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1、1,如何选定论文题目,2013年1月,2,The Main Points,The definition of “论文”The function of it The classification of itThe differences between “paper”,”dessertation” and “thesis”The purpose of our “论文”The principles to followThe ways to choose your topicSome croteria of good titlesSome common errorsExercises,3,1. Th

2、e definition of 论文,论文是学术论文的简称:某一学术课题在实验性、理论性或观测性上具有新的科 学研究成果或创新见解和知识的科学记录,或是某种已 知原理应用于实际中取得新进展的科学总结。用于提供学术会议上宣读、交流或讨论,或在学术刊物 上发表,或作其他用途的书面文件。,4,2. The function,1、可以记录新的科研成果,也是学术研究的有效手段。 2、促进学术交流,成果推广和科技发展,促进科研深化。 3、考核作者知识、科研水平的重要载体之一。,5,3. The classification,按功能分: 研究论文:科研机构 考核论文:学校 课程论文、学年论文、学位论文 学士

3、学位论文 硕士学位论文 博士学位论文,6,4. The differences between paper,dissertation and thesis,考核论文:以考查学习者对本课程内容的认知和理解为目的的论文写作。学位论文: 学士学位论文:总结前人经验,有自己的心得。 硕士学位论文:在前人的基础上有新见解,反映作者有独立从事科研的 能力。 博士学位论文:要求在科学或专门技术上做出创造性成果,能从论文的写 作中反映出作者有渊博的理论知识和相当熟练的科研能力。 Paper: refers to an essay for a certain course during your univers

4、ity studies, so we have term paper. Dissertation: refers to a long essay that you do as part of a degree or other qualification that you are studying for, for example a BA or an MA. Thesis: refers to a long piece of writing, based on your own ideas and research that you do as part of a university de

5、gree, esp. a PhD.,7,5. Our purpose,5.1 写作目的:考查学生经过大学本科四年的专业学习,在独立思考的基 础上,运用所学专业知识,提出一个新的问题、论述该问 题产生的原因,并提出解决该问题的方案的能力。 5.2 如何确定毕业论文的选题方向 按照毕业论文题目的性质,基本上可以分为两大类: 一类: 理论论述 文学、语言学、语用学、翻译理论、教学理论等 (专业学科本身发展中存在的基本范畴和基本理论问题) 另一类:实证 教学方法问题、学习方法问题等 (理论在实践中应用的实际问题),8,6. The principles, From personal interest,

6、 choose the writer or the works you are familiar with. Your experience, hobbies, college courses, or according to your career plan. 但要与自己的实际语言学习有联系的,应从语言学习的角度展开讨论。,9,7. The ways,7.1 浏览捕捉法 第一步:Browsing through library references 第二步:Dividing, listing, grouping 第三步:generating your own ideas 7.2 追溯验证法

7、pursuing and verifying 追溯验证的选题方法,是以主观的“拟想”为出发点,沿着一定方向对已有研究成果步步紧跟,一追到底,从中获得“一己之见”的方法。但这种主观的“拟想”绝不是“凭空想象”,必须以客观事实、客观需要等作为依据。,10,8.Some criteria of good titles,The title of a dissertation is expressing the main topic of your essay. It contains the main idea and controlling area of the problem to be dis

8、cussed. the main idea:讨论什么 controlling area:在什么范围内讨论e.g. The Analysis of Characterization in Golden Notes from Feminism (从女性主义批评看金色笔记中的人物描写) A Study of Woolfs Feminism in To the Lighthouse (从到灯塔去看沃尔夫的女权主义思想) Chinglish in Translation: A Survey of C-E Translation Assignments of English Majors at Hebut

9、 (英语专业学生中式英语使用调查:以河北工业大学学生汉译英作 业为例),11,9. Some common errors,9.1 选题过大/过小 too broad or too narrowToo broad e.g. *Analysis of the Teaching Methods of College English Teachers Comparison of Cultural Connotationsof English and Chineseof Number * International Business Communication *A Comparison of Supe

10、rstition Culture between China and Western CountriesToo narrow e.g. * A Study on the Business Curriculums of English Major at Hebut * A Survey of the Views on Assignments among Teachers and Students at School of Foreign languages of HB university of Technology,12,9.2 选题过难 Not manageable e.g. *A Comp

11、arison Between Two Chinese Versions of Gone with the Wind *What to Affect Us to Learn One Language-Innate or Postnatal *The Vicissitude of English in Renaissance Reflected in Shakespeares Henry V (从亨利五世看以莎士比亚为代表的文艺复兴时期英语的 变迁),13,9.3 选题陈旧 e.g. *Analysis on the Black Humor of Catch-22 (分析第二十二条军规中的黑色幽默

12、) *An Analysis of Tragedy of Love in Sons and Lovers (儿子与情人中爱情悲剧探究)9.4 选题偏差 e.g. *Yang Hsien-Yis Translation Strategies-Examples in A Dream of Red Mansion (从红楼梦英译本看杨宪益的翻译策略) (什么策略、若干策略?) *An Analysis of Business English Teaching of the English Majors at Hebei University of Technology (河北工业大学商务英语教学情况

13、调查) 商务英语是一门课程还是一个学科?) *Analysis of the Characters in the Scarlet Letter (红字中的人物分析) (分析什么?),14,10. Exercise,Improve the following titles (1)Learning Styles of English Learners - A Research Based on the English Majors at HEBUT (英语学习者的学习风格 - 基于河北工业大学英语专业的调查)(2)A Comparative Study on Tragedy in the Works of Cao Yu and Eugene ONeill (曹禺与尤金奥尼尔作品中的悲剧观比较)(3)On Lord of the Ring s Main Characters (4)On Communicative Network English 网络交际英语(5)A Comparison between Different English and Chinese Associative Meanings of Red and Yellow and Their Translation Techniques (红色与黄色联想意义的汉英比较及其翻译处理),



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