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1、英国日常生活习俗第一部分:民族服饰重传统 pay attention to their tradition 讲身份 stress status 的英国服饰.不过,与其说英国人非常重视服饰,倒不如 说他们重视传统,所以,他 们重视服饰,主要是一定要与自己的身份相称。苏格兰:世界上只有一个民族服装的最有名的是穿在苏格兰,短裙,最早,它是 苏格兰高地人的服装。这种装束非常适合高地的气候和地形。成为苏格兰民族特色的标志。一套正式的苏格兰裙及配饰包括:长度及膝的方格呢群、色调与之相配的背心和花呢夹克、长筒针织厚袜、皮带、帽子、毛皮带、匕首。tartan design 格子图案,只有纯羊毛、纯手工、制造于

2、苏格兰的格子裙,才能被称为“苏格兰格子裙”。One of the most famous national costumes in the world is that worn in Scotland, the kilt, it is always worn by Gentlemen. Today traditional dress for men in Scotland is a kilt with shirt, waistcoat and tweed jacket, stockings with garter flashes, brogue shoes and a sporran. A b

3、onnet is often worn displaying the clan crest. Traditionally ladies wear dresses or pleated skirts in a tartan material. More often though they wear a light plaid or shawl of tartan material,威尔士: 女士们穿着方式(是 a hat, A red flannel shawl,a full skirt,a starched, white apron)是最众所周知的事实 the way the ladies d

4、ress that is most well known,威尔士的民族服饰是在十八、十九世纪农民服饰的基础上形成的。传统的威尔士妇女的服饰通常由一件长袍或者长裙,配一件衬裙(通常最受欢迎的颜色为红色),头上戴一条从对角线对折的披肩 From the diagonal to the fold of the shawl,披肩的一角盖住双肩,而另外两个角则垂在胸前。威尔士妇女也会经常穿围裙。在威尔士服饰中最有特点的也许就是“威 尔士帽子” 或者叫“水獭皮帽子”。据说这种帽子最早起源于十八世纪的法国。如今在北爱尔兰已经没有了特点十分鲜明的传统民族服饰英格兰:没有十分确定的民族服装。最出名的英格兰民族服

5、装就是那些跳莫里斯舞的人穿着的服装。基本上包括白色的裤子,白色的 衬衫,小腿上的小铃,以及一顶用毡子或者麦草做成的、饰以缎带和鲜花的帽子 A straw with a blanket or made, decorated with ribbons and flowers, hat。第二部分:食物餐饮英国的“烤牛肉 Roast Beef 加约克郡布丁 Yorkshire pudding ”被称为是国菜。一般的英国家庭一天通常是四餐:早餐、午餐、午茶点和晚餐 。早餐通常在七点到九点之间,午餐通常在下午一点左右。晚餐一般在晚上点到点之间。午茶点一般都在下午四点左右,他们是以晚餐为正餐。他们普遍喜爱喝

6、茶, 早上喝“被窝茶”,午后喝“下午茶” , 以红茶为主。他们还喜欢喝威士忌,喝葡萄酒和香槟酒,啤酒和烈性酒。famous for its delicious cheeses。早餐:the first meal of the day, and it is often hurried and informal. The central feature of the traditional English breakfast id a fried or grilled dish consisting of bacon, eggs, and such additional items as saus

7、age, mushrooms, tomatoes, black pudding, and fried bread or potatoes and other things. And often preceded by porridge, fruit juice, or some variety of commercially produced breakfast cereal. In recent years a light breakfast, or called continental breakfast, has become increasingly popular in Britai

8、n.午餐:英国人的中餐很快就解决,吃三明治,同样受 欢迎的午餐为烤马铃薯 lunch is a midday meal, usually eaten between 12:00 to 2:00p.m. it is also usually a light meal for the British people. It is often finished very quickly. 晚餐:晚餐是一天中的主餐,且通常有两道菜-肉或鱼加蔬菜,之后有甜点(也就是布丁)。Dinner is the main meal of the day generally consisting of meat, fi

9、sh and other vegetables. Snack and drink: 冷冻熟食在英国相当普遍,国外食物也相当受英国欢迎。Drink: at least 8 different occasions drink tea. 英国早餐茶、伯爵茶 Earl Grey tea 和下午茶 Tea Time(传统的 4 点茶), 6 点茶(传统的 6 点茶)称 “台茶(high tea) ”。 早上一醒来,清晨 6 点,空着肚子就要喝“床茶” ,上午 11 点再喝一次“晨茶”,午饭后又喝一次“下午茶” ,晚 饭后还要喝一次“晚茶” 。British Cheese:Brodick Blue - A

10、 ewes 母羊 milk blue cheese from Brodick in Scotland. Caerphilly - The best known Welsh cheese. A fresh, white, mild cheese with a delicate, slightly salty and lightly acidic flavor.Cheddar - Probably the best known British cheese. A creamy cheese which comes in different strengths depending on its ag

11、e from Mild to Mature. And dates back to the 15th century.Cheshire 英国地名, 英格兰人姓氏 切舍- A slightly crumbly and silky texture with a full-bodied, fresh flavour. Britains oldest cheese, dating back to the 11th century.Cornish 英格 兰人姓氏 科尼什 Yarg - A semi-hard cheese that is creamy and slightly crumbly at the

12、 core. It has a young, fresh, slightly tangy taste.Crowdie kraudi苏格兰 麦片粥- A soft fresh Scottish cheese.Derby 英格兰 人、爱尔兰人姓氏 达比- A smooth, mellow texture with a quite mild, buttery flavourDouble Gloucester 双重格洛斯特起司- A smooth, buttery texture with a clean, creamy, mellow flavour. Famous for its role in

13、the annual cheese-rolling contest.Dovedale - A creamy soft, mild blue cheese.Lancashire - A full-bodied flavour that is slightly salted with a creamy but faintly crumbly texture. Red Leicester 英格兰人姓氏 莱斯特- A rich, orangey coloured cheese whose flaky and slightly open texture plays host to a distincti

14、ve mellow flavour. Sage Derby - A green veined, semi-hard cheese with a delightful, mild sage flavour.Shropshire Blue - Made in a similar way to Stilton, it is a blue veined, soft, orange coloured cheese with a sharp, strong, slightly tangy flavour that takes between six and eight weeks to mature. S

15、tilton - Known as the King of English Cheeses. A blue veined cheese with smooth and creamy texture it has a complex, slightly acidic flavour. It originated near Melton Mowbray at the beginning of the 18th century.Village Green Goat - A popular Cornish goats cheese with a green wax coating, from when

16、ce it gets its name, surrounding a great tasting hard cheese.Wensleydale - A moist, crumbly and flaky textured cheese with a mild and slightly sweet flavour. It can be traced back to the 12th century when it was made in Yorkshire by the monks at Jervaulx AbbeyWhite Stilton - A mild, crumbly cheese with a delicious tangy flavour. It is younger than its blue cousin and also comes blended with apricots or cranberries.第三部分:According to English Law,


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