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1、2014 年四年级英语下册 4B 第五单元教案(最新译林版)个人初备案二次备时第一时题 Unit Seasns授类型新授教学目标 1 能听懂、会说、会读、会写 seasn, spring, ar, suer, ht, autun, l, inter, ld。2 能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is ar e g bating。3 能在老师的指导下有感情地朗读本首诗歌。4 能表达四季的气候特征及人们相应的活动。教学重难点 1 能听懂、会说、会读、会写 seasn, spring, ar, suer, ht, autun, l, inter, ld。2 能听懂、会说、会读、会

2、写 In spring, it is ar e g bating。3 能在老师的指导下有感情地朗读本首诗歌。4 能表达四季的气候特征及人们相应的活动。教学方法 Q-and-A ethd、r in pairs、free disussin、Grup rs教学手段 PPT、卡片、挂图教时安排 1 时教学过程 Step 1: ar up1Greeting2Pla a gae: Listen and guessT: D u lie listening t the usi? T: es, I lie it t N lets pla a gae abut it hen u listen t the sng,

3、 if u n the nae f the sng, please tell e as sn as pssible T: ell dne All f u did a g b 3 学习 seasnT: hat an u find ang the? T: es, the are all abut seasns (学习 seasn)T: As e all n, therere seven das in a ee H an seasns are there in a ear, d u n?T: es, therere fur Lets l at the pitures H beautiful!Step

4、2: Presentatin1 Learn abut the seasnsT: L at the piture, hat an u see in it ?T: an u guess hih seasn is it? N its spring(学习 spring) Are u ht? Are u ld?T: S its ar in spring e an d an interesting things in spring (学习 ar)T: It is ar, I fl ites hat else an e d in spring? ust use this sentene struture(教

5、授句型 It is , I ) 生举例T: In this seasn, it isnt ht, r ld, either It is ell The farers lie this seasn hih seasn is it?T: es, its autun (学习 autun) And its l Here “l” eans 凉爽的e n it has anther eaning is 酷的,漂亮的。e have learned abut it last ter D u reeber? hat an e d in autun? 生使用所提供的句型举例。T: Listen! an u gue

6、ss hih seasn is it n? es ,its suer ( 学习 autun) In suer, its ver ht I thin Se girls lie suer, beause the an ear nie sirts, right? hat an e d in suer? 生使用所提供的句型举例。T: hite is the ppular lur in this seasn And its the last seasn f a ear It s inter( 学习 inter) Seties it sns, s the grund turns hite e an ae

7、snen( 学习 snen,并讲解它的原型) 生使用所提供的句型举例。2 Sa a hant3 Str tie a)Read and plete the frT: ust n e taled abut the seasns ur friends are taling abut it t h are the? Lets have a lT: hat are the taling abut? Lets pen ur bs and turn t P32 Read it b urselves and tr t plete the fr n exerise paper Heres a learning

8、tip fr uhe the ansersT: H is the eather in spring?hat d e d in spring?b)Read Str tieT: N it s ur reading tie Read the pe b urselves hat d u thin f the pe? es, the pe is beautiful S e shuld read it beautifull N lets read it after the tapeT: N I ll give u t inutes t read the pe in a grup f fur Lets pe

9、te :hih grup reads best?Step3nslidatinT: All f the fur seasns are ver prett But I lie suer best Beause It is ht I eat a lt f fruit I ear nie sirts I have a suer vaatin H abut u? hih seasn d u lie best? rite it dn and tr t share ith us作业布置 1 Read and reite the pe ith etin 有感情地朗读小诗并背诵。xb 1 2hse ne sea

10、sn and pse a pe 选择一个季节,并创编一首诗。 3Previe Fun tie and artn tie板书设计 Unit Seasnsspring ar fl ites/g bating suer ht eat ie reas/ g siing autun l have pinis/ g libing inter ld ae snen/ sating 教后反思个人初备案二次备时第二时题 Unit Seasns授类型新授教学目标 1 能听得懂,会读,会说,会写单词:spring, suer,autun, inter, ht, ar, l, ld 2 能听得懂、会读、会说句子:e

11、lie spring/suer/autun/interIn, it is ar/l/ht/ld e 3 自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。4 有感情地朗读。教学重难点 1 能听得懂,会读,会说,会写单词:spring, suer,autun, inter, ht, ar, l, ld 2 能听得懂、会读、会说句子:e lie spring/suer/autun/interIn, it is ar/l/ht/ld e 3 自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。4 有感情地朗读。 教学方法 Q-and-A ethd、r in pairs、free disus

12、sin、Grup rs教学手段 PPT、卡片、挂图教时安排 1 时教学过程 Step 1: ar up1 Pla a gae T: Hell,bs and girls S: Hell T: H are u tda? Is it ht tda? Is it suer n?S: Fine, thans / es / N T: Bs and girls, tda firstl lets pla a gae I ging t sh u se rds r pitures Please tr t guess hat seasn it is(PPT 显示游戏内容)Ss: (学生根据老师出示的单词或图片猜季节

13、) Step 2 Tal abut the fur seasns 1 Revie Part A T: Bs and girls, d u lie this gae? S: es T: ell, e all n that therere fur seasns in a ear And e d different things in eah seasnHere I have se ards an u read the?(黑板上先翻出春天卡片 spring, ar, fl ites, g bating) S: 读卡片 T: es N an u tr t finish the rest f three

14、 arding t Str tie? (学生不看书,回忆 str tie 口头填写剩下的三个季节,说对了,老师翻出卡片)T: Gd! N lets tal abut the fur seasns arding t the S: 根据黑板上的卡片说四季。 In spring, it is ar e fl ites, e In suer, it is ht e eat ie reas, e In autun In inter, 2 Pla a ard gae T: N lets pla a ard gae h ants t pla this gae ith e?In this gae, first

15、l, ne f u shs ne fur ards Fr exaple, I sh the ard-suer And the ther t students shuld sh their ards hih are abut suer And anne f u an sh the ard first But hen u are plaing, please tr t sa thesentenes here (示范游戏, 强调语言) (学生在小组内玩卡片游戏) 3 Atuall, ever seasn is lrful Lets en a pe abut seasns D u lie it? An

16、g the seasns, hih seasn d u lie best? hat d u d? L at the b He lies inter best, and he has a seasn ard f inter Step3 ae a seasn ard 1D u ant t have a seasn ard? But h d e ae it? L! It nludes t parts: ur pitures and ur pe Lets read it 2 hat an e rite n the seasn ard? N please disuss in grups: hat sentenes an u rite? S1: It is S



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