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1、1初中英语总复习初中英语总复习新目标人教版初中英语八年级下册新目标人教版初中英语八年级下册第第 1 讲讲 Units 1-2 课标要求:五级要求课标要求:五级要求知识梳理:知识梳理:1.重点单词: Units 1-2 课标中所要求掌握的所有单词。2重点短语:hundreds of; in 100 years; live to be; study on computers; fly rockets to the moon; keep a pet dog; in the future; fall in love with; live alone; be able to do come true;

2、space station; go skating; get bored; keep out; argue with;out of style; in style; call sb.up; a ticket to; pay f o r; surprise sb.; talk about on the phone; ask sb. for sth.; buy sb.sth/buy sth. for sb.; parttime job; get a tutor;be the same as;tell sb. to do sth.; find out; leave sth. sp.; fail st

3、h.; get on ;have a fight with sb.; give sb. some advice; notuntil; under pressure; take part in;all kinds of;on the one hand, on the other hand;3重点句子:What do you think life will be like in 100 years?Will kids go to school? There will be fewer trees.Will people use money in 100 years?-No,they won.t.W

4、hat should I do?They shouldnt argue.You could write him a letter.Whats wrong?/Whats the matter?4.语法:一般将来时态(unit1)情态动词(unit2) 重点讲练:重点讲练: 重点词汇讲解及用法拓展: 1f ree(adj.):People wont use money . Everything will be free.(课文原句重现)(1)空闲的:When will you be free?(2)自由的:Please make the bird free.(3):免费的:free meal 2.

5、in +段时间用于一般将来时中表示“在.时间之后”:Will people use money in 100 years? (课文原句重现) 3.too (adv.) “太”,用来修饰形容词或副词, “非常”. My brother plays his CDs too loud. (课文原句重现)(1)too. “也”,用于肯定句,否定句用 “either.”He has a dictionary, too.He didnt go there, either.2(2)too much 太多,后接不可数名词.There is too much noise in the street. (3)mu

6、ch too “太”,后接形容词或是副词.That book is much too dear. (4)tooto 太而不能That girl is too young to go to school. 4.keep V. I might even keep a pet parrot! (课文原句重现)keep 用法: (1) keep doing sth.一直不断做某事 Why do you keep laughing all the time? (2) keep sb. doing sth.让某人老是保持做某事 Sorry, I kept you waiting so long. (3)

7、keep a diary 记日记 5.enough I dont have enough money. (课文原句重现)用法(1)修饰名词.放在它所修饰的词之前,意为 “足够的;充足的”e.g.: I have enough money for the book.(2)修饰形容词或副词,放在形容词或副词之后,意为 “足够地;十分地” Is it good enough? (4) enough to 足够可以The girl is old enough to go to school. 6.join Jim could join a club. (课文原句重现) 用法(1)连接;结合;相连e.g

8、.: join one thing to another(2)join sb.in sth./in doing sth. 与某人一起做某事(加入到某人当中去)e.g.:Will you join me in a walk?提示: join 是非延续性动词,不能与一段时间连用在现在完成时态中,若要使 用转化为 be in/be a member 7 get.: get a tutor(书中短语) 用法: (1) get a letter 收到来信 (2) get off 下车 (3)get home 到家 (4) get angry 生气 (5) get ready 准备好 (6) get ma

9、rried 结婚 8.surprise (课文原句重现) I dont want to surprise him. 用法: (1) be surprised 感到吃惊 We are surprised at the news. (2) in surprise 惊奇地 Rose looked at her mother in surprise. (3) to ones surprise 使某人吃惊的是 To my surprise, the door was unlocked. (4) take by surprise 使感到意外 His answer took us by surprise.

10、12.leave You left your homework at home. (课文原句重现) 用法:(1)遗忘;丢下 She left the umbrella in the train. (2)离开 He left home at 7:00.3(3)留下;剩下 There are ten minutes left. (4)使处于某种状态 She used to leave the door open while sleeping. (5)动身去leave for I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow.短语讲解: 1pay for 为付款 I need to

11、 get some money to pay for summer camp.Pay 用法:可作为动词:(1)pay the bill (2) pay a visit to sb.=pay sb. a visit可作为名词 “工资、薪水” I get my pay every Friday. 2get on with sb.=get along with sb. 3.fight with sb.=have a fight with sb. 4.the same His clothes are the same as mine. 用法:(1)同一的;同样 的 We came on the sam

12、e day.(2)all the same 仍然 Thank you all the same. 句型讲解: t here be 句型:Do you think there will be robots in p eoples homes?There be 句型的时态变化:(1)一般现在时态:There is/are(2) 一般将来时:There will be/There is/are going to be (3)一般过去时:There was/were 提示:一般现在时中的临近原则。语法回忆: 第一单元主要是一般将来时态的用法,主要语法结构是 will +do 注意各种句式的转换: Pe

13、ople will have robots in their homes.Will people will have robots in their homes?Yes,they will. No,they wont. 注意 there be 句型的一般将来时态 Will there be more/fewer cars in the city?Yes, there will be. No,there wont. 第二单元是有关情态动词 should,could 的用法.语法结构为 should,could+do What should I do? /What should he do?The

14、y shouldnt argue. You could write him a letter. 配套练习:配套练习:一、单选。 ( ) 1.Nine _pounds a week? Thats very good. A.hundred of B. hundreds of C.hundreds D.hundred ( )2.My father will be back from Beijing_ a week. A.for B. in C.after D.on ( )3.-_pollution in 100 years? - No,there wont. A.Will be B. Are the

15、re C. Will there be D. Is there ( )4.I need to get money to pay_summer camp.4A.for B.with C. in D.on ( )5.Well have _free time and _work. Well be very busy. A.more;less B.more;fewer C. less;more D.fewer;more ( )6I go to school everyday _Sunday. A.out B. for C.with D.except ( )7.When at Rome do _the Romans do.A.as B.how C.What D.that ( )8._,his father is a famous actor. A.Surprise us B.We surprise C. To our surprise D .To surprise ( )9.Jim is my good friend. We _with each other. A.get well B. get good C. get on well D .ge



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