(人教新起点)二年级英语下册教案 Unit 12 Lesson 69(1)

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(人教新起点)二年级英语下册教案 Unit 12 Lesson 69(1)_第1页
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《(人教新起点)二年级英语下册教案 Unit 12 Lesson 69(1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(人教新起点)二年级英语下册教案 Unit 12 Lesson 69(1)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(人教新起点)二年级英语下册教案(人教新起点)二年级英语下册教案 Unit 12 lesson 69一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1.情感目标:A.通过开展丰富多彩的课堂活动,激发学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语听说的基本能力。 B.通过本课的学习,使学生了解地球公转的知识。2.知识目标:A.能在本课涉及到的情景条件下听懂并说出单词。B.能在本课涉及的情景条件下使用本课所学的句型。3.能力目标:A.能够观察到四季的不同并且用所学语言予以表达。B.培养学生的动手能力、合作能力、创新意识。 二、教学重点:二、教学重点:检测学生是否能听懂本单元所学的有关季节的词汇和日常交际用语。三、教学难点:三、教学难点

2、:要求学生能够在适当的情景下用英语表达对季节的喜好及其原因。 四、教具准备:四、教具准备:录音机,教学卡片,教学挂图、实物。 五、学具准备:五、学具准备:自做卡片。 六、教学过程:六、教学过程:1. The teacher shows the pictures. Let the students listen to the tape.The teacher shows the pictures. And let the students say the words.2. The teacher teaches the new words. And make the dialogues.Let

3、the students perform the dialogues.Two students a group to perform the dialogues.3. Play the games. and help the students to grasp the words.A. The teacher reads the words.B. Let the students show the pictures of the new words.C. The teacher let the students do the actions.D. Pair work.E. Use the pi

4、ctures to play the games.4. Dialogues:What season is it?Its spring. I can fly a kite.Its summer, I can swim.Is it fall?Yes, I can climb hills.Winter is my favorite season. I can make a snowman.Listen to the tape. And then make dialogues.5. Group work:Listening.Song6. Homework:Copy the words.Read the text.


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