2017牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 7《Films》word教案6

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1、UnitUnit 7 7 FilmsFilmsComicComic stripstrip andand WelcomeWelcome toto thethe unitunit I.I. TeachingTeaching aimsaims andand learninglearning objectivesobjectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. recognize and use expressions related to all kinds of films; 2. talk about film

2、s and film makers. II.II. TeachingTeaching contentscontents 1. New words and phrases: superstar, in your dreams, action film, romantic, science fiction, western, industry, storyteller, script 2. New structure: Do you know who I am? Im so good that I should be in Hollywood instead.Who do you think wo

3、uld be suitable for entering the film industry?Millie is such a good storyteller that she can write exciting scripts.Though I like acting, Id rather be a director.III.III. FocusFocus ofof thethe lessonlesson andand predictedpredicted areaarea ofof difficultydifficulty Describe different positions in

4、 making a film.IV.IV. TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures A A ComicComic stripstrip Step 1 Lead-in T: Do you know them? What are they? 【设计意图:图片引入话题。 】Step 2 Listen and answer (1)Who thinks he will be a TV superstar, Eddie or Hobo? 【设计意图:培养学生通过听力获取信息的能力。 】Step 3 Watch the video Questions: (1)Why do

5、es Eddie think Hobo is very lucky? (2) Does Hobo think so? (3)What does Eddie think he should be in? 【设计意图:通过录像的感知,培养获取信息的能力。 】Step 4 Make another dialogue Eddie: Hobo, Im your _, so you are very _. Do you know Im tomorrows TV_? Im _ good _ I should be in Hollywood _. Hobo: I think you must be in yo

6、ur _. Why not be more realistic? 【设计意图:培养学生信息转化的能力。 】Step5 Role-play 【设计意图:通过表演培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提升英语语感。 】B B WelcomeWelcome toto thethe unitunit Step 1 Lead-in Free talk T: Whats your hobby? T: I like watching films. Do you like watching films? Whats your favourite film? 【设计意图:通过师生交流让学生拉近与老师的距离,快速进入主题。 】

7、Step 2 New expressions (1)T: What kind of films are they? (a film telling love storiesromantic film) (2)T: How about these films? (a film about exciting or dangerous events, usually with fightsaction film) (3)T: Do you have any ideas about these films? (a film about life in the western USA in the 19

8、th century, usually with cowboyswestern) (4)T: And next? (a film based on imagined scientific discoveries of the futurescience fiction film) (5)T: These films may remind you of your childhood. (a film using pictures or models instead of real peoplecartoon) (6)T: Have you ever watched such a film tha

9、t makes you feel scared? (a film that makes people feel scaredhorror film) 【设计意图:让学生运用相应的英语表达方式解释电影图片,在师生交流中自然引出电影 的 不同类型,同时渗透生词教学,使其感知新知识。 】Step 3 Practice (1)T: Sandy has found some pictures of different types of films. Do you know what types of films they are? Help her write the correct name unde

10、r each picture.(完成 课本 P93A) 【设计意图:运用所学知识作电影分类。 】(2)T: What kind of film do you like? Why? T: Do you know any other kinds of films? T: War film, comedy, documentary. 【设计意图:激活知识,激发兴趣,拓展延伸。 】Step 4 Dialogue(1)Listen and answer T: Sandy and Kitty are talking about entering the film industry. Do you know

11、 the meaningof industry? Before making a film, there must be a script, a written text of play.Questions: T: Who does Sandy think would be suitable for entering the film industry? Why? T: What would Sandy like to do in the film industry? 【设计意图:让学生带着问题训练听力,学会捕捉相关信息,使其提高英语思维能力及口 头表达能力。 】(2) Read the di

12、alogue. T: Lets read the dialogue. Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 【设计意图:让学生模仿语音语调,使其提高语感。 】(3) Discussion T: Have you ever noticed the subtitle table at the end of a film? What did you see? T: We need different people to make a film. T: Of course we need a director, an ac

13、tor or an actress. Besides, we need costume designers, cameramen, set designers, a producer, a scriptwriter and so on. T: In this way, we can see so many wonderful films. 【设计意图:让学生联系生活实际,激发其思维。让学生知道电影制作的不易,学习培 养团队意识。 】Step 5 Report (1)T: If you are interested in the film industry, what kind of job d

14、o you want to do? Lets makea dialogue. Here is a sample conversation. 【设计意图:注重口头表达能力的培养。 】(2)T: Lets suppose. If you are a director, you want to direct a film about teenage problems / the environment / some social problems because 【设计意图:提高学生的语言思维和表达能力,提高学科素养。 】(3)T: We know each role is important in

15、 a film, no matter a lead role or a supporting role. Just like in our life, no matter what we are, we should manage to do our job well. 【设计意图:渗透社会责任感意识, 培养正确的人生观。引出图片为学习 Reading 作铺垫。】V.V. HomeworkHomework 1. Remember the words, expressions and sentences.2. Try to search for some information about Hollywood and Oscar.


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