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1、精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 11求一篇英语课前演讲Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today, our topic is about procrastination.Well, what is procrastination? Generally speaking, procrastination is an act of putting of an essential task until a later time. And there is no doubt that procrastination

2、 will do harm to our study and health.Lets see some behavior of a procrastinator. When the deadline is set, he will think there is one week until the assignment is due. So he has the false sense of security. I have plenty of time. As time passes, he will think that I will get started soon because I

3、can only work under great pressure. And when the last day is coming, he hurries to do his work panickily and under great pressure.And the case of us is often that. Today I must write my paper, so I havent to be online. Well, I need to search some statistics, so I must use computer. And the tragedy h

4、appens on us. An evening is killed by our entertainment.And lets see its four reasons. First, perfectionism. Everything you want to do should be done at a high 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 11level. You want to succeed by one time and dont want to repeat again. Second, resistance and hosti

5、lity. The teachers attitude towards me is so bad, so I dont want to do his homework. Third, be easy to be decadence. The task is so difficult. Why other people neednt do but I have to do? I cant tolerate doing that. Maybe I will do it tomorrow. Last, self-depreciation. My ability becomes lower and l

6、ower gradually as I usually cant finish my tasks well.Maybe everybody have procrastination to some degree. But how do to deal with it? Lets see some measures.First, realize its no need to procrastinateSecond, write down the reason why you will procrastinate piece by piece Third, overcomeAnd then, ta

7、ke action right now.If you want to finish your homework, if you want to get a high score for TEM4, if you want to do reading, if you want to keep fit, or if you want to show your love to your relatives or a special person. Dont procrastinate any more. What make you the most happy is be able to do wh

8、at you want to do.Thats all. Thank you.英语课前演讲好处多静宁县红寺中学 张精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 11宗翾摘要:近些年,我县在教育教学方面进行了大规模的改革,先后提出语文,英语课前演讲三到五分钟,其结果是调动了学生的课堂积极性,激发了课堂教学的趣味性,纠正了学生们的许多发音和语法错误,使学生充分融入到教学活动中,提高了课堂效率、收到良好教学效果我们要充分地把握英语语言的特点以及初中学生的年龄特点,深入地钻研教材,优化课堂教学,为他们的发展打下良好的基础关键词:英语教学;英语口语;兴趣;能力英语教学的

9、最主要目的是培养学生的能力它是英语课的重要任务,又是学习英语知识的完整过程但从目前的现状来看,由于“应试” ,最被忽视的就是“说”的训练从教师的心态来看,认为“说”会影响教学进度,而且,中考、高考又不考它,做大量的练习题,写好作文就行了熟不知, “说”的训练正是为“听”和“写”打基础,它们之间相辅相成,是不可分的也是引导学生进行不同思维方式的相互转变,从而达到让学生集中注意力,提高学习效率的目的那么,怎样训练学生“说”的能力呢?为了提高学生“说”的能力,我们采用了“课前三分钟演讲”具体做法是:每堂语文课在讲授新课前按一定顺序,由一名或两名学生演讲,然后根据他们的演讲,由学生或老师做简短的讲评坚

10、持由易到难的原则,刚开始时,站在座位上讲,后来到台上讲,内容可讲与科本相关的,也可以讲自己的所闻所见所感“课前精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 11三分钟演讲”有哪些好处呢?首先,它训练了学生的语言表达能力学生把准备好的内容表达出来要求脱稿,内容明了,围绕一个主题通过演讲,学生内在的表达能力在教师和全体同学面前真实地外传“三分钟演讲”使学生比较准确地了解自己表达能力如在讲话中语言是否准确,吐字是否清楚,声音是否宏亮,节奏是否合适,声调是否恰当,表情是否自然,感情是否真实等在讲话中,学生看到了别人,也看到了自己,讲评别人的同时,也在规范着自己,在这种

11、较为轻松的氛围在,不知不觉地增加学生的学习兴趣其次,能够激发学生学习英语的兴趣演讲的学生只是面对老师好同班同学,英语课前 3 分钟演讲资料大全英语小笑话:Excited Remarks 激动的话 Our son, at age of five, had a fascination for motorcycles. The sight of one would always bring forth squeals of delight, accompanied by excited remarks of Look at that! Look at that! Im going to have o

12、ne of those someday, his dads response always was Not as long as Im alive. One day, while our son was talking to a little friend, a motorcycle passed by. He excitedly pointed it out to the boy and exclaimed, Look at that! Look at that! Im getting one of those as soon as my dad dies. 我五岁的儿子对摩托车精品文档20

13、16 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 11有强烈的爱好只要看见一辆摩托车,他就会高兴得哇哇直叫,并激 动地说:瞧这辆!瞧这辆,我总有一天也要有一辆他爸爸的回答老是只要我活着,你就别 想有这玩艺儿 一天我们的儿子跟他的小朋友在说话, 有一辆摩托车开了过去 他兴奋的指着摩托车叫道瞧 这辆!瞧这辆!等我爸一死我就要有这样一辆摩托车了英语幽默笑话:Sharing the Apples 分苹果 Harry was given two apples, a small one and a large one, by his Mum. Share them with your s

14、ister, she said. So Harry gave the small one to his little sister and started touching into the large one. Cor! said his sister, If Mum had given them to me Id have given you the large one and had the small one myself. Well, said Harry, thats what youve got, so what are you worrying about?1One night

15、, I complained to my mum about the lack of time. Finally she said,you are short of time just because you waste precious minutes on complaints. No matter how busy you are, if you try really hard, you can always fit in some thing more.The lack of time is just the excuse for my negligence of every single minute. I believe that the great dividing line between success and failure 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 6 / 11can be expressed in six w


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