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1、1. 定语位置例 1. 实现我国社会主义现代化是一项我们必须完成的任务。The socialist modernization of our country is a task that we must do our utmost to fulfill.例 2. 这恐怕是目前唯一可行的办法。That will be the only thing to do now.例 3. 这些是我们面对的主要问题。Those are the chief problems facing us.例 4. 得到最高分数的学生将获奖学金。The student who receives the highest sc

2、ore will be awarded a scholarship.例 5. 说明:表示物理性质的词距中心较远,表示化学性质的词距中心较近。氢是一种能自燃的轻气体。Hydrogen is a light and spontaneously combustible gas.例 6. 说明:表示产地的词距中心词较远,表示原料的词距中心词较近。这是特级的、有图案的国产毛毯。This is a homemade, superfine, patterned woolen blanket.例 7. 说明:表示时间概念(包括年龄、时代等)的词距中心较远。一位矍铄的,白发苍苍的老教授。An old, hale

3、 and white-haired professor例 8. 社会主义的现代化强国。A modern, powerful socialist country例 9.国际经济新秩序A new international economic order例 10. 说明:数次距中心词较远,表示性质的词距中心词较近。在旧社会,饱经忧患的五亿人民处于水深过热之中。In the old society, five hundred million careworn people were plunged into a dire suffering.例 11. 说明:表示次要性质的词距中心词较远,表示主要性质

4、的词距中心词较近。政客的耸人听闻的宣传Sensational politicians propaganda例 12. 党的坚强领导The strong Party leadership例 13. 医学上的重大发明The great medical invention例 14. 说明:如果表示性质的词难分主次,则按词的长短排列,短的在前,长的在后。勤劳勇敢的人民A brave hard-working people例 15. 这几篇专为大学生编写的、最新实用的翻译讲稿,在理论指导和技巧指导上有许多特点。These up-to-date practical lectures on translat

5、ion specially written for college students have many features in theoretical principles and technical direction.例 16. 差不多同时开放的几千朵美丽的红玫瑰,使这座公园在春季吸引了许多游人。Thousands of red, beautiful roses that blossom almost at the same time make the park the great resort of people in spring.2. 状语的位置例 17. 他很聪明,我赶不上他。H

6、e is very clever; I cannot keep pace with him.例 18. 他英语讲得相当好。He speaks English quite well.例 19. 他们坚决地和侵略者做斗争。They fought resolutely against the invaders.例 20. 1980年以来,他只来过北京一次。Since 1980, he has come to Beijing once only.例 21. 在我们国家,那些不关心人民利益的人是不称职的。In our country those who do not care about the int

7、erests of people are not fit for their office.例 22. 因有风暴,野餐延期了。On account of the storm, the picnic was postponed.例 23. 如果天气合适,我们要到西山去玩。Weather permitting, well go on an excursion to the Western Hills.例 24. 乌云散掉之后,太阳又开始放射光芒。The dark clouds having dispersed, the sun shone again.例 25. 使他吃惊的是,她不仅没有表扬他,反

8、而批评了他。To his surprise, she criticized him instead of praising him.例 26. 由于用电做动力,这种小汽车不污染空气。Powered by electricity, these little cars do not pollute the air.例 27. 一般来说,理论、计划或措施的制定都必须符合外界客观规律。Generally speaking, theories, plans and measures must be worked out in accordance with the laws of the objecti

9、ve external world.例 28. 当电话刚发明并可使用时,几乎没有人要安装它。When the telephone was first invented and ready to use, hardly anybody cared to install one.例 29. 跟过去相比,已进步多了。Compared with what it was, it has improved greatly.例 30. 如果你们要看这戏,就得排队买票。If you want to see the play, youll have to queue up for tickets.例 31. 他

10、昨天走的。He left here yesterday.例 32. 他从口袋里取出一条红领巾,给了女儿。He took out a red scarf from his pocket and gave it to his little daughter.例 33. 我十分同意你的意见。I quite agree with you.例 34. 他愿为你做一切他能做的事。He will do all he can for you.例 35. 我因患扁桃体炎而感到不舒服,但并不严重。I am indisposed with tonsillitis. Its nothing serious thoug

11、h.例 36. 我们为了保护人民的利益,纵使牺牲生命亦在所不惜。We spare no sacrifice of our lives to protect the interests of the people.例 37. 说明:汉语句子中同时又时间状语和地点状语时,地点状语往往放在后面,而英语语序与汉语语序相反,时间状语在后。我是去年在北京遇见他的。I met him in Beijing last year.例 38. 昨天在真空中进行了这个反应。This reaction was carried out in a vacuum yesterday.例 39. 说明:汉语中有两个以上的时间

12、状语时,表示长时间的状语在前,表示短时间的在后,英语语序与此相反。我于 2008年 10月考入北京语言大学继续教育学院学习英语。I was enrolled to study English in the Continuing Education College of Beijing Language and Culture University in October, 2008.例 40. 说明: 汉语句中有两个以上的地点状语时,代表范围大的地点在前,代表范围小的在后,英语语序与此相反。他们住在北京海淀区学院路 15号。They live at 15, Xueyuan Rd, Haidian

13、 District, Beijing. 例 41. 说明:汉语中同时又地点状语、时间状语和方式状语时,其顺序通常是时间、地点、方式,英语语序与此相反。天上的白云缓缓地飘着。White clouds sailed gently in the sky.例 42. 我去年在北京愉快地见到了他。I met him with pleasure in Beijing last year.例 43. 毛主席于 1949 年在天安门庄严地宣告中华人民共和国成立。Chairman Mao proclaimed solemnly the foundation of the Peoples Republic of

14、China at Tiananmen in 1949.例 44. 从杭州坐旅行车向西南走大约三小时左右,可以到达一个叫瑶林的旅游胜地。There is a tourist attraction called Yao Lin which you can reach in about three hours by going southwest by tourist bus from Hangzhou.例 45. 如果你不马上走开,我要去叫警察来了。If you do not go away at once, I will send for a policeman.I will send for a policeman if you do not go away at once.例 46. 虽然天色已晚,他仍然继续工作。Thought it was very late, he went on working.He went on working though it was very late.例 47. 老师们正在开会,一个学生跑了进来。While the teachers were holding a meeting, a pupil rushed in.A pupil rushed in while the teachers were holding a meeting.


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