2018春鲁教版英语七下Unit 6《If you go to the party》(Period1)word导学案

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《2018春鲁教版英语七下Unit 6《If you go to the party》(Period1)word导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018春鲁教版英语七下Unit 6《If you go to the party》(Period1)word导学案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit6 Period1 精品导学案精品导学案Section A 1a-2c学习目标 知识目标:熟练掌握句型:1. A:I think Im going to the party with Karen and Ann. B: If you do ,you ll have a great time.2. If you do , the teachers wont let you in.3. What will happen if they have the party tomorrow?熟练掌握并能正确运用以下词汇:jeans, have a good time, organize技能目标:

2、熟练运用“will+动词原形”和现在进行时表示将来的语言结构。了解并初步运用“if 引导的条件状语从句+will”结构来谈论因果关系。情感态度:在活动中学会统筹安排事情。课前准备. 你会唱 If You Are Happy 这首歌吗?请你从网上搜索这首歌并学会它。. 假设你的好友本周六晚上要举行生日聚会,你打算去参加。请试着回答下列问题:How are you going there? _Whom are you going with? _What time are you going? _What clothes will you wear?_What will you bring? _Wh

3、at will you do there? _学习过程 Before listening1. 齐唱英文歌曲 If You Are Happy。和同伴练习对话:A:If you are happy, what will you do? B: If I am happy, I willA: If you are sad, what will you do? B: If I am sad, I will2. Groupwork: 小组内交流课前准备的内容。用“If you do, youll”在小组内互动。3. 观察 1a 中的图画,默读 1a 中的句子,并进行匹配。并大声朗读 1a 句子。Whil

4、e listening1. 听 1b 中的录音,完成 1a 句子中的答语。2. 再听一遍 1b 的录音并跟读, 和同伴说一下你们听到的表“假设”的句子。看看谁说得多!(可参考 1a 的内容)观察与思考:观察 1a 中含有 if 的句子,你发现主句和从句的特点吗?if 引导的是一个条件句,主句用_(时态),从句用_(时态)。注意:在与 if 条件句连用的主句中我们一般用 will 表示将来时,而不用 be going to 表示将来时。练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空(1) If he _(go) to the party, he _(have) a great time. (2) If the

5、rain_(stop) tonight, we will go to the cinema.(3) Ill buy a computer if I _(have) enough money.(4) You _(not get) nervous if you _(do) enough exercise.(5) If she _(be) kind to me, I_(not argue) with her3. Pairwork: 看 1a 中的图片,仿 1c 的内容编对话。4. 听录音,完成 2a 的听力任务。5. 熟读 2b 中的句子。再听录音,完成 2b 的听力任务。6. 听第三遍录音,选择正

6、确的句子填空。检测自己回答问题的情况。Andrea: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. Will you help me organize it?Mark: Sure, Andrea. I can help you. So when shall we have the party?Andrea: Lets have it today after class.Mark: No, today is too early. _Andrea: Okay, lets have it tomorrow.Mark: Hmm Theres a test tomorr

7、ow. _lets have it on the weekend.Andrea: Okay, lets have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.Mark: No, I dont think we should watch a video. _ lets play party games.Andrea: Okay, good idea. _Mark: Sure, I can do that._Andrea: Yes, thats no problem.A. Can you organize the part

8、y games?B. If we have it today. Half the class wont come.C. Some students will be bored.D. And can you make some food for us?来E. Students will leave early to study for their tests.7. 模仿秀:跟读录音后,分角色朗读对话,注意语音、语调,看谁模仿录音最标准。After listening1. Pairwork: 和同伴分角色扮演 2c 中的对话。 2. 同伴交流:A:I think Im going to ride

9、my bike. (be late) B: If you do, youll be late.A: I think Im going to work until night. (be tired) B: _A: I think Im going to exercise every day.(be healthy) B: _A: I think Im going to work hard. (get A) B:_两人一组表演对话后,将对话的内容补全。知识巩固 . 根据首字母及句意补全单词。1. Dont wear j _ to go to the party, or your teacher w

10、ill be angry2. Who are going to o_ this important English speech?3. I had a g _ time at Anns birthday party yesterday.4. What will h _ in a hundred years?. 根据提供的关键词,用 if 组成完整的句子。1. surf the Internet, worry about _2. be sunny, go for a trip _3. watch the match, have a great time _4. not finish homework , be angry_课堂反思 本单元我们学习了用_引导的条件状语从句来谈论因果关系。我们应注意以下几点:(1) if 引导的条件句位置灵活,可直接放在主句后面。若 if 引导的从句在前时,应在句中加_(标点符号)。(2) 如果 if 条件句谈论的是今后可能出现的情况,则主句大多用_时;若if 条件句谈论的是客观事实,则主句大多用_时或含情态动词的句子。(3) 在 if 条件句中通常用_时代替一般将来时表将来。家庭作业 1. 背诵 1b 的对话 2. 结合课前准备的内容,仿照 1c 或 2c 编对话。3. 依据学习目标,预习下一个学案的课前准备。


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