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1、 By Mary Tucker-McLaughlinGood marketing skills will help you make the first sale; customer service skills will keep your customers coming back. Communication is the key to providing good customer service. Most people think of communication as the ability to speak clearly and to be understood.好的市场营销

2、技巧(subject)会帮助你获得第一单生意,而客户服务技巧(subject)则会帮助你提高回头客率(留住回头客)。而其中(both of which)沟通技巧是提供优良客服的关键。然而(however) 通常沟通被误认为只是是说话清晰和相互明白Subject : good marketing skills and customer service skills(coordinating structure) Verbal: contribute to, obtain, win, make, perfect, boost, raise, increase, focus on Modifier:

3、 possessive punctuating clause: both of which Good marketing skills are able to contribute its share to win the first sale and also the customer service skills are able to retain the returned customer, both of which focus on the communication that is the key point of rendering good customer service.

4、 However, communication are commonly misunderstand as clear speech and understandability (be regard falsely as being speaking clearly and as being understandable )However, other elements of communication, including the ability to listen and the ability to empathize, are equally if not more important

5、 in customer service. Good communicators listen first before speaking.然而,其他的一些沟通要素不能说较之更重要但至可以说同等重要。包括听的能力和引起共鸣的能力,善于沟通的人懂得听优先于说的重要性。Subject: ingredients, elements of communication, it is understandable forVerb: keep breast with, have precedence over, have(of, hold)equal importanceModifier: punctuat

6、ing clause: which includes, present participle: includingConjunction: even so, neverthelessEven so (nevertheless), other ingredients of communication keep breast with those skills at least if not more important in customer service, including the ability to listen and the ability to empathize. As a m

7、atter of fact, it is generally understandable for good communicators that listening is prior to speaking. ListeningListening is more than hearing what someone has to say. It involves a keen awareness of nonverbal and verbal communication. Good listening takes practice and involves a number of techni

8、ques. Good listening with a keen awareness of nonverbal and verbal communication is more than hearing what someone has to say,which bases on practice and a number of techniques.倾听的优先权要比听同某人说什么重要得多。它包括一个对语言和非语言沟通的主动自觉地意识。良好的倾听技巧需要反复实践练习和许多的技巧。Subject: listening, the first priority, keen awarenessThe

9、priority should be given to, hone the skills Listening is far more superior to hearing what someone has to say, which is keenly aware of nonverbal and verbal communication and need to take practice and a number of knacks.The first priority should be given to listening rather than to hearing what som

10、eone has to say. The keen awareness of nonverbal and verbal communication listening requires of honing the skills.Give your full attention to the customer. Stop what you are doing and look the person in the eyes as they are speaking. Help by asking the customer questions. At times, we all have diffi

11、culty expressing ourselves. Asking questions helps the speaker identify ways to clarify what he is saying. Support the customer. Avoid judging. Help the speaker to feel confident about what he is saying. Listen to what he is saying and not how he says it. Finally, manage your reactions to the custom

12、er. Criticizing the speaker will have a chilling effect on his ability to communicate with you. Listen first, and then carefully respond without passing judgment. (omission)RespondingIn responding to the customer, a good technique to ensure that you understand him correctly is paraphrasing. Paraphrasing involves simply responding by repeating what the speaker said in your own words. In a word, paraphrasing is a good technique to ensure that you understand him correctly ,in another word ,which repeats what the speaker said in your own words. 作为对客户的应答,能确保你正确理解原话的技巧是对原话的释义。解释,简言之,就是用



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