , and clay centent(content?黏土含量) , 1/3 bar bulk density(容积密度) , organic carbon(有机碳) , pH in water, aluminum saturation(铝饱和度) , and root abundance information(根的丰富度信息). detailed crop management data general information Environment: 大田条件、初始条件、土壤分析以及环境改变Management: 作物品种、 播种日期、 灌溉条件、 施肥措施、 有机改良剂、 耕作条件、收获方式以及化学试剂的应用Treatments Simulation options Experimental data: for evaluation crops species file including genetic information is needed output data:


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