2015年八年级英语上册module 5 单元教案设计(外研版)

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1、2015 年八年级英语上册 Module 5 单元教案设计(外研版)dule La She Teahuse一、学习目标:A 单词和短语:atress, teahuse, ffer, end, in the end, n idea, at, sh, n, desribe, siet, head teaher, llege, nvel, if, agi B 交际用语:1 H as it?2 u n, 3 Thats the ain thing4 N idea D u ant t see the Beiing pera? es, I d lve t6 D u ant t e t La She Tea

2、huse ith e? es, please Id lie t g ith u 7 I anted t see the Beiing pera8 Lingling ffered t tae e there9 e nl planned t ath fr an hur10 e deided t sta fr three hurs11 I hpe t understand re next tie12 I ant t see the Beiing pera h dnt e ?二、教学目标1 Funtin: Taling abut intentins and plans2 Struture: Infin

3、itive strutures (1): infinitives as bets; verbs flled b infinitives3 Sills: 1) Listening and understanding failiar tpis (Beiing pera) finding speifi infratin 2) Desribing intentins and plans in siple language3) Reading and understanding the sequene f events4) riting a shrt passage abut favurite pla

4、r fil4 Arund the rld: TheatresTas: Ating ut a sene fr a pla三、重点及难点: Infinitive strutures (1): infinitives as bets; verbs flled b infinitives 四、教学设计:Unit 1 I anted t see the Beiing peraTeahing delListening and speaing Teahing ethdPP apprah Teahing ais1 e vabular: atress, teahuse, ffer, end, in the en

5、d, n idea2 e strutures: Infinitive strutures (1): infinitives as bets; verbs flled b infinitives3 e sentenes:1) H as it?2) u n, 3) Thats the ain thing4) N idea) D u ant t see the Beiing pera? es, I d lve t6) D u ant t e t La She Teahuse ith e? es, please Id lie t g ith u 7) I anted t see the Beiing

6、pera8) Lingling ffered t tae e there Teahing aidsTape rerder, HP, videTeahing StepsStep 1 aring-up1 En a pla: La She Teahuse2 Sh se pitures3 L at the pitures, and tal sething abut the pitures4 Intrdue the ne rdsLearn the ne rds6 Read the ne rdsStep 2 r in pairs1 As the students t read the rds in the

7、 bx in Ativit 1atress dane usi pla sing teahuse theatre traditinal2 L at the pitures in Ativit 1, and tal abut the 3 r in pairs Use the rds fr the bx t help uStep 3 Listening pratie1 As the students t read thrugh the sentenes in Ativit 21) Bett ften sees / ants t see se traditinal Beiing pera2) Bett

8、 ns / desnt n La She Teahuse3) Lingling sas that the pera is eas / diffiult t understand2 Pla the rerding ne ithut stpping3 Listen and underline the rret rds4 Pla the rerding again and as the hle lass t he ith a partnerhe the ansers: es: 1 ants 2 desnt n 3 diffiultStep 4 Listen and read1 Sh se pitur

9、es, and as the students t tal abut the2 As the students t read the nversatin silentl3 Pla the rerding and as the students t listen and read the nversatin4 Read the nversatinAt it ut6 Learn “Everda English”1) H as it?2) u n, 3) Thats the ain thing4) N ideaStep he the true sentenes1 As the students t

10、read the nversatin again2 N he the true sentenes1) Tn ent t La She Teahuse ith Bett and Lingling2) Bett understd the pera3) Lingling and Bett staed lnger than the planned 4) Bett ened the pera) Bett uld lie t g t the pera again6) Bett ne abut La She befre she ent t the teahuse 3 As the students t he

11、 ith a partner4 he the ansers: es: 1 2 3 4 6 Step 6 plete the passage1 As the students t read the rds in the bx in Ativit 4atress diffiult end ain ffer2 Read thrugh the passage Bett anted t see the Beiing pera, s Lingling (1) _ t tae Bett t La She Teahuse The rds f the pera ere (2) _ t understand, b

12、ut the atrs and (3)_ ere exellent The nl planned t ath fr an hur, but in the (4) _, the staed fr three hurs Bett thught it as interesting that as the () _ thing!3 plete the passage ith the rret fr f the rds fr the bx4 As the students t he ith a partnerhe the ansers: es: 1 ffered 2 diffiult 3 atresse

13、s 4 end ain Step 7 Listen and repeat1 Pla the rerding ne ithut stpping2 Pla the rerding again and as the hle lass t repeat1) D u ant t see the Beiing pera? es, I d lve t2) D u ant t e t La She Teahuse ith e? es, please Id lie t g ith u 3 As the students t listen and ar the intnatin4 N listen again a

14、nd repeatStep 8 r in pairs1 As the students t read the nversatins in Ativit alud2 ae true sentenes1) I ant t _ next ee2) The ffered t _3) I hpe t _ ne da4) parents agree t _ n Saturda 3 Tal abut sething ud lie t d r see I ant t g t Xiniang and ride hrses Step 9 Iprtant and diffiult pints1 h is La Sh

15、e? 老舍是谁? N idea 不知道。这里的 N idea 相当于 I dnt n。例如: She has n idea here t g 她不知道要去哪里。 D u n h ld ur teaher is? I have n idea She ls prett ung2 e nl planned t ath fr an hur, but in the end, e staed fr three hurs我们计划仅呆一个小时,但是最后,我们呆了三个小时。in the end / at last / finall 的区别:这是一组同义词,都有“最后” 的意思,但用法有所不同。 finall 一般指一系列事物或论点的顺序,没有感情色彩。例如: At last the r as dne and he uld rest 最后,工作完成了,他可以休息了。 She has e at last! 她总算了! in the end 表示经过许多变化、困难和捉摸不定的情况后某事才发生。例如: The n in the end 最后他们赢了。 He tried an ties t pass the exainatin, and in the end he suee



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