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1、1數學式和數學用語的英文讀法註:本檔案的資料,主要來自http:/ (作者為華胥夢 ) http:/ (作者為尹圓圓)http:/ (作者為 swan)部分是參考 Wikipedia 和 奇摩知識的資料部分則是個人的修改、潤飾、與補充一、Number 數字 106: one million109: one billion (or one thousand million)1012: one trillion (or one million million)1015: one quadrillion(or one thousand million million)1018: one quinti

2、llion (or one million million million)123,456,789: one hundred and twenty three million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine12,345,678,900,000:twelve trillion, three hundred and forty five billion, six hundred and seventy-eight million, nine hundred thousand18: minus e

3、ighteen 二、Fractions 分數 通常將分子讀為基數,將分母讀為序數。 1/2: a (or one) half 1/3: a (or one) third 1/4: a quarter or one fourth 1/5: a (or one) fifth 2/3: two thirds, two over three, or two by three 9/10: nine tenths, nine over ten, or nine by ten53/4: five and three quarters 15/64: fifteen over (or by) sixty-fou

4、r 15%: fifteen per cent 4: four per mill (or mil)2三、Decimals 小數 0.4: zero (or naught) point four .01: point (or decimal) naught (or oh) one 12.34: twelve point three four 567.809: five hundred and sixty-seven point eight naught (or oh) nine 30.45: thirty point four five, 0.3333333.: point three repe

5、ating (or recurring)0.3%: point (or decimal) three percent 四、Mathematic Forms 數學式(4-1) Addition 加法 1+2=3: One and two are three.2+3=5: Two plus three equals five. 4+0=4: Four and naught is equal to four. 45+70+152=267: 45, 70 and 152 added are (or make) 267 the sum (or total) is 267. (4-2) Subtracti

6、on 減法 9-4=5: Nine minus four equals (or is equal to) five. 15-7=8: Seven from fifteen leaves eight. 23,654-8,175=15,479: 8,175 (take or subtracted) from 23,654 leaves 15,479. The difference (or The remainder) is 15,479. (4-3) Multiplication 乘法 10=0: One multiplied by naught equals naught. 11=1: Once

7、 one is one. 21=2: Twice one is two. 35=15: Three times five is fifteen 60=0: Multiply six by nothing, and the result is nothing.(4-4) Division 除法 93=3: Nine divided by three makes (or is equal to) three. 205=4: Five into twenty goes four times. 3456723=198 餘 13: 23 into 4567 goes 198 times, and 13

8、remainder. The quotient is 198, and 13 remainder.五、Power 冪次方bn 當中, b 被稱為底數 (base),n 被稱為指數 (power or exponent) bn: the nth power of b 或 b to the nth power.a107: a times the seventh power of ten.b 的平方: b square or b squared b 的立方: b cube or b cubed b 的 4 次方: b to the fourth b 的-1 次方: b to the minus on

9、e 六、Time 時間 (6-1) Hours 鐘點 2h.58: two hours five minutes eight seconds 2 小時 5 分 8 秒 6.18: six eighteen 6 時 18 分 8.30 a.m.: eight thirty a.m. 上午 8 時 30 分 the 6.05 p.m. train: the six (naught) five p.m. train 下午 6 時零 5 分列車又二十四小時混合制的寫法和讀法如下: 0900: 0 nine hundred (上午)9 時 0910: 0 nine ten (上午)9 時 10 分 13

10、00: thirteen hundred 13 時(下午 1 時) 1525: fifteen twenty-five 15 時 25 分(下午 3 時 25 分) 2000: twenty hundred 20 時(下午 8 時) at 5 oclock: at five oclock 五點鐘 (6-2) Date 日期 Oct.1: October first 10 月 1 日 Oct.1st: October the first 10 月 1 日 1st Oct. 1949: the first of October, nineteen forty-nine 1949 年 10 月 1

11、日 3/5: 英 May (the) third 5 月 3 日;美March fifth 3 月 5 日 684 B.C.: Six eighty-four B.C. 西元前 684 年 4106 A.D: one oh six A.D. 西元 106 年1960: nineteen sixty; nineteen hundred and sixty 19-: nineteen something 1950s: nineteen fifties 二十世紀五十年代 60s: sixties 本世紀 60 年代1770 年代初期: in the early 1770s 20 世紀末: in th

12、e late 20th century 11 世紀中葉: in the mid 11th century 七、Phone and Room Numbers 電話及房間號碼 2303-9047: two three zero (or oh) three, nine zero (or oh) four seven3366-3662: three three six six, three six six two或 double three double six, three double six two room 137: room one three seven車牌號碼,身分證號碼,以及各種編號的

13、讀法皆類似八、其他log(x): the logarithm of x logb(x): the logarithm of x to the base b5 : 3: five to three A 隊領先 2 分: Team A is leading (or ahead) by two.B 隊落後 2 分: Team B is trailing (or down) by two.45 度角: forty-five degree angle二元一次方程式: linear (or simple) equation with two unknowns 一元二次方程式: quadratic equa

14、tion with one unknownVol.I: Volume one (or the first volume)(chapter, page, line 的讀法類似) Matt.7:12: Matthew, Chapter Seven, Verse Twelve 馬可福音第七章第 12 節Hamlet III 1:56: Hamlet Act Three, Scene One, Line fifty-six 哈姆雷特第 3 幕第一場第 56 行 時頻分析第 123 頁第四行: Time-Frequency Analysis, page 123, line 4Henry V: Henry

15、 the Fifth 亨利五世$4.25: four dollars twenty-five cents 四元二十五分 (大小單位之間不必加 and)15 ft. 5 in: fifteen foot five (inches) 十五英尺五英寸520 gal. 5 qt.: Twenty gallons five quarts 二十加侖五夸脫108 feet: ten by eight feet 十英尺長,八英尺寬 542 1/2: five inches by four by two and a half 長五英寸,寬四英寸,高二英寸半九、符號的英文讀法 (9-1) Punctuation Marks 標點符號中文 英文 中文 英文 分節號 section; division - 破折號 dash。 句號 period 斜線 virgule; slash , 逗號 comma 反斜線 backslash: 冒號 colon 波浪號 tilde (or swung dash) ; 分號 semicolon . 省略號 ellipsis ! 驚嘆號 exclamation ( ) 圓括號 parentheses at 單引號 singl


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