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1、小升初英语全真模拟试卷及答案小升初英语全真模拟试卷及答案一、找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。(10 分)( ) 1. A. teacher B. certainly C. sister D. brother( ) 2. A. earth B. near C. hear D. ear( ) 3. A. bowl B. snow C. now D. yellow( ) 4. A. page B. dog C. pig D. big( ) 5. A. think B. third C. those D. thank( ) 6. A. game B. table C. get D. rain(

2、) 7. A. on B. office C. orange D. open( ) 8. A. ruler B. mum C. shut D. colour( ) 9. A. feet B. meat C. seven D. peach( ) 10. A. right B. ghost C. light D. night二、补一个同类词。(5 分)1. morning, evening, _2. beer, coffee, _3. post, office, shop, _4. thin, fat, _5. cool, cold, _三、根据汉语要求选择正确的英语句子。(10 分)( ) 1.

3、 Bob 相约 Tom 去公园,应该怎么说?A. Can I go to the park? B. Shall we go to the park?( ) 2. Lily,这是我的朋友。A. Lily, this is my friend. B. Lily, this friend is my.( ) 3. 当别人邀请你一起去郊游时,你说:“太好了!“A. Thank you! B. Great!( ) 4. 明天上午我要去买东西。A. Ill go shopping tomorrow morning.B. Ill do shopping tomorrow morning.( ) 5. 当你提

4、醒 Fred 不要在街上玩足球时说:A. Dont play football in the street, Fred!B. Not to play football in the street, Fred!四、选择填空。(15 分)( ) 1. Li Hong _ TV for two hours every evening.A. watch B. watches C. watched( ) 2. - _ is he? - He is ten.A. What B. Who C. How old( ) 3. Kate and Jane _ my good friends.A. is B. am

5、 C. are( ) 4. - Where _ he from?- He _ from China.A. is; come B. is; comes C. does; is( ) 5. - Where is my pencil?- I cant _ it.A. look at B. find C. look for( ) 6. Were going to stay here tomorrow. What _ you?A. about B. besides C. with( ) 7. That blue jacket is beautiful.A. fine B. very nice C. we

6、ll( ) 8. - _ are these? - They are red pencils.A. What B. Where C. What colour( ) 9. My mother _ three shelves.A. have B. has C. is( ) 10. The man over there is _.A. Miss White B. Mrs White C. Mr White( ) 11. - _ kitchen is clean? - Marys.A. Whos B. Whose C. Who( ) 12. - _ grade are you in? - Grade

7、Five.A. Whose B. Which C. Where( ) 13. - _ on the river? - Therere some ducks.A. What B. Which C. Whats( ) 14. That girl is my friend. _ name is May.A. His B. Her C. Its( ) 15. Helen is behind me. I am _ Helen.A. behind B. in front of C. beside五、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10 分)1. Peters father often _ (take) a b

8、us to go to work.2. Look! They _ (play) happily in the playground.3. Tom likes _ (swim) in summer.4. Who can _ (speak) English well in your family?5. Tim and Tom _ (read) in the library. Lets _ (join) them.6. We will _ (go) for a picnic tomorrow. We _ (get) ready for it now.7. Mary, _ (not talk) wit

9、h each other. _ (be) quite, please.8. _ (be) there any water in the bottle?9. Do you like _ (watch) TV?10. Dont _ (wash) your shirts now.六、请找出下列句子的错误,并改成正确的句子。(10 分)1. Her sister doing her homework now. _2. Tom have a happy family. _3. Sometimes my parents and me go for an outing on Sundays. _4. I u

10、sually have lunch in home. _5. We sing and dance at the party last night. _七、阅读理解。(10 分)(一)根据短文判断正误,对的写“A“,错的写“B“。Jane and Mary are good friends. Their families are in Shanghai now. Jane is from Britain and Mary is from America. They are in the same school. But they arent classmates. Jane is in Clas

11、s One. Miss May is her teacher. Mary is in Miss Whites class. They study Chinese. They like it. They like Shanghai, too.( ) 1. Jane and Mary are good friends and classmates.( ) 2. Their families arent in Shanghai now.( ) 3. Miss May is the teacher of Class One.( ) 4. Mary is in Class One.( ) 5. Jane

12、 and Mary study Chinese and they like it.(二)选择能填入横线处的正确答案并把序号填入题前括号中。Tom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old. One day he went to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He bought a ticket and then went in. But after two or three minutes he came out, bought a second ticket an

13、d went in again. After a few minutes he came out again and bought a third ticket. Two or three minutes late he came out and asked for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked him, “Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?“ Tom answered, “No, I have no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears(撕) my ticket to



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