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1、电子商务网络安全毕业设计英文原文及翻译电子商务网络安全毕业设计英文原文及翻译- -论文论文电子商务网络安全毕业设计英文原文及翻译|计算机专业全套免费毕业设计论文 网|任务书|本科毕业设计课题目作品下载附录-英文原文 Web Security Privacy Mazu Networks, of Cambridge, Mass.; and Asta Networks in Seattle. Mazus solution to distributed DoS attacks works via intelligent traffic analysis and filtering across the

2、 network. A monitoring device, such as a packet sniffer or packet analyzer, evaluates packets on the network at speeds up to 1G bit/sec. A monitoring device then determines which traffic needs to be filtered out. The good, the bad and the ugly The good news about all of these new security techniques

3、 is that they theoretically offer companies additional layers of security protection, providing better overall security. What this ultimately means to businesses is that additional security mechanisms can succeed where others have failed. Another plus about some of the new products is that they are

4、optimized for a particular application, such as integrity of the Web servers. However, as with any technology, there are pros and cons to consider. In fact, there are some downsides to implementing these new security products. For example: They are all incremental solutions, not replacements. They r

5、equire a certain amount of expertise. Many vendors are start-ups and there a risk as to how long theyl be around. There a concern, in many IT shops, about adding preventive controls because of associated overheada concern that can be easily remedied by investing in additional horsepower. What too mu

6、ch? When does a company run the risk because of having too many products to manage? The bottom line is that security is never a done deal. It a continuing process that a new crop of innovative vendors are making more interesting. Benevolent Worms Although the prospect of using virus technology to si

7、mplify the task of delivering patches and software updates is tempting, the dangers can outweigh the benefits when the process is too automated. For example, the improved Windows Update feature in Windows XP now allows patches and updates to be downloaded automatically, although installation is stil

8、l at the users discretion. Trojan horses, worms, and other malicious code forms have proven to be incredibly successful at paralyzing e-mail systems and Internet providers. It is therefore only logical to conceive of ways to use them for productive purposes, much as the Bible exhorts its readers to

9、beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Granted, it would be wonderful if IT administrators could distribute patches and software updates to desktops and servers as quickly as an e-mail virus can spread from one machine to the next. But is such a magic wand really a go

10、od idea? Well, maybe not exactly. After all, unlike the human immune system, which produces defenses, or antibodies, automatically, the computer must wait for a human to analyze samples of a computer virus, prepare antidotes and vaccines for that specific situation, and only then apply the cure. Thi

11、s observation alone would seem to discredit the idea of a “digital immune system” that the security community has tossed around during the past few years, but theres an even more important point to consider. Similar to the way that autoimmune diseases turn the body s own defenses against itself, so

12、could one turn a viruslike software delivery system against its own computers. Although it would be difficult to monkey with the digital certificates that would conceivably be used to identify trusted patches, its not impossible to subvert the certificate issuing system, as Microsoft and VeriSign fo

13、und to their dismay last March. Ultimately, a viruslike software delivery system would require software publishers to deliberately put a back door into their systems, and few customers will tolerate that practice, even under shrinkwrap licensing terms. Because theres no guarantee that such a temptin

14、g target wouldnt be exploited by hackers, any IT manager deploying such a system would be foolhardy in the extreme. Virus behavior that standpoint go to see from the operate system, is some normal behaviors, and say for the operate system that dont break the law , therefore at kill the virus softwar

15、e to check to kill the virus, usually meeting because operate system of obstruction-“ the document was take upped by system and cant change the code at system “,“ virus the inside to circulate“ etc. reason, but cant clean the virus clearance.Therefore, we at kill the virus of time also want to speak

16、 to investigate some techniques, and go to the round over the operate systems obstruction, from success of virus is from the system Speak here of kill the virus method is:Kill the virus with the tool under the safe mode to kill the virus under the pure DOS mode.Why want the pure DOS mode to down kill the virus?Because the virus procedure is under the operate system explain the mode to circulate o, such as:Script vir



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