2017春冀教版英语八下Unit 7《Lesson 42 The New Club》word导学案

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1、平川二中八年级英语(上)自主学习导学案 班级 姓名 时间 教研组长(签字) 学校领导(审核) 设计人:Lesson 42 The New Club Leaning aims(学习目标): 1.掌握的单词和短语: real, daily,support,sendback to sb. for sth.,bringto,grow fresh vegetables,easy to learn,take part in,take good care of, most of,write back to 2.Enable Ss to describe their hobbies Key points an

2、d difficult points(重、难点) 1.send 的用法; 2.bring sth/sb. to some place 3.support的用法 4.so +助动词/be 一、预习我最棒 1.Let Ss learn new words by themselves 2.Read the text and underline the new words. Do exercise 1 1.Read the text and find the emphasis. 二、语言点链接 1.send back “寄回来” ,send to“寄给” ,send for后面可以跟人,也可以跟 物,

3、 “派人去请(找)” eg. I sent him a present, but he sent it back to me. His mother was ill . He had to send for a doctor. 2. bring sth./sb. to some place.“把某物/人带到某地” Eg. Dont forget to bring your homework to school. 3.support“支持;养活” Eg. Which football team do you support? He needs a high income to support s

4、uch a large family. 4.daily adv.“每日,天天” ,也可做形容词,表示“每日的” ,或用作名词, “日报” Eg. I go to the university twice daily. This is my daily life _busy and interesting! I like to read China Daily on my way home. 5.So +助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语,这是一个倒装句,表示一件事情同样适 应另外一个人,两个句子的主语不是同一个人。如果两个句子的主语相同,则 用so +主语+助动词/be 动词/情态动词。表示赞同

5、某人的观点。 Eg. Lucy comes from England. So does Lily. They are middle school students. So are we. Tom can swim. So can Jim.(主语是两个人) He is clever. So he is.(主语是同一个人) 三、合作探究 英汉互译 1. lots of_2. 把带到_ 3. take part in _ 4. 组建园艺俱乐部_ 5. take care of_ 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1. My teacher says collecting stamps _(be ) ve

6、ry _(enjoy). 2. Most of my _(classmate) like maths. 3. Can I take part in _(garden)? 4. My father _(real) likes fishing and _(fish) is a good hobby. 四、课堂达标 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 请把这枚邮票寄出回来让我收藏。 Please _ the stamp _ to me for my collection. 2 每个人都将其喜欢的爱好带到了学校。 Everyone _ his or her favourite hobby _ school. 3

7、 我最喜欢詹妮的爱好。 I enjoyed _ hobby _ _. 4 每个人都可以参加园艺。 Everyone can _ _ _ _. 连词成句 1. apple, see, the ,the ,did, on ,table, you _ 2. showed,tree, his , him, Jim, to, family, us. _ _ 3. will, next, grow, lots, vegetables, I, of, year. _ _ 4. enjoyable, gardening, an ,is ,hobby _ _5. good, a, Jenny, idea, bad _ _反思


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