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1、 G M A T GMAT GMAT currency1GMAT “fi fl fl ” ” “ “ currency1 “ 意见和也请联系我们“213. (GWD-3-Q34)Shoppers in sporting goods stores, unlike in departmentstores, do very little impulse shopping, not buying a pair of skisand a boomerang when they come in for a basketball, but theyleave with a basketball onlyA.

2、 in department stores, do very little impulse shopping, notbuying a pair of skis and a boomerang when they come in for abasketball, but they leave with a basketball onlyB. in department stores, shop impulsively very little; someonewho comes in for a basketball will leave with a basketball onlyand no

3、t also buy a pair of skis and a boomerang as wellC. those in department stores, do very little impulseshopping, do not buy a pair of skis and a boomerang when theycome in for a basketball, but leave with only a basketballD. those in department stores, do very little impulseshopping; someone who come

4、s in for a basketball will leave witha basketball only and not buy a pair of skis and a boomerang aswell (D)E. department stores, shop impulsively very little; someonewill not buy a pair of skis and a boomerang when they come infor a basketball but will leave with only a basketball 释义:Shoppers in in

5、 sporting goods stores, unlike thosein department stores, do;someone :国 办 签证是必 少 而办 签证 程亦难易简 政策 递交材料 申请签证 领取签证!玩转 签证 你顺利拿下各国签证!名校师哥师姐 你 牛校申请经验谁申请高手 秘密赶紧来探秘 下吧!(comparison) 逻辑意 (logical predication)1. like/unlike 象要绝 等“2. 各个 句之间 逻辑 系“3. 平行 称:not but4. 副词 修饰位置:even修饰 级 放 级之前“ever放助动词之后“only、first放被 调

6、成 之前alone放被 调 成 之后“ :A. shoppers和departmentstores 等;notbut 平行应改 but leaving with abasketball only但样改 也 but leaving修饰they come in for abasketball 歧义还是 好B. shoppers和department stores 等;shop impulsively very little 另 个含义:冲动地买 东西(little currency1作 adj. 定是adv.)所currency1还是do very little impulse shopping

7、”;also和aswell重复;leave with only abasketball 调 是带走 是 个篮球而 是两个或者 而leavewith a basketball only 调 是带走 是篮球C. do very little impules shopping和do not buy a pair of skis个是概括 个是 化功 同无 平行而且but 连 个成 连 两个所currency1 逻辑 do notbuy之前也要 andD. correct;两个 同 联系 句 semicolon连 是 “Andas well 重复 aswell修饰 是and后 动词buy( 见prep2

8、-166 ” but instead ”);Onlyadj.修饰basketballE. shoppers和department stores 等;shop impulsively verylittle 同B;they ;only放abasketball前 调含义改 同B214. (T-9-Q31)Scholars who once thought Native American literatures weresolely oral narratives recorded by missionaries or anthropologistsnow understand this body o

9、f work to consist of both oralliteratures and the written works of Native American authors,who have been publishing since 1772.A. Scholars who once thought Native American literatureswere solely oral narrativesB. Scholars thinking of Native American literatures oncesolely as oral narratives, andC. S

10、cholars who once had thought of Native Americanliteratures solely as oral narratives andD. Native American literatures, which some scholars oncethought were solely oral narratives (A)E. Native American literatures, which some scholars once,thinking they were solely oral narratives 释义: Scholars who o

11、nce thought (that) NAL werenarratives now understand :句 (grammatical construction) 逻辑意 (logicalpredication)1. some scholars thought是 系 句 见后 ”“2. 成 必 间 currency1动作currency1 “3. 定 句作定 词“ 作定 (1)定 句 调 间 动作,currency1动作 ; 词“ 调fifl 定 间, 象/重复/ 行 定 句 词 少 (2) currency1 , 词“ 定 句( 简”),定 句要转 词“ (但 歧义)(3)定 句 含动词

12、转化 词“ (4)ing 词 成 名词 定 ,必转化 定 句n.+ having donen. that4. think of sth. as sth.(Longman): to consider that someoneor something is a particular thing or has a particular quality :A. correctB.词“ 来 定 句 词;once 修饰solely asoral narratives 歧义;and 前句 C.成 必要 成 ;think ofsth. as.意 是 作 而 句 是 是 thinkas ;and后recorde

13、d修饰 象 ”D. understand 成 Native Americanliteratures E. which some scholars once, thinking they were solely oralnarratives 且which 定 句 “”: 系 句 by tankobe:OG12-118. The world wildlife fund has declared that globalwarming, a phenomenon most scientsts agree to be caused byhuman begings in burning fossil fu

14、els, will create havoc amongmigratory birds by altering the enviroment in ways harmful totheir habitats.a) A phenomenon most scientists agree to be caused byhuman beings in burning fossil fuels,b) a phenomenon most scientists agree that is caused byfossil fuels burned by human beings,c) a phenomenon that most scientists agree is caused byhuman beings burning of fossil fuelsd) which most scientists agree on as phenomenon caused byhuman beings who burn fossil fuels,e) which most scientsts agree to be a phenomenon causedby fossil fuels burned by human beings(国 和国 ) C 释是


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