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1、东南协作体二年级英语试卷听 力 部 分二年英语 4-1题 号 总 分得 分笔 答 部 分二年英语 4-2二年英语 4-3二年英语 4-4小学英语教学课堂实录及教案课题: Lesson Six “Can you play baseball?” 一、热身 T: Lets sing a song I stop, I look, I listen. OK? Ss: Yes. (Sing the song.) T: Good morning, everyone! Ss: Good morning, Miss Lu! T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thanks. And

2、you? T: Im fine, too. What day is it today ? Ss: Its Tuesday. 二、导入 T: (Taking some word-cards) Now, look at me. Whats this? S1: Library. T: Very good. Together, whats this? Ss: Library. T: Well done. But how to spell? Ss: Library. (Then, review the words “ride bike violin piano read ” in the same wa

3、y. ) T: What do you do after school ? S1: I play the piano. (Then, Ss ask and answer by each other. ) T: OK, class, please ask me . Ss: What do you do after school? T: I read an English book. 三、新授 T: Shh Look there, (point to the screen of a computer) I play Ss: play table-tennis T: Great! Do you wa

4、nt to know what kind of the ball Ken plays ? Ss: Sure/Yes. T: Lets study a new lesson-Lesson6(1). (Blackboard Writing) (Ss look at the computer about the content of L6(1) T: (T puts some kinds of balls on the wall and points to them) Look there, whats that ? Ss: Its a volleyball. Girls: Its a basket

5、ball. Boys: Its a football.(table-tennis) ( Girls ask and boys answer .) T: (T puts 3 cards on the blackboard and points to one of them, asks)Now, look, whats that ? S: Bat. T: Good. (Blackboard writingBat.) Read after me, “bat”. ( Read it one by one.) Together, please spell it . Ss: B-A-T, bat. (Le

6、arn another 2 words “baseball glove” in the same way. ) T: (T takes two gloves) OK. Look at me, “one glove” “two gloves” Girls: Gloves. Boys: Gloves. T: What are these? ( Waving two gloves ) Theyre gloves. ( Blackboard writing ) 四、操练 T: (T takes two books or pens of Ss) What are they ? Ss: Theyre bo

7、oks. S1: What are they ? S2: Theyre pens. Boys: What are they ? Girls: Theyre desks. 五、复习巩固 T: (T puts a card on S1s head and let him/ her guess.) Ss: What are they ? S1: Theyre Ss: Yes.Yes.Yes. / No.No.No T: Please look at the computer screen, lets guess “whats that?”S1: (S1points to a corner of a

8、kind of balls in the computer and ask. Whats that ? S2: Its a (baseball/football/volleyball/basketball). Ss: Can you play ? S2: Yes, I can . ( And then do the action ) T: Can you play _ball ? 六、听音跟读 T: Now, open your book to P74 “Listen and Speak ” 七、结束 T: Weve learned so many kinds of balls, so sha

9、ll we play after class? Ss: OK! 评析: 本课教学设计以实施教育为指导思想,巧妙设计教学环节,层层深入,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣和学习的积极性。 教师运用现代化教学手段,把课文再现给学生,在听、看、问、答的过程中,逐渐培养学生的语言运用能力,使学生易于接受所学知识。 教师充分发挥学生的积极性和主体作用,给予学生充分运用语言的空间和时间,使学生主动参与到求知的行列中来。 教学反思及案例分析孔子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。由知之到 好之再到乐之是学习过程中的三个台阶,而兴趣毫无疑问是攀登这些台阶的重要动力。小学三年级是学习英语的起始阶段,培养兴趣更是

10、关键所在。一个在课堂上全身心投入的学生所掌握的知识和技能远胜于一个心不在蔫的学生。尤其是语言教学,更要让学生成为课堂的主人。根据这种理念,我引进快乐教学法,对所学内容创设有趣的情境 ,开展形式多样的游戏活动,使课堂充满活力,教学收到较好的效果。以下是我在教学牛津英语3A Unit2 中的案例:T: Boys and girls. Lets go to the zoo, Ok?S: OK.多媒体出现 a zoo,许多人在游玩,镜头锁定一头大象。T: Mr elephant, this is.Mr elephant: Nice to meet you,.S1: Nice to meet you,

11、too.接着出现一条狗。T: Mr dog, this is.Mr dog: Good afternoon.S2: Good afternoon.T: Who can introduce your friends to them? 镜头依次出现 Miss bird、Miss cat、Mr tigerS3: Miss bird, this is.Miss bird: Nice to meet you.S4: Nice to meet you, too.分析 :英语教学的最终目的是让学生学会运用英语在真实的情景中进行交际。这就要求我们必须找到教材内容于实际生活的结合点,创设真实的生活情境,帮助学生将教材范例内化为自己的语言,激发他们共同参与的热情,让他们觉得 有话想说,有话可说。本例教学中,教师带领学生 in a zoo,碰到了前一单元所学的这些动物,把它们拟人化,并能运用所学的交际用语介绍自己的朋友。这一情景是根据学生平时生活中遇到熟人,把他介绍给朋友而创设的,学生置身于真实的生活情景中,敢说,乐说。如此寓教于乐复习任务得以顺利完成。四、教学设计


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