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1、完形填空一This is picture of Kates 1 . What can we 2 in the picture? Look 3 it, please. The man 4 the black coat is Kates father , Mr Green . The 5 in the red sweater is Mrs Green. They 6 young. The baby is Kate. The little boy is Kates 7 , Jim. 8 the man behind Mrs Green? Oh, hes 9 brother, Mr Read. He

2、10 young , too.( )1.A. familiesB. familyC. parentsD. brothers( )2.A. look B. doC. seeD. put( )3.A. atB. afterC. forD. up( )4.A. onB. ofC. inD. wears( )5.A. manB. girlC. womenD. woman( )6.A. areB. isC. look likeD. looking( )7.A. sisterB. brotherC. fatherD. aunt( )8.A. WhatsB. WheresC. WhosD. How is(

3、)9.A. hisB. herC. ourD. their( )10.A. looksB. amC. lookD. very 二二 This is Lucy and that is Lily. They are twins. They look 1 . They are 2 . They are new students in 3 class. They are 4 Grade One. Jim can 5 them. They are new 6 . They go to the shop(商店) . They would like something 7 and drink. Lucy w

4、ould like 8 some bread. Lily would like 9 a bottle of 10 . Jim would like some apples.( )1.A. a sameB. the sameC. sameD. an same( )2.A. twinB. sistersC. brothersD. American( )3.A. JimB. of JimC. JimsD. of Jims( )4.A. onB. atC. inD. of( )5.A. look likeB. look afterC. look atD. look( )6.A. teachersB.

5、studentC. friendsD. boys( )7.A. eatB. to eatC. eatingD. eats( )8.A. eatB. to eatC. eatingD. eats( )9.A. to drinkB. to eatC. to giveD. drink( )10.A. orangeB. an orangeC. orangesD. some orange三I am a 1 boy. My name 2 Wu Dong. I am twelve . This is 3 classroom. Its 4 big room. There are 5 desks, chairs

6、 and a teachers desk 6 it. Some flowers are 7 the teachers desk and some brooms are 8 the door. This is my desk, 9 English book and a pencil-box 10 on it. In the pencil-box 11 a pen and a ruler. 12 pen is red and the ruler is blue.( )1.A. ChineseB. JapaneseC. EnglishD. American( )2.A. amB. areC. beD

7、. is( )3.A. mineB. ourC. oursD. your( )4.A. anB. aC. theD. /( )5.A. aB. muchC. someD. an( )6.A. inB. onC. nearD. of( )7.A. underB. atC. behindD. on( )8.A. underB. atC. behindD. on( )9.A. anB. theC. aD. /( )10.A. isB. amC. areD. on( )11.A. itsB. there isC. there areD. they are( )12.A. aB. theC. TheD.

8、 an 四四 Xiao Ning: Mum, could you help 1 , please?Mum: Certainly! 2 wrong?Xiao Ning: Something is wrong 3 my watch.Mum: 4 worry, let me have a look, please.Xiao Ning: Here you are.Mum: 5 you have a knife?Xiao Ning: Yes. But I can find it. Where is it?Mum: Oh, there! I think 6 under your bed.Xiao Ning

9、: Yes, there 7 .Here you are.Mum: Xiao Ning, you must 8 your things. Now our watch is 9 .Xiao Ning: 10 very much.Mum: Thats OK.( )1.A. himB. myC. herD. me( )2.A. whatsB. What C. WhatsD. Whichs( )3.A. onB. inC. withD. for( )4.A. DontB. DoC. NotD. dont( )5.A. AreB. HaveC. DoD. Dont( )6.A. itsB. ItsC.

10、itsD. it( )7.A. it isB. areC. you areD. is it( )8.A. look likeB. look atC. lookD. look after( )9.A. fineB. OKC. brokenD. right( )10.A. ThanksB. Thanks youC. ThankD. Thankes五We are 1 .We are in middle school. We are in Grade One. Wang Fei, Li Min, Chen Yuan Yuan and I are in Class Two. Wang Fei is el

11、even. Li Min , Chen Yuan Yuan and I are twelve.We have a new 2 .In the classroom, you can see 45 desks and chairs. A blackboard, a clock and a map are on the wall. The 3 is a map of China . The brooms are 4 the door. On a desk you can see 5 . The red 6 is Wang Feis .The green one is Chen Yuan Yuans.

12、 The yellow one is 7 . Li Mins pencil isnt there. 8 is in her bag.Look at the 9 . Its about four thirty. Its 10 to go to play games.( )1.A. boysB. girlsC. studentsD. young( )2.A. teacherB. classroom C. schoolbagD. desk( )3.A. mapB. picturesC. clockD. classes( )4.A. underB. behindC. atD. in( )5.A. so

13、me pencilsB. some water C. bagsD. pens( )6.A. oneB. onesC. rulerD. pencils( )7.A. mineB. heC. herD. its( )8.A. HerB. HersC. SheD. Its( )9.A. classroomB. clockC. cakeD. cook( )10.A. timeB. goingC. forD. we六六Dear Bill,How are you? 1 very nice 2 you to write to me .Let me 3 something about my life in C

14、hina. I think you 4 to know it . I live in Li Leis home. He is my 5 .His father and mother are both teachers. Their house isnt big. 6 of them are very friendly 7 me. They teach me Chinese 8 I teach them English. Now I 9 with them in Chinese . But I cant 10 very well. Chinese is very 11 to learn, I t

15、hink. Mrs Li often teaches me how to 12 Chinese food. Hmm! How much I like Chinese food!My school is not far. I go 13 by bike. I 14 six classes every day. 15 I play games 16 my classmates. I have a good 17 here . 18 you want to come? Please write 19 soon. Love 20 Jim.( )1.A. ThatsB. Its C. YoureD. Heres( )2.A. toB. forC. ofD. about( )3.A. speakB. talkC. say


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