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1、美联英语提供:美联英语:那些初入职场者都会踩的 10 个坑(组图)导学:求职者在踏上求职之路初始时,往往都是热切渴望、满腔热情的精神状态,但对于掌握求职技巧方面,新求职者们仍有很多要了解的要领。在这里,专家们总结了许多首次求职者易犯的 10 个错误,并给出了如何避免犯错的策略方法。过于看重自己的平均成绩 GPATheres a lot that first-time job seekers bring to the table. Theyre often eager and enthusiastic, technologically-savvy and up-to-date on the la

2、test skills and trends in their desired field.很多初次求职的求职者们经常犯错。踏上求职之路初始时,往往都是热切渴望、满腔热情的精神状态,并且在自己渴望就职的领域有着技术过硬的优势还熟知最新技术和发展趋势。Yet there is still a lot that new job seekers have to learn when it comes to mastering the job search.但对于掌握求职技巧方面,新求职者们仍有很多要了解的要领。Here, experts weigh in on 10 mistakes many fi

3、rst-time job seekers make and how these errors can be avoided:在这里,专家们总结了许多首次求职者易犯的 10 个错误,并给出了如何避免犯错的策略方法:1. Putting too much weight on their GPA. 过于看重自己的平均成绩 GPA。“A mistake first-time job seekers make is believing that high academics is the most important factor in finding a job,“ says Stephanie Ki

4、nkaid, program coordinator for the Wackerle Career and Leadership Center at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Ill. “Graduates need leadership qualities and the ability to articulate how those experiences have created a well-rounded individual.“初次求职者都会犯的错误是认为高学历才是找到工作的利器,把学历看成是最重要的因素,”蒙茅斯学院瓦克勒职业和领导中心职业规划

5、人斯蒂芬妮-金凯德说。“毕业生需要具备领导能力和表达能力,明确有力地表达自己的这些经历是如何把自己打造成了一个多才多艺全面型的个人。”没有充分做好调查研究工作2. Not doing enough research. 没有充分做好调查研究工作。“Many times, job seekers dont realize the importance in conducting research,“ says Debra Ann Matthews, professional rsum writer and certified career coach. “Learn about how to ob

6、tain a job. Go to the library and read about job-search tools. Go to your local career center and see what they have to offer. Then take your inquiry a step furthersee if these same institutions have social media services.“很多时候,求职者并没有意识到做研究工作的重要性,”求职简历写手和认证职业师黛布拉安-马修斯说。“关于如何得到一份工作要进行了解研究通过去图书馆查阅资料,阅

7、读求职手册的方式进行了解研究。去当地的职业中心,了解一下职业中心必须得提供怎样的职业人。然后,你再进一步调查这类机构是否有社交媒体服务。”没有跟上最新行业潮流趋势的步伐3. Not staying up-to-date on industry trends. 没有跟上最新行业潮流趋势的步伐。“Graduates should do research not only on the company to which they are applying, but about the field in general,“ Kinkaid says. “For instance, if you are

8、 entering the medical field, you should be knowledgeable about the Affordable Care Act, how politics affect medicine and social issues.“毕业生不仅应该对自己申请的公司做研究,而且还要对这一领域有个大体的研究,”金凯德说。“例如,如果你要进入医学领域,你应该了解平价医疗法案,了解政治是如何影响医学和社会问题的。”4. Only considering full-time jobs. 只考虑全职工作。“First-time job seekers devalue

9、the benefits of temp and short term and placement services,“ Matthews says. “Temp jobs can be of value to a job seeker by giving that job seeker work experience in various tasks. Many temp agencies will offer computer-based trainings that can be learned and applied to rsums and used by job seekers t

10、o leverage their job search in a more strategic manner.“初次求职者看不起临时性工作、短期性工作和服务性行业,”马修斯说。“临时性工作对于一个求职者是很有价值的,能让求职者对各种工作任务都有经验。许多临时性机构会提供计算机培训和学着做简历这类基础技能培训,求职者们可以用更具有挑战性的方式来调节他们的求职意向。”5. Focusing only on jobs related to their degree. 只关注与自己学位有关的工作。Dylan Schweitzer, group talent acquisition manager fo

11、r Enterprise Holdings, says that new job seekers often think they can only work in a field directly related to their major and only apply to jobs in one specific industry. “You major in what you are interested in learning more about, but that doesnt pigeonhole you into one type of opportunity.“集团企业控

12、股人才招聘经理迪伦-史怀哲说,新求职者们往往认为自己只能从事直接关系到自己专业领域的工作,只适用于在一个特定的行业工作。“你对关于自己的专业更有兴趣想要多了解了解,但这并不是要把你变成一种职业类型人士的机会。”只关注与自己学位有关的工作6. Making the interview about them. 面试的求职者们不站在老板的角度看问题。“Job seekers who spend their initial interview talking about why they need a job, how much they want some company benefit, etc.

13、 instead of talking about how they will solve problems for the company and bring value are ensuring they will not be asked back for second interviews or hiring,“ says Karen Southall Watts, consultant, coach and speaker. “Everyone is well aware of the fact that people need jobs. Hiring managers want

14、to know why, of all the needy, worthy candidates, they should hire you.“求职者们在初次面试中讨论为什么需要一份工作,他们想要从公司得到诸多好处之类,等等,绝口不提如何为公司排忧解难解决问题从而为公司带来价值,保证自己别再进行第二次面试或招聘,”顾问、教练和演说家凯伦-索思豪尔瓦说。“每个人都清楚这样一个事实:人们需要工作。招聘经理想知道原因,在所有需求的、有价值的候选人中,他们应该雇用你。”7. Dressing inappropriately in professional settings. 穿衣不得体不够职业。“Of

15、ten, first-time job seekers have not been exposed to work-appropriate attire,“ says Lindsay Witcher, manager of practice development at RiseSmart, which provides next-generation enterprise career management solutions. “How you dress directly affects how people perceive you and whether or not they wi

16、ll take you seriously. For this reason, make sure you are dressed professionally when networking and interviewing. If you arent sure what is appropriate, ask for the opinions of a few people you trust who have a few years of successful professional experience under their belt.“通常,初次求职者不穿职业装,”RiseSmart 实业发展经理林赛-威彻说,这家公司给出了下一代企业职业生涯管理解决方案。“你的穿衣打扮直接影响人们是否会认真对待你。出于这个原因,保证你在面试的时候穿着职业得体。如果你不确定穿什么得体,向有数年职业成功经验丰富自己信任的人争取一下意见。”8. Being unenthusiastic. 缺乏热情。“Enthusiasm is critical t


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