高一英语课件:下学期unit6 lesson 3 北师大版

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1、Unit 6 Design,江苏省睢宁高级中学 高一外语组,Chinese Paper Art,Lesson 3,The Art of Paper,Have you ever tried paper-cutting ? On what occasions would you use paper cuts.,Background Paper-cutting is one of Chinas most popular forms of visual Art .Paper and scissors are the usual materials utilized,but sometimesan en

2、graving knife is also used. Paper-cutting has been a traditional art form for hundreds of years . It can be traced back to the 6th century ; but only became apparent a few centuries after paper cuts are mainly used as decorations for religious and ornamentalpurposes.,A short paper cut movie .,Read t

3、he following statements. Are they true or false? Write “T” for “ true” , and write “F” for “false”.( ) 1. Mr chen learned paper cutting from an early age.( ) 2. Paper-cutting has a long history in China.( ) 3. Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs dating back to the Song Dynasty.( ) 4. The

4、young lady would look at the mans paper-cutting skills to choose her husband.( ) 5. People like to use paper cuts to decorate things and hope they can bring good luck.( ) 6. At wedding celebrations we can often see the paper cuts of a phoenix.,T,T,F,F,T,F,Listen to tape carefully and at the same tim

5、e pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.,Scan the text and find the topic sentence or main meaning of each Paragraph.,Para1Para2Para3Para4 Para5 Para6 Para7,Types of paper-cuttingConclusion Introduction of Chen ZijiangThe history of paper-cuttingPaper cuts used for decorationPaper cuts u

6、sed for religious purposePaper cuts for making patterns or designs,Answer the following questions :How many types of paper cuts do people like to make ? What are they?How do we know that there is a long tradition of paper-cutting in China?Which Chinese character often appears in wedding paper cuts?4

7、. How is paper-cutting related to fashion?5. Why is the writer going to see Mr.Chen again?,How many types of paper cuts do people like to make ? What are they?,Three . Paper cuts for decorations, for religious purpose and for design patters,How do we know that there is a long tradition of paper-cutt

8、ing in China?,We know that because paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs dating back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty.,3.Which Chinese character often appears in wedding paper cuts?,The Chinese character of double happiness often appears in wedding paper cuts.,4.How is paper

9、-cutting related to fashion?,By using paper-cutting like a pattern in clothing or on a jewellery box,5. Why is the writer going to see Mr.Chen again?,To learn paper cutting from him.,Study language points,Read part IV (Important points ) on your paper quickly.Then try to make sentences using the fol

10、lowing words.,.paper cuts for decoration, for religious purposes .can be found in tombs which date bake to the time.People to whom the dead person was related would make . (relate to)4. I was also ready to try out paper-cutting for myself.,Complete the following sentences:1 I cant _what he does _(联系

11、,涉及) what he says.All things _ _ _(和有联系) other things.3. 我到那儿去是为了跟我的父母呆在一起。 I went there _ _ _ _ staying with my parents.4. 我们下个月将试验新的机器。 Well _ _ the new machine next month.,relate,to,are related to,for the purpose of,try out,GrammarRelative Clauses (1),Find these relative pronouns in the text :Who

12、, that, which, whose, whom,Which of them :can refer to people?can refer to things?refer to possession?,Look at these expressions from the text:1.a paper cutting expert (whom) I interviewed2.something (that) he learned3.a young farmer who wanted a wife4.paper cuts which show the Chinese character.5.p

13、arents whose child has recently been born,关系代词,关系副词,其它,语法学习( 定语从句),way,人或物,Try to pick out all the attributive clauses in the text with your partners and study them by yourselves . Then try to finish theexercises on your papers.,Home work :1.Finish off the rest exercises.2.Go over whatve learned.3.Preview the new lesson.4.Try making a paper cut.,See you!,


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