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1、2014 年八年级英语下册第九单元教案(新版人教版)题 Unit 9 Have u ever been t a useu? Setin A 1 (1a-2d)教学目标 1 nledge and Abilit bets(1) e vabular: auseent; neither(2) Listening pratie(3) Target language:1Lets g sehere different tda2Have u ever been t? es, I have/ N, I havent3H abut/hat abut?4H are e ging t get there? e an

2、tae the suba/(4) T train students listening and speaing sills2 ethd bets in Teahing(1) Sene teahing ethd(2) Listening and speaing ethds(3) Pair r3 Sensibilit and ValueT be interested in taing part in all inds f ativities in English lass教材分析 1 Teahing e Pints1 e vabular in this perid2 Target language

3、 in this perid2 Teahing Diffiultae nversatins freel using the target language3 Teahing Aids1 A tape rerder2 A puter fr ultiedia use时序 Teahing PreduresStep 1 Greetings and RevisinGreet the lass and he the herStep 2 Lead-in 1 Guess the plaes f the pitures; the are the British useu, spae useu, histr us

4、eu, ater par, z, auseent par hile lead in sentene patterns:“ Have u ever been t ?”2 Speaing Get students t r in pairs t pratie the nversatin: “ Have u ever been t”“es, I have”/ Nt, I haventStep 3 Pre-listening1 Setin A 1aT: N pen ur bs n Page 6 In Part 1a, 6 plaes are given Please read the naes f th

5、ese plaes (Teaher rites the naes n the blabard) hih f these plaes uld u lie t visit? Ran the fr 1 t S 4: Auseent par _, ater par _, z _ aquariu _ spae useu _S : Spae useu _, aquariu _, z _, ater par _, auseent par _S6: 2 Tal abut the pitureStep 4 Listening1Listen and hse the best anser The first and

6、 the send questin ai t listening t tie, and the third ne ais t listen fr the relatinship This ativit trains students listening abilit fr listening fr speifi relatinship1)hen did Sarah visit the Natinal Siene useu?A Tda B esterda Last ear2)hen did laudia visit the nature useu?A last ear B last suer L

7、ast shl trip 3)hat a the relatinship be beteen the t speaers?A Friends B Teaher and student ther and idAnser: A2Listen again Listen and he the bxes Have these students ever been t these plaes? Siene useuHistr useuArt useuNature useuSpae useulaudia Sarah Step Speaing As and anser in pairs:A: lets g s

8、ehere different tdaB: here d u ant t g?A: Have u ever been t the spae useu?B: N, I havent H abut u?A: Step 6 Listening 2a 2b1Listen and irle the plaes that u hear2Listen again and irle T fr true r F fr falsenversatin 11 Tina ent t the spae useu last ear T/F2 hn has never been t the spae useu T/F3 Th

9、e are ging t tae the suba T/Fnversatin 2 1 Linda has been t the auseent par T/F2 Linda ent t the auseent par esterda T/F3 Linda is ging t the auseent par again b bie T/Fnversatin 31 Fran had a great tie at the ater par T/F2 Fran s friend has never been t the ater par T/F3 Fran and his friend are gin

10、g sating T/FAnser: TFT TFT FTT3Speaing L at the ap in 2a and ae nversatins abut the plaesA: Have u ever been t the spae useu?B: es, I have H abut u?A: N, I haventB: h, its fantasti Lets g trrA: H are e ging t get there?B: e an tae the suba4Speaing Rle-pla the nversatin in 2dA: I ent t the fil useu l

11、ast eeend Have u ever been there? B: es, I have I ent there ba in April Step 7 Language pints1 I learned abut the inventins that led t lr vies, t 我还了解了一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。此处 learn 是“ 了解;获知;得知”的意思,由介词 abut 或 f 引入所获知的具体内容。例如:The hildren ere all shed t learn f the death f their headaster 得知校长去世,孩子们都十分震惊。I n

12、l learned abut the aident later 我只是后才得知了事故的情况。2 I ve never been aping 我从未野营过。此句为现在完成进行时。这一时态的结构为“have been + 现在分词”,表示从过去某一时刻延续至今的动作。在本句中,说话人使用这一时态强调自己至今从未有过野营的经历,欠缺这方面的经验。又如:He s been athing TV all afternn 他一下午都在看电视。eve been living lie this ever sine the birth f little brther 自打我小弟弟出生,我们就一直这样生活。Exer

13、ise1 我去过北京两次。I _ _ _ Beiing tie2 大声读书是一种学习英语的好方法。Reading alud _ _ _ _ t learn English3 昨天他没有去那,我也没去。He didnt g there esterda _ _ 4 我了解了一些电影的知识。I _ _ se infratin abut vie他的粗心导致了这次失败。His arelessness _ _ this failure选用 have, has 填空:1 I _ tld hi the nes 2 She _ e ba fr shl3 u _ n the gae按要求改写下列各句:4 The have bught a puter (改成否定句)_He has lst his b (先改成一般疑问句,再作肯定与否定回答)_Step 8 Her1 Pratie the dialgue and reeber the language pints2 Previe the next lessnStep 9 Blabard Design



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