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1、十月新 SAT 写作五个提分建议两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/ is not more. More is more.写得多虽然无法确保高分,而且可能会给考官一种冗长啰嗦之感。但是写得越少,你的观点、论述、分析就越无法有效展开。所以,关键是要在写作数量和写作质量上做到平衡。字数是基本的要求,下面的几条建议可以帮助小伙伴在写作质量上获得提升。2.Pick one side.OG 上虽然明确指出在分析中,考生既可以论证原文是如何说服读者,同时也可以论证原文不具备说服力。但是,写作考试的文章来源都很权威,而且在考试有限的时间和紧张的氛围中,直接分析原文的说服力强是最明智的选择。3.Ta

2、ke notes在具体的新 SAT 写作过程中,考生需要经常的 refer back,如果在阅读原文的过程中,对原文的 feature(写作手法,如 evidence, reasoning, language 等)不做任何标注,写作时是不是会有一种手忙脚乱的感觉?所以清晰的笔记是完全有必要的。例如,用 “?”来标记原文中的 rhetorical question 修辞;用“” 标注修辞 contrast;用(WC) 标注修辞 Word choice。4.Use five-paragraph essay format.采用五段式写作结构,这一结构虽然有“八股文”之嫌,但是对于应试作文来说,可以省

3、很多构思文章结构的时间。一般来说,在文章第一段开门见山的提出正文中要分析的三个 features,正文三段对首段的三个 features 一一展开分析,末尾段对首段进行restate,整个文章就大功告成了。5.Pace yourself.相对于老 SAT 来说,虽然新 SAT 写作考试时间上延长至 50 分钟,但新 SAT 写作是一种基于阅读的写作,要求考生在透彻理解原文的基础上,从原文本中找到相应的细节来分析原文作者的论证说理过程。所以合理规划时间显得更为重要,一般建议考生:原文阅读和分析以十分钟为宜;写作过程三十五分钟为宜(开头和结尾段各 5 分钟;三个主体段落 25分钟);文章检查以五分

4、钟为宜。二、新 SAT 写作常用套路第一段:Determining whether something should or should not be done couldbe weighed inmany aspects.Different people have different answers due to their respectivepoint of view.On balance, my view is that the final judgment should depend ona case-by-caseanalysis of the two situations.In

5、my point of view, I agree with the speaker on the groundsthatAt the first glance, this opinion seems to be somewhatappealing, but furtherreflection tells me that I cannot agree with it for thefollowing reasons.第二段:同意The first and foremost reason why I support / agree with abovestatement isthat There

6、 is also a further more subtle/ point to consider.反对Although at first glance these arguments sound reasonable andappealing, theyare not borne out by a careful consideration.The undeniable deficiency in above arguments is that they arenegligent of thebare fact that.第三段:In conclusion, it must be expla

7、ined that these three reasonssometimes intertwineto form an organic whole, thus becoming more persuasivethan anyone of them. So,any thinking person must believe thatIn this argument, the arguer concludes thatTo substantiate the conclusion, the arguer points out thatIn addition, the arguer assumes th

8、at / reasons that / cites theexample of /cites the result of a recent study thatA careful examination of this argument would reveal howgroundless it is.First of all, the argument is based on a false analogy. /the arguer simplyassumes that but he does not provide any evidence that areindeed comparabl

9、e./ as we know, differ conspicuously. / it is true thatboth but even hereexist fundamental differences: / therefore, eventhoughproved effective in doing there is no guarantee that it will work justaswell for/ as a result, a and b do not establish a warranted analogy. sowecannot safely assume that (两

10、者无法比)Theauthor unfairly assumes that a bears some relation to B. / however, theauthorprovides no evidence to support that this is the case, nor does theauthorestablish a causal relationship between a and b. / it is highly possiblethatother factors might contribute to the b/change/progress. / for exa

11、mple, it isalso likely b just resulted from / lacking evidence that links a to b,it ispresumptuous to suggest that a was responsible for b. (无法建立必然的因果关系)Theevidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusiondrawnfrom it. / one example is rarely sufficient to establish a generalcon

12、clusion./ based on a specific example of it is logically unsounded to makesuggestionfor all / in fact, in face of such limited evidence, it isfallacious to drawany conclusion at all. / unless it can be shown that isrepresentative of all,the conclusion that is completely unwarranted. (单个事例不能说明整体问题)In

13、addition, the arguer commits a fallacy of hasty generalization. / even if,which is, of course, an unwarranted assumption, it does not follow that /itis highly possible that other factors may have contributed to b /forinstance, / besides, the arguer does not provide any solidinformationconcerning / u

14、nless , which is unknown from this argument, thereis noguarantee that / without ruling out these and other possible factorsthatgive rise to b, the author cannot confidently conclude that(结论得出过早,考虑不周到 )结尾部分From whathas been discussed above (Taking into account all these factors /Judging fromall evide

15、nce offered), we may safely draw (reach / come to / arriveat) theconclusion thatAll theevidence (analysis) supports (justifies / confirms / warrants / pointsto) a(n)unshakable (unmistakable / sound / just) conclusion that It ishigh time that we place (lay / put) great (special / considerable)emphasi

16、s onthe improvement (development / increase / promotion) ofIt ishigh time that we put an end to the deep-seated (unhealthy / undesirable/deplorable) situation (tendency / phenomenon) ofWe mustlook (search / all / cry) for an immediate action (method / measure),becausethe present (current) situation (phenomenon / tendency / state /attitude) of, if perm



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