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1、背景大家一定记得,前几年,绿豆被某食疗大师神化为包治百病的灵丹妙药,不少人天天喝绿豆汤、吃生茄子,结果可想而知?7 月 25 日我在新浪健康进行微访谈,话题是:高温天气营养安排。有不少网友积极参与,提出了不少问题。其中关于绿豆汤的问题最多,有的问:1、听说夏天绿豆汤不能放冰箱是吗?为什么呢?2、我看网上说绿豆汤不能乱喝,我夏天超级喜欢喝绿豆汤,求辟谣!3、胃不好的人,能经常喝绿豆汤吗?4、什么人不宜多喝绿豆汤?5、绿豆汤是不是煮久了比较解毒?备孕期间每天抓一把吃可以吗?怀孕以后还能每天吃一把不?6、绿豆汤怎么煮解暑?谁都能喝吗?经期能喝吗?我们今天就说说绿豆的事。绿豆,属于豆科,由于它的颜色青

2、绿而得名,在我国已经有两千多年的栽培史。传统绿豆制品有绿豆糕、绿豆酒、绿豆饼、绿豆沙、绿豆芽、绿豆粉皮等。绿豆的吃法很多,绿豆本身就可以做成汤、粥、豆沙、豆糕、豆芽,还可以和其他食物一起做粥,如小米绿豆粥、绿豆沙等。关于绿豆的保健作用,有不少记载。 本草纲目:厚肠胃。作枕,明目,治头风头痛。除吐逆。治痘毒,利肿胀。 开宝本草:主丹毒烦热,风疹,热气奔豚,生研绞汁服。亦煮食,消肿下气,压热解毒。 随息居饮食谱:绿豆甘凉,煮食清胆养胃,解暑止渴,利小便,已泻痢。利用现代的科学技术分析,绿豆的营养成分有以下几个特点:1、每 100 克的绿豆中含蛋白质 21. 6 克,是大米的两倍还要多,其氨基酸组成

3、中赖氨酸含量丰富。大米、小麦粉中的赖氨酸缺乏,因此,绿豆最好和米或面的制品一起吃,从而发挥它们的营养互补作用。2、绿豆中脂肪的含量少,而且以不饱和脂肪酸为主。3、绿豆中含有多种维生素和矿物质,都比稻米多。4、干绿豆中不含维生素 C,做成绿豆芽后含有丰富的抗坏血酸。5、绿豆中还含有许多生物活性物质,包括单宁、生物碱、植物甾醇、皂甙和黄酮类化合物等。这些植物化合物具有抗菌抑菌、增强机体免疫力、降低血中胆固醇、抗肿瘤等作用。尽管绿豆有这么多作用,但并不是吃一次两次就能发挥作用的。其实,其他食物一样,也需要适量吃,在营养上有其优缺点。要达到促进健康的目的,还需要遵循食物多样、均衡营养的原则。从古至今,

4、人们一直有熬绿豆汤防暑降温的习惯。夏天出汗多,机体会丢失一定量的矿物质和维生素,用绿豆煮汤不仅能补充水分,而且还能及时补充矿物质和维生素。从现在营养学的角度来看,喝绿豆汤没有什么禁忌。绿豆汤煮好后,最好自然放凉了,喝温的,温的绿豆汤香甜可口。也可以把煮好的绿豆汤放冰箱做成冰镇绿豆汤。由于太凉的食物会刺激胃肠道,注意一次不要喝大量的凉的绿豆汤。BackgroundRemember, a few years ago, mung bean was a master deified as a diet a ready-made panacea, a lot of people every day to

5、 drink mung bean soup, eat raw eggplant, one can imagine the result?In July 25th I in Sina health micro interview, the topic is: high temperature weathernutrition arrangement. There are a lot of friends to actively participate in, put forward many problems. About the mung bean soup is the most probl

6、ems, some asked:1, heard that summer mung bean soup can not put the refrigerator is? Why?2, I see online, said the mung bean soup can not drink disorder, I super love summerdrink green bean soup, for the rumor!3, the stomach is not good person, can often drink green bean soup?4, what people should n

7、ot drink green bean soup?5, mung bean soup boil for a long time Is it right? Comparison? Preparation ofpregnancy day catch a can eat? After pregnancy can eat a?6, the mung bean soup how to cook heat? Who can drink? Menstruation can drink?We talk about the mung bean things today.Mung bean, belong to

8、the Leguminosae, because of its green color and name,cultivation history in China has more than two thousand years. The traditional beanproducts are Bean paste cake, mung bean, mung bean, mung bean cake and wine,mung bean, mung bean vermicelli etc. Eat a lot of mung bean, mung bean soup,porridge its

9、elf can be made, bean paste, bean cake, bean sprouts, also can and other food to do porridge, such as millet, mung bean Mung Bean Congee etc.The role of health care of mung bean, there are many records. Compendium of Materia Medica: thick stomach. As a pillow, Mingmu, cure headache. In addition tovo

10、mit. Cure the pox, Lee swelling. Kai Bao Materia Medica: the main erysipelasFanre, rubella, hot bentun, Shengyan Jiashi clothes. Also cooking, swelling under the gas pressure, heat detoxification. With interest in the diet spectrum: mung beansweet cool, cooking Qingdan Yangwei, Jieshu thirst quenche

11、r, diuresis, have diarrhea.Analysis of the use of modern science and technology, nutritional composition of mung bean has the following characteristics: G protein containing 21.6 1, per 100 grams of mung beans, two times more than the amino acid composition of rice, the content of lysine in rich. Ly

12、sine in wheat flour andrice, the lack of mung bean, therefore, the best eat together and meters or theproducts, to play their role of complementary nutrition.The fat content of mung bean in 2, less, and mainly unsaturated fatty acid.3, mung bean contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, are more

13、than rice.4, do not contain vitamin C mung bean, mung bean sprouts after made rich in ascorbic acid.5, mung beans also contain many bioactive substances, including tannins, alkaloids,sterols, saponins and flavonoids etc. These plant compounds have antibacterial,enhance immunity, reduce blood cholest

14、erol, anti - tumor effect.Although the mung bean has so many functions, but not eat two times will be able to play a role. In fact, other food, also need to be eaten in moderation, has its advantages and disadvantages in nutrition. To achieve the purpose of promotinghealth, also need to follow the p

15、rinciple of balanced nutrition, food diversity.Since ancient times, people have been boiled mung bean soup heatstroke preventionhabits. Summer perspires much, will lose a certain amount of minerals and vitamins,use mung bean soup can replenish moisture, but also replenish vitamins and minerals.From

16、now on the point of view of nutrition, drink mung bean soup is not what taboo.Mung bean soup cooked, the best natural cold, drinking warm, warm green bean soupis delicious. You can also cook the mung bean soup fridge into iced green bean soup.Because it is too cold food will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, pay attention to a dont drink lots of cool mung bean soup.


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