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1、九年级英语 13 分课时教案单元及教学反思一、单元教材分析 本单元的语言目标是围绕 how things affect you 来展开的,内容主要是围绕着餐馆业和广告业进行得,说明这两个行业在什么方面对人产生影响的。这两个话题贴近生活实际,具有一定的交际功能,其情景设计符合当代生活,因此在设计教学活动中,可以依纲据本,以任务型教学为每个课时的中心话题,培养学生用英语交流信息,提高学生活学活用英语的能力。二、教学目标知识技能1.掌握并灵活运用新的词汇、短语及其相关用法。2.能读懂具有时代感的短文章,并能结合图片和文字进行简单的日常交际会话。3.通过任务型教学,了解当代英语,结合所设立的交际情景,

2、培养学生的语用能力,让学生真正做到用中感悟,使学习过程生活化。情感态度1.将书本学习与生活实际相结合,使学生认识并掌握生活中的英语,培养学生热爱生活的积极人生态度。2.通过小组合作学习,培养学生敢于表达、乐于助人、关爱生活的豁达情感。学习策略1.认真做好预习工作,自觉完成课前任务。2.上课专心听讲,勤于思考,学会归纳语言结构和规律。3.学会如何做笔记,并掌握如何利用笔记进行学习。文化意识了解英语国家餐馆和广告中的特色文化,加深学生对中外文化差异的了解和鉴别能力,培养学生的跨文化意识。三、教学重点和难点1.掌握部分重点词汇,尤其是 make 的用法。2.掌握部分生活词汇及重点句型。四、课时安排(

3、四课时)1.第一课时:Section A (1a2c)2.第二课时:Section A (3a4)3.第三课时:Section B (1a2c)4.第四课时:Section B (3a4)5.第五课时:Self check6.第六课时:Reading五、教学方法与学习策略教学方法1.充分利用现代教学设备,创设情景,营造积极活泼的教学气氛,鼓励学生多方位地参与教学活动,培养学生在实际运用英语的能力。2.开展各种任务型活动,让学生进行探究学习,更好地掌握新知识。学习策略1.加强学生在听、说、读、写方面的训练,通过合作和探究性学习,培养学生积极主动地学习心态,进而达到在用中学、学中用的目的。2.通过

4、阅读获取一定的知识和信息,培养学生的阅读能力,拓展学生的知识面。并在此基础上加强写作的训练。(The First Period)一、教学内容1.Words:lagoon, would rather, atmosphere, etc.2.New Patterns:Loud music makes me tense.Sad music makes me want to leave.Waiting for her made me angry.二、教材分析本课时的主要话题是谈论音乐等内容对人的心态的影响,通过 make 来完成本课时的学习。教材的 1a1c 部分提供了两个不同的餐馆(Blue Lago

5、on Restaurant 和 Rockin Restaurant),通过对 loud music 和 soft music 来对 make 的用法加以训练,从而达到对 make用法的掌握。而 2a2c 则是通过听力材料的内容来加深对 make 用法的多方位巩固练习,使学生更好地掌握 make 的用法。三、教学目的和要求1.掌握动词 make 的基本常见用法。2.了解音乐在英国的餐饮文化中的作用3.培养学生的听和说的能力。四、教学重点和难点1.如何提高听的能力。2.熟练掌握并运用动词 make。五、教学过程Tteacher Sstudent Ssstudents BbblackboardSte

6、p 1 Warming-upListen to a piece of music, both loud music and soft music so that the Ss can tell what kind of music they are like.Introduce “loud music” and “soft music”.Step 2 ListeningListen for the first time, try to help the Ss the fill in the box.Listen again and check their answers.Ask the Ss

7、to be careful of the word “make” and write the four sentences on the Bb. Ask the Ss to pay attention to the make-pattern.Step 3 PracticeAfter the Ss finish 1b, let them read the tape script for some time. And then go to 1c. Teach the Ss to read for a while, and then ask them to get ready for the con

8、versation. Talk about their own opinions about loud music and soft music.Ask two or three pairs to act out their conversations.Step 4 Listening Ask the Ss to look at the four pictures carefully before listening.Listen for the first times. Ask the Ss to number the four pictures.Listen again for 2b. C

9、heck the things that Tina and John said. After the Ss give their ticks, check them. And then ask some questions about the conversation and see if all of the Ss can understand it.Ask:1.How did Tina feel when Amy was late?2.Where did they go first?3.What does Tina think of loud music?4.What does John

10、think of loud music?5.Does Tina like loud music?6.Did Tina and Amy enjoy themselves at the Blue Lagoon?7.What movie did they see at last?8. What do they think of sad movies?If Ss cant answer all these questions, listen again until most of them can be sure of the answers.Step 5 practice After asking

11、the Ss to read the tapescript for some more time, ask the Ss to find their partners to get ready for the conversation similar to 2c.Then ask some pairs to act theirs out.Step 6 General trainingShow the exercises on the screen or a small Bb. Ask the Ss to choose the answers to complete the sentences.

12、angry, sad, happy, relaxed, want to go swimming, want to dance, want to leave1.Loud music makes me 2.The funny story makes him 3.That bad news made her 4.The soft music makes me 5.Waiting for her made me 6、 The hot weather makes me 7.Long movies make me Keys:1.want to dance 2.happy 3.sad 4.relaxed 5

13、.angry 6.want to go swimming 7.want to leaveStep 7 HomeworkAsk the Ss to write down their conversations in their exercise books.六、教学反思本课时以听力和口头训练为中心贯穿整个教学过程,内容相对比较单一,学生对知识的掌握应该不能难,但要使学生注意到 make 的不同句型用法。(The Second Period )一、教学内容1.Words and phrases: scientific, therefore, pink, lighting, hard, serve,

14、 fair, campaign, endangered, etc.2.New patterns:Restaurant owners have to know how to make food.The red color makes people hungry.Hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and leave.二、教材分析本课时的主要话题是“餐馆学问” ,谈论饭店经营者如何利用颜色和座位来营造就餐氛围,挣更多的钱。同时结合其它话题来突出本单元的话题:how things affect you.三、教学目的和要求1.学习并巩固

15、关于“影响”的句型。2.培养并提高学生的阅读能力和技巧。3.了解一些餐饮文化及英国餐饮业的常识。四、教学重点和难点1.口、笔头熟练运用 make 句型。2.了解餐饮业的部分知识。五、教学过程(Tteacher Sstudent Ssstudents Bb blackboard)Step 1 Warming-up Show some pictures of restaurants. Ask the Ss to pay special attention to the color of walls and tables. Then ask them why.Then ask some questions to get the Ss to focus on the restaurant colors.Have you ever been to a restaurant?Have you ever been to KFC and McDonalds?Can you remember the wall colors of them?Step 2 Reading Ask the Ss to read 3a for some minutes.Show the questions on the screen:1. What does the color r



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