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1、四年级英语上册 Unit11 教案及练习题(新版广州版)一、听力训练(活动手册)二、Unit 11 单词职业当的时候画家病的护士;幼儿园保育员烹调;厨师食物建设者;建设工人建筑;建设医生(男)警察记者 新闻三、Unit 11 词组想成为 ant be 长大 gr 为人们获取新闻get fr 一名英语老师English teaher非常 帮助生病的人 help peple做美味的食物 nie 建造好的房屋 gd huses帮助人们 peple 善于 四、Unit 11 句型 根据中提示把句子补充完整。1 hat u ant t hen u ? (你长大了想做什么?)2I , I ant t be

2、 an English (我擅长英语,所以我想成为一名英语老师)3 hen I , I ant a (当我长大了,我想成为一个画家)4 I art ! (我非常喜欢艺术!) I lie help peple (我喜欢帮助生病的人。)五、知识考点【知识考点一】hen 当 时候 I gr up, I ant t be a rih an 复习以下疑问词: hat , here , h , hse ,h , hih 【知识考点二】si: 病的; 同义词: ill She is , s she desnt g t shl = She is , s she desnt g t shl【知识考点三】: 厨师

3、;烹调I ant t be a hen I gr up an u help e the hien? 【知识考点四】 fd: 食物;不可数fd d u ant t eat? ( H an/ H uh) 【知识考点五】 see a dtr: 看医生She is si, s she needs t 【知识考点六】 pliean, 复数: plieenThe helps an ld peple The help an ld peple 【知识考点七】 nes: 新闻This is gd (这真是个好消息。)【知识考点八】 be gd at = d ell in : 擅长 后可以接名词,也可以接动词的

4、ing 形式。He is gd at (语) She is gd at ()the fish I d ell English She ell in daning 【知识考点九】 I ant t be 我想成为 I ant t be (医生)【知识考点十】 询问对方职业的 3 种句型及答语:hat is ur b? I a a nurse hat are u? I a a builderhat d u d? I a a painter堂训练:1) 选择填空( ) 1 I ant t a dtr A a B are be D /( ) 2 I gr up, I ill bu a big huseA

5、 h B hat here D hen( ) 3 I ant t nie fd peple At B fr f Dith( ) 4 I ant t get nes fr peple, s I shuld be a A builder Bdtr reprter D ( ) sister is gd daning A at B fr ith Dt( ) 6 Are u a pliean? - A es, I d Bes, I aes, I dnt D es, I nt ( ) 7 I ant fastA run Bt running D runs( ) 8 I ant Aup Bups t up

6、D uping2) 按要求完成单词1 be (第三人称单数) 2 paint(改成一种职业) 3 huse( 复数 ) 4 lie(第三人称单数 ) builder(改为动词形式) 6 pliean(复数) 3) 写出句子所缺的单词。( ) 1 hat d u ant t be u gr up? ( ) 2 I lve nie fd I ant t a ( ) 3 I at aths I ant t be a ath teaher hen I gr up ( ) 4 I ant t be a riter I ant t peple stries ( ) e are dtrs e help pe

7、ple ( ) 6 e are builders e huse fr peple ( ) 7 e are s e nie fd fr peple 4) 读单词,判断划线部分读音是否一致,相同写“T”,不同写“F” ( )1 A b B eans ( )2 A g B dg ( )3 A that B thin ( )4 A the Bthus ( ) A three B their ( )6 A sing Bsng ( )7 A B ear( )8 A sh B str)选择合适的单词填空,可重复使用。hat hen h here 1 is ur favurite teaher ? 2 d u

8、 ant t eat ?3 I gr up, I ant t be a nurse4 is ur hair?is ur b?6) 在横线上填写适当的职业1 I lve art I lve t dra pitures I ant t be a hen I gr up 2 I gd at usi and I lve hildren I ant t be a hen I gr up 3 I lie t build nie and beautiful huses fr peple I ant t be a hen I gr up4 I ant t help si peple I ant t be a

9、hen I gr upI lve nie fd I ant t nie fd fr peple I ant t be a hen I gr up7) 给句子写数字编号,使其形成一段合理的对话。( )- N, I dnt ( )- I gd at telling stries( )- I ant t be a teaher I lve hildren I ant t tell hildren stries( )- I see( )-hat are u gd at, Rse?( )-hat d u ant t be hen u gr up then?( )-D u ant t be a riter

10、 hen u gr up? 8) 阅读下面的小短,选出正确的答案。 failThis is fail piture There are five peple in fail There grandpa, granda, father, ther and e grandpa is a dtr granda is a daner father is a teaher He ls strng ther is a nurse She is beautiful I 10 ears ld I a a student ( ) 1 There are peple in fail A fur B five( )

11、 2 grandpa is a A dtr B daner( ) 3 ther is a A teaher B nurse( ) 3 ther is A strng Bbeautiful( ) I a a A teaher B student后作业:1)选择填空( ) 1 hat is ur b? I A 3 B David a builder( ) 2 I lie t dra pitures I ant t be a hen I gr up A B painter riter( ) 3 I ant t be a builder hen I gr up I ant t gd huses A tell B dra build( ) 4 I ant t be a pliean I ant t peple A tell Bhelp teah( ) I a b is t nie fd peple A fr B t and( ) 6 I ant t be art teaher hen I gr up A a B an the( ) 7 hat u ant t be hen u gr up? A are Bis d( ) 8I ant t be a painter I lve t dra pitures A ver B uh ver uh2) 写出这些职业的英。


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