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1、Unit 1I. 单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)( )21. Is your schoolbag the same _ your brothers? No, they are in different colors.A. for B. fromC. by D. as ( )22. Our classmates are very _ in class. We often answer our teachers questions quickly.A. quiet B. active C. surprised D. relaxed ( )23. Why dont you fly kite

2、s with us this afternoon? Because my mother asks me to _ my little sister at home. A. look after B. look for C. look at D. agree with( )24. Vickers _ washes his shoes, so they are very dirty. A. usually B. hardlyC. often D. always ( )25. It is important for us to _ healthy. Yes. So we should do spor

3、ts often. A. discuss B. mindC. keep D. stand ( )26. There are 30 students in our class. _ students are girls. There are 21 girls. A. Some B. Most C. No D. All ( )27. The man never feels happy, _ he has lots of money. A. although B. or C. so D. and ( )28. _ times did you do exercise last week? Twice.

4、 A. How often B. How muchC. How long D. How many( )29. Chinese is our mother language, so we _ learn it well. A. must B. wouldC. may D. can ( )30. Maria and her brother try their best _ the door, but the wind is too strong. A. closing B. closeC. to close D. to closing ( )31. How can I have a _ lifes

5、tyle? Have _ meat and do more exercise. A. better; more B. better; lessC. good; fewerD. good; more ( )32. Many students dislike having breakfast. _ me, it is very important. A. In fact B. Of course C. Next to D. As for ( )33. _ was your high school life? It was pretty good. A. What B. Where C. When

6、D. How( )34. Does the girl like eating junk food? _. Her parents never let her eat it. A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesnt C. Yes, it is D. No, it isnt( )35. How often do you eat chicken? _.A. Every day B. No, I dislike itC. For three times D. Last weekendII. 完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)Jon Hunt is a famous

7、(著名的) writer and he works at home. He is 36 from many writers. Why? Because he likes going outside and 37 . For example, he often runs, goes camping and goes skateboarding. Because of his healthy 38 , he is very happy. And he is always in good 39 . How can he keep healthy? He tells us 40 pieces of a

8、dvice (意见). First, keep exercising every day. He gets up at 6:00 am and runs 41 one hour every morning. And he walks to mountains three times a week. So dont be lazy. Second, remember to have 42 . It is very important. As for him, he always has lots of porridge, bread or milk after doing morning exe

9、rcises. Then 43 after working. Dont worry (担忧) too much about your work. It isnt 44 for your health. You can try listening to music or walking with friends 45 you have time. ( )36. A. same B. different C. popular D. clever ( )37. A. exercising B. talking C. writing D. reading ( )38. A. hobby B. acti

10、on C. lifestyle D. thought ( )39. A. life B. situation C. mind D. health ( )40. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )41. A. for B. with C. from D. between ( )42. A. meal B. supper C. breakfast D. lunch ( )43. A. relax B. talkC. practice D. leave ( )44. A. bad B. good C. regular D. cool ( )45. A. altho

11、ugh B. orC. so D. if III. 阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)A难度:A Great Basketball Match in Changhe GymDo you like playing basketball? Do you want to watch those famous players play basketball in scene (现场)? If yes, please come to Changhe Gym.Tickets: 50 yuan for one, 80 yuan for twoTime: 4 pm - 6 pm on SaturdayR

12、ules: 1. Please arrive on time. You cant come in if youre late. 2. Dont take any food into the gym except (除了) some drinks.3. Dont speak loudly.4. Dont fight with others. 5. Take away your litter (垃圾) when you leave.If you want to know more, please call 010- 84867335 or send emails to .Hope you can

13、come! 根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。( )46. If one wants to watch the basketball match in Changhe Gym, he should arrive _ on Saturday.A. anytime between 4 pm and 6 pm B. after 6 pm C. before 4 pm D. before 4 am( )47. If Tom is going to watch the match with his parents, they have to pay _. A. 150 yuan B. 140 yuanC. 1

14、30 yuan D. 80 yuan( )48. What can you NOT do in the gym?Drink water. Talk with others loudly. Take away the litter. Eat some food. A. B. C. D. ( )49. If you want to know more about the match, you can _. A. write a letter to the gymB. send an email or give a callC. send messages to 010-84867335D. com

15、e to the gym( )50. Why does the writer write this passage?A. To show a wonderful basketball match.B. To introduce some rules in the gym.C. To tell us how to know more about the match.D. To ask us to watch the basketball match.B难度:If parents want their children to have healthy eating habits, they should ask their children to cook. When children learn to


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